Podcast Spotlight: Highbrow Drivel

Last updated on February 4th, 2021
Comedian and host Anthony Jeannot has created a truly unique podcast where listeners are guaranteed to learn something interesting each episode! Jeannot invites the likes of conspiracy theory experts, psychedelics researchers, and award-winning authors for a freeform chat to better understand (and have a laugh about) the world around us. Each week, they are excited to explore a new topic and quickly jump into a casual, intellectual conversation that engages all parties. Guests provide the best of both worlds by keeping listeners chuckling while introducing ideas you may have never even considered. Jeannot started this podcast in December 2020, when society could really use a mental break from the coronavirus pandemic. If you have ever felt your brain melting at a desk job or needed adult company away from the kids, Highbrow Drivel is for you. Episodes are about an hour long, so choose a topic you are excited about, put your thinking cap on, and get ready for hilarious takes from serious experts.
We were fortunate to talk with Anthony Jeannot about the podcast Highbrow Drivel, how they differentiate from other podcasts, and their future plans in podcasting. See below for our full Q&A.
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DISCOVER PODS: How’d you get into podcasting?
JEANNOT: I’m a stand-up comedian, so I have a bunch of funny friends and have always had fun being a guest on other people’s podcasts. This year, when I couldn’t gig live I thought, “Ok, here’s a chance for me to create something different.” I didn’t want it to just be two comedians shooting the breeze, because I think there’s a lot of great examples of that already. I like learning and I think the world needs experts to be listened to now more than ever, so maybe me and my funny friends can talk to some experts. We can all have fun and give experts another platform along the way.
Read more: 5 Comedy Improv Podcasts
DISCOVER PODS: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to Highbrow Drivel?
JEANNOT: You’ll laugh, you’ll learn, you won’t get lied to. I love podcasts that are fun to listen to and make me more interesting at parties, and I think this podcast is designed to deliver that perfectly. You’ll be able to steal our jokes and our facts. What a baller!
DISCOVER PODS: What kind of feedback have you heard from your listeners?
JEANNOT: The reviews have been exactly what I’m hoping for. Words like:
“Thought-provoking comedy” “interesting discussions with enough humour to keep it moving.”
Also, for a podcast that is 3 weeks old, I’ve been at 98 (UK comedy charts) 81 (Australian comedy charts) and 55 (Finland comedy charts) Shout out to Finland, if you keep this up I may have to move there.
DISCOVER PODS: Describe your recording set up? What equipment are you using?
JEANNOT: Because it’s always been a remote podcast, I use the home office and plug up all the doors in the house with blankets. I record in Zencastr which has decent echo removal and then run it through auphonic which does some decent levelling.
DISCOVER PODS: What’s the biggest challenge you face as an indie podcaster?
JEANNOT: Time is the obvious one. I want my expert guests to be full of knowledge and comfortable recording. So I have to look at their academic writing, then try to find them giving speeches and it takes a lot of time. But it is worth it.
DISCOVER PODS: Where do you want to take your podcast?
JEANNOT: I love Joe Rogan’s podcast but think it’s a pain in the arse he regularly gives a platform to scumbags. I’m not shooting for his fame or numbers or money or anything like that. But I’d love to have a podcast that has enough of reputation that people could go ‘oh, those topics are covered on Highbrow Drivel, but you’ll never have to listen to Alex Jones!
Read more: The 12 Best Guests on the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast
DISCOVER PODS: What other podcasts are you listening to now?
JEANNOT: I’m loving The Last Post; it’s a short daily satirical news program that is smart, funny and really fun.
DISCOVER PODS: Anything else you’d like to add?
JEANNOT: I am definitely open to episode suggestions. So if you hit me up (Anthony Jeannot) on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram with someone you’d like me to talk to or something you’d like me to talk about, I’ll consider it.
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