Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods Find your next favorite podcast Tue, 18 Apr 2023 15:03:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods Find your next favorite podcast clean The Best 10 EarthDay Podcasts To Unlock Your Green Side Tue, 18 Apr 2023 14:42:12 +0000 Let's celebrate this Earth Day with some excellent podcast recommendations from Arielle.

The post The Best 10 EarthDay Podcasts To Unlock Your Green Side appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

Not that every day shouldn’t be earthday, but now that April is officially upon us, it’s time we look at what podcasts have to offer up.

Podcasts pair very well with nature. Don’t you just love bringing your favorite podcast with you outside for a walk, to sit under a tree, or to hang out at the park? One of my favorite activities when I’m in a rut, creatively, is going on a podcast walk. I stick my AirPods in and set out on an outdoor adventure with zero destination in mind.

I listen to whatever’s in my queue. After just a few minutes of hearing from my favorite hosts and creators, ideas start flowing. On this Earth Day, let’s connect the two.

Why we Celebrate Earth Day and the History of Earth Day

Ironically, we celebrate EarthDay because climate activists and Richard Nixon got on a bit of an environmental kick in the late 1960s. So, the history of EarthDay is a little weird. The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 and by the end of that year, the Nixon administration had created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and passed the Clean Air Act.

Environmental degradation and the world’s biodiversity have to be crashing pretty hard for the environmental movement to team up with Richard Nixon. Have environmental issues improved much since then?

Well, we are certainly using more renewable sources of energy and there is an official government organization devoted to problems like air pollution. So maybe future generations have a chance?

These podcasts ought to help us answer some of these pressing questions.

On to The Best EarthDay Podcasts For Your Normal Rotation

While you can find a podcast on pretty much any topic these days, including some fantastic science podcasts generally (let me know if you need any recommendations), in this blog post, I want to highlight podcasts that focus on climate change, the earth, sustainability, and similar topics. Earth Day is here! Let’s celebrate with some audio.

Climate Vision 2050

Climate Vision 2050 is the EarthDay podcast for the hopeful among us.

If you like audio fiction mixed with hope, this show is for you. It imagines a world in which we’ve radically reduced carbon emissions and saved ourselves from a climate catastrophe. The year is 2050. Do you think it’s possible? Listen to find out!


How does food fit into the climate and sustainability discussion? Climavores looks into food systems and human consumption habits via this weekly chat show with journalists Tamar Haspel and Mike Grunwald. Learn about how wheat, a vital crop to so many diets, also has some pretty rough climate problems such as causing soil degradation.


Amy Westervelt is an award-winning investigative journalist who looks into what she calls “true crimes about climate change.” In her latest series, which dropped both on the Drilled and Damages podcast feeds, Westervelt looks into what happened when Guyanese government officials announced they’d struck oil 40 miles offshore. The show looks at what oil colonialism looks like in the 21st century, and why everyone should care.

Still TBD

Curious about green tech? Still TBD is a solutions-oriented podcast from brothers Matt and Sean Ferrell, who discuss electric vehicles, renewable energy, smart technology, and how all of these impact our lives. Recently, Matt and Sean discussed how the future is… worms? Matt’s popular YouTube channel Undecided, which explores how sustainable and smart technologies impact our lives, has more than a million followers. Still TBD brings his smart and creative reporting and storytelling straight to your ears.

A Matter of Degrees

There’s a lot of doom and gloom when it comes to the climate crisis. Americans like to bounce between optimism and pessimism on a pretty regular basis. It’s something of a staple of the United States.

But what tools do we have to actually do something about it? On A Matter of Degrees, hosts Dr. Leah Stokes and Dr. Katharine Wilkinson discuss current events with a bend towards action, like reducing reliance on fossil fuels like natural gas.

Meet leaders in the climate justice movement, such as Marina Anderson, deputy director of the Sustainable Southeast Partnership, and learn how they are fighting the impacts of the climate crisis.

House on Fire

But where are the young people? You know, the people who are hopefully gonna live on this planet as it warms up… Right here! This show is a youth-centered podcast based in climate ground zero, AKA Miami, Florida. House on Fire brings you intersectional and intergenerational conversations with scientists, activists, artists, and more about how to become active in the climate crisis movement. If you’re looking to get involved, this show will be right up your alley.


Need news about climate change? Need it fast? TILclimate, the award-winning show from MIT, will give it to you. Each episode focuses on one topic and tells you what you need to know about it as it relates to the climate crisis and what you can do about it.

Climate Rising

How does the world of business factor into the climate crisis? Climate Rising from Harvard Business School brings business and policy leaders together to share insights about what business have done, are currently doing, and can do in the future to combat climate change. Where should companies be located? How should they make purchasing decisions? Where should their product roadmaps be focused on? Climate Rising explores these questions and more.

The Trail Ahead

When we refer to “the great outdoors,” what do we really mean? Hosts Faith E. Briggs and Addie Thompson are athletes, environmental advocates, and activities. On The Trail Ahead, they speak with folks from all walks of life about what the outdoors means to them. Part of that discussion is focused on environmental sustainability, but also on equal access to being and enjoying “the great outdoors.” 


Humans “use” the natural world in a number of ways. Outside/In explores how, mixing powerful storytelling and reporting  to cover topics like hiking, sledding, driving, worms, and so much more. Each episode investigates a topic and shares reflections on how we depict nature. Curious about competitive sled dog racing and how it relates to the climate? Outside/In has got you covered.


This may be where we are ending today, but it isn’t really the conclusion. Get out there and volunteer. Continue to recycle. Pick up a bit of extra litter in your day to day life. Start to compost. Swap out a plastic bottle for a metal flask. Learn something about the endangered species act.

There are a myriad of activities we can collectively do to save our oceans and the planet. Including listening to the relevant podcasts and vetting your resources. Don’t let EarthDay be something we only think about during the spring equinox. It can be something we take part in each and every day.

Happy Earth Day 2023! I hope these podcasts help you celebrate this planet and also expose you to some stories, people, and opportunities you may not have been aware of previously. Happy listening.

The post The Best 10 EarthDay Podcasts To Unlock Your Green Side appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

Podcasting, Seriously Erases the Margins with Their Awards Fund Fri, 27 Aug 2021 20:19:35 +0000 A few weeks ago, I turned on my computer and navigated to YouTube to stream the first-ever Ambies Award Ceremony live. The Podcast Academy, which was announced at Podcast Movement Evolutions in Los Angeles in February 2020, successfully launched a half-remote, half-in-person event that celebrated podcasts and awarded Ambies (awards for excellence in podcasting) to […]

The post Podcasting, Seriously Erases the Margins with Their Awards Fund appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

A few weeks ago, I turned on my computer and navigated to YouTube to stream the first-ever Ambies Award Ceremony live. The Podcast Academy, which was announced at Podcast Movement Evolutions in Los Angeles in February 2020, successfully launched a half-remote, half-in-person event that celebrated podcasts and awarded Ambies (awards for excellence in podcasting) to a number of winners. 

Many in the podcast space point to the Ambies, and other events like them, as a sign of a maturing industry. On May 4th, Deadline reported that Tribeca debuted a podcast slate, a festival first. Audio being celebrated at award ceremonies and arts festivals really does feel like a change is afoot; creators can now produce content and potentially be recognized on a global stage for their accomplishments, just like film and television producers and creators can. 

But who can submit to these festivals and award ceremonies? Sure, the answer is that technically anyone can enter their work for a chance to be considered for an award. This is the case for TV, film, and now, for podcasting as well. But it’s not that clear cut. 

According to, submitting a podcast costs $40 at most. That price, in and of itself, is not prohibitive. However, if you’re a creator looking for recognition, you’re not just submitting your podcast to one festival. You’re repeating this process all over the country, all over the world. $40 once isn’t that much to ask. But $40 ten times over may cause a creator to say “I’ll try next year” or “maybe when I have some funding.”

Read more: How To Start A Podcast (The Complete Guide)

There’s a lot more that goes into the submission process, too. It’s not just about the cash. Sometimes there are essays, videos, interviews, and sometimes, your piece has to have been previously unpublished, which means you most likely haven’t (or can’t have) monetized it in front of an audience. These costs add up: the cost of your time, paying other production staff, paying interns, paying a marketing team, and more. This means that traditionally, only shows that are part of big networks or shows privately funded or with large teams can enter, so often when someone says they were nominated for an award, it means they really just had the means to apply. 

It’s for these reasons, among many others, that Juleyka Lantigua decided to create the Podcasting, Seriously Awards Fund. Lantigua is the founder of LWC, a company that creates “audio and video experiences that stay with you long after the credits, using digital tools and original storytelling techniques.” The company was founded in 2017 and has recently adopted the slogan “Erasing the margins.” They aim to create and support work that does just that. One of their projects is the Podcasting, Seriously Fund, which, with the help of fund partners AIR Media, Pacific Content, and Acast, invites creators to apply to get reimbursed for the cost of submitting their work to audio awards. 

I wanted to learn more about this initiative because I believe the possibilities for creativity in audio are endless and that we haven’t scratched the surface. In order to access that, we need more voices, more creators, more producers to enter the space. I spoke to the Fund’s advisory board about what motivated them to join the Podcasting, Seriously Fund and their hopes for it. 

Meet the board: Chris Colbert, CEO of DCP Entertainment, Tiffany Ashitey, director of partnerships at Acast, Twila Dang, founder and CEO of Matriarch Digital, Steve Pratt, VP at Pacific Content, Jen Chien, executive editor at LWC, Phyllis Fletcher, senior editor at the New York Times, and Ken Ikeda, CEO of AIR Media. It’s truly an all-star cast of podcast and audio folks. They share some incredible insights for the  Podcasting, Seriously Fund. Enjoy!

What drew you to become a board member of the Podcasting, Seriously Fund?

Chris Colbert:

I have personally seen how frustrating it can be to do great work that isn’t able to be recognized, all because there wasn’t enough money to apply for the award(s) I thought it had a real opportunity to win. So, like my fellow members, I want to help lower that barrier to entry.

Twila Dang:

Honestly, when Juleyka described what she wanted to do with the fund, it spoke to everything I love about the podcasting community we are building. Recognition of independent podcasters, providing support to members of our community that deserve an opportunity to be considered, creating equity—it was all there. I had to show up and support it. What she’s done in a very short amount of time is amazing.

Ken Ikeda:

Juleyka approached me with the vision for the Fund and it is such a brilliantly simple and direct means to address participation and change when it comes to recognition. There is no pipeline issue. Let’s make this undeniable. I believe in the “Yes, and…” starting point for every exchange. This was such an easy one to agree to and no one inspires confidence the way that Juleyka can. 

Steve Pratt:

I have been incredibly impressed seeing what Juleyka and her team have been doing in the podcasting and social audio space. She very kindly contributed to our annual list of podcast predictions at the end of 2020 and I just loved her contributions. We set up a call to get to know each other and at the end of the call, she told me about the Podcasting, Seriously Fund to see if we might be interested in participating. She also let me know that if we came on board, we could open up the fund outside the U.S. and allow Canadian BIPOC, Queer and Trans audio creators to participate. It was a really easy decision for all of us at Pacific Content—we were on board in under a day 🙂

Phyllis Fletcher:

I thought of myself when I was starting out in radio. I was an unpaid intern, and then a part-time freelancer. I also secured an artist residency that gave in-kind support for my first audio documentary, but expenses like awards entry fees were on me. Because of that, my income as a part-time freelancer limited the recognition I could seek for my most meaningful work. Access to a fund like this would have let me compete more broadly as an independent producer.

Tiffany Ashitey:

As a pod creator and former producer, I know firsthand the challenges of being a diverse creator in this environment. So I gladly want to support any organization that is working to further progress. Plus, I’ve heard amazing things about Juleyka and her work. So I was enthused about the opportunity.

The Podcasting, Seriously Fund supports independent BIPOC, Queer and Trans audio producers in submitting high-quality media work to media/journalism awards. What types of audio pieces do you want to see a surge in as a result of this initiative?

Steve Pratt:

I hope this isn’t a weird answer, but I am not expecting to see any particular types of pieces. If anything, I am hoping to be surprised by new and experimental audio formats, stories, and points of view. I am most excited to discover new creators, to have their work considered for awards to which they might not otherwise be able to submit, and hopefully, to have that work celebrated and given a broader audience.

Jen Chien:

I’d like to see more stories and work that centers people who are historically at the margins.  

Chris Colbert: 

I hope to see a surge in all kinds of podcasts! I feel like that’s the point of this fund. We will see more of these incredible producers becoming the leading podcasters in various genres.

Tiffany Ashitey:

I would love more narrative stories, more fiction storytelling, and more podcasts in the wellness category.

How will you know it’s been a success?

Twila Dang: 

It sounds trite but, when independents can compete without barriers (accidental or intentional) that exclude them from equal consideration.

Ken Ikeda: 

I think we should focus on the long game. How many generations are we from seeing awards named after or renamed for the QTBIPOC talent supported by the Fund today? My entire lifetime, every achievement award and lifetime award, with few exceptions are non-QTBIPOC. They may be extraordinary and deserving, but we are still emerging from generations in which media did not recognize or include QTBIPOC. Our models of excellence whose names are on the awards are white with very few exceptions. 

Chris Colbert:

I already know it’s a success because we have money to give out. Regardless of people winning these awards, the Podcasting, Seriously team has created an opportunity that hasn’t been provided at this scale.

Phyllis Fletcher:

I’ll know this has been a success when we’ve given all the money to worthy competitors.

Advice for someone thinking of contributing to the fund?

Jen Chien:

Every dollar counts, and could help someone achieve their dreams. Why wouldn’t you want to be a part of that?  

Steve Pratt:

Podcasting is a new medium and we have a chance to build the industry and the medium that we all want it to be. Encouraging and supporting the broadcast range of voices to be heard and celebrated is something the whole industry can get behind and this fund is an amazing way to do that. One of my favorite things about podcasting is how collaborative it is—we have so many ways we work with each other to make it a great industry and this is a perfect example.

Twila Dang: 

We have an opportunity to build the type of industry we want to be a part of. A key component of that is making sure we don’t create the same types of gatekeeping that exists in other industries. The Podcasting, Seriously Fund is a start to help us create and maintain an equitable path to awards consideration. It cannot solve everything but it is a solid start. We can support the fund as a part of an ongoing effort to move our industry forward.

Phyllis Fletcher:

If a contribution is in your budget, please give, as I did! For me it was meaningful because I was doing something my past self would have appreciated and benefited from.

Advice for someone who is on the fence about applying for the Podcasting, Seriously Fund?

Chris Colbert: 

Just apply. There isn’t anything to lose. The only thing you have to lose is your own money if you don’t apply.

Twila Dang: 

The fund is there to help you. You deserve to have your hard work recognized. This is a way to do that. The money is right there! Put your hat in the ring! We want to help as many independent podcasters as we can. 

Ken Ikeda:

Its money back! Get reimbursed and submit to another or take that money and treat yourself, fix the shoulder strap on your recorder bag. Do this without guilt because you are paying it forward by challenging for and receiving awards that will shift the narrative from a few exceptional, unicorn QTBIPOC talent to a massively competitive field that reflects the best of the whole industry. 

Steve Pratt: 

You have nothing to lose! Go for it! 🙂 

Jen Chien:

Just do it! The money’s on the table, and we want to distribute it. 

Phyllis Fletcher:

Apply! If your work meets the fund guidelines, please apply. Our board has committed to making swift and fair decisions, and we want to consider as many applicants as we can.

As Lantigua and other board members have tweeted and shared in various Clubhouse rooms, they have money to give away. 

About the fund

“LWC launched the Fund to support independent BIPOC, Queer and Trans audio producers in submitting high-quality work to media/journalism awards. With AIR, Pacific Content, and Acast as Fund Partners, the Fund helps independent U.S. and Canada-based audio professionals submit work to key Canada and U.S. competitions by covering submission fees for producers, editors, and other creators. The Fund accepts reimbursement applications on a rolling basis year-round, and an individual can submit up to $200 in awards reimbursements per calendar year. The Podcasting, Seriously Fund is committed to supporting 200+ producer award submissions each year, disbursing at least $20,000 annually.”

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Exploring the Clubhouse / Podcasting Venn Diagram Fri, 26 Feb 2021 21:40:41 +0000 Clubhouse has made a big splash over the past few weeks. If you haven’t been on it yet, Clubhouse is an iOS-only, mobile-only, audio-based chat room experience. Lots of “onlys” as of now. There are plans for the app to expand to Androids users. No words yet on a desktop experience. The audio-only nature of […]

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Clubhouse has made a big splash over the past few weeks. If you haven’t been on it yet, Clubhouse is an iOS-only, mobile-only, audio-based chat room experience. Lots of “onlys” as of now. There are plans for the app to expand to Androids users. No words yet on a desktop experience. The audio-only nature of Clubhouse is here to stay, which is exciting to me as a long-time audiophile. 

Clubhouse: Drop-in audio chat

Are you on Clubhouse yet? The app is currently in a beta program and is only accessible via an invite from someone already on the app. Clubhouse founders made a bet on the temptation of exclusivity and it seems to have worked. I had heard of the app months before I was extended a beta invite. I joined in November when there were only 80,000 or so people on the app. According to Backlinko, there were 10 million users as of February 22nd. That’s up from 600,000 in December and 2 million in mid-January. It’s safe to say Clubhouse is growing exponentially.

But let’s back up. Audio-only chat rooms. What’s the draw? 

It’s audio-based, which is our medium. It’s short-form, which is how most podcasters operate. And it’s new media, which we are drawn to. But that’s really where the similarities stop.

Clubhouse says that it’s “a new type of social product based on voice [that] allows people everywhere to talk, tell stories, develop ideas, deepen friendships, and meet interesting new people around the world.” Essentially, users can open the app and either start their own room to discuss whatever’s on their mind, or they can hop in and out of other, already-in-progress rooms. There are a bunch of celebrities who are active on Clubhouse, which seems to be a draw for many users. There are celebs in the traditional sense — Tiffany Haddish, Kevin Hart, Drake, Ashton Kutcher — as well as new media “celebs” who offer marketing, business, and even content creation advice. Elon Musk has made a few appearances. Joe Rogan has been in a few rooms here and there. 

Read more: The 25 Best Joe Rogan Experience Podcast Episodes

The proposed draw is that you can be in the same relatively intimate chat room as one of the above celebs (and many more). And that you could potentially be in direct conversation with one or many of them, too. 

Podcasters have quickly flocked to Clubhouse to see what all the fuss is about. I trace a lot of the podcast rush to the app back to November, when Espree Devora became the face of the app. Espree is a popular podcaster who’s been in the game for a while and knows just about everyone in the industry. Clubhouse is big on community engagement and fostering a sense of togetherness among its users. One of the ways they manifest this idea is by choosing one Cluhouser per month to grace the app’s icon. 

Podcasters hanging out on Clubhouse makes sense. It’s audio-based, which is our medium. It’s short-form, which is how most podcasters operate. And it’s new media, which we are drawn to. But that’s really where the similarities stop.

While podcasters can (and at this point, maybe should) be on Clubhouse to connect with other podcasters, there are many differences between the two mediums. Let’s explore some of them. 

Clubhouse is very much a departure in content creation workflow for podcasters. The most obvious difference between the two is that podcasting is created as on-demand for listeners. It is created in advance to be consumed whenever a listener pleases; even months or years after the episode’s initial launch date. Clubhouse, however, is live. It’s a listen or leave it experience. While recording is possible, it’s not built into the app. Most creators looking to record their Clubhouse sessions will set up a mic to their phone and hit “record.” (There are more tech savvy ways to do this that will create a better-sounding end product, but we won’t go into that here). Creators who are recording Clubhouse rooms are encouraged to let listeners know that the room is being recorded because it may disincentivize some folks from participating in certain discussion topics or with the same intensity. There are rumblings that Clubhouse has plans to make a recording feature more obvious, and more easily accessible for creators and listeners. 

Creators know that the best way to make their shows accessible to all is to create transcripts. They know that, when creating video elements to go along with audio, that closed-captioning is a must. Do they always comply? No.

Will this affect how creators create on Clubhouse? I think it offers an opportunity to bring people into the conversation in real time. It could be a big opportunity for advice shows, call-in sports podcasts, and others of similar ilk. Castbox has a feature like this that has been in use for a while that didn’t take off nearly as swimmingly as Clubhouse. But at this point, speculating on the future of Clubhouse’s recording features is just that: speculation.

Let’s talk a bit about accessibility for d/Deaf or HoH folks. As of now, Clubhouse is audio-only and live, which means no closed captioning and no transcription services. This Forbes article, written by Steven Aquino, explores how far the inaccessibility of Clubhouse extends. Aquino writes: “It’s clear accessibility wasn’t a priority to Clubhouse’s founders or engineers. Perhaps they have accessibility somewhere on their product roadmap, but it still disappoints. Accessibility is never something teams can ‘bolt on’ after the fact because they don’t know any better or are too preoccupied with shipping a thing on time.”

Contrast this with the drive for accessibility in podcasting, which, while still leaves a lot to be desired, at least is out there in the open. Creators know that the best way to make their shows accessible to all is to create transcripts. They know that, when creating video elements to go along with audio, that closed-captioning is a must. Do they always comply? No. Like I said, there’s much to be desired. 

Read more: How to make your podcast more accessible using transcripts

Clubhouse rewards experimentation in show types, whereas podcasting rewards consistency and building a relationship with your core base of listeners. When I consult on podcasts with creators, my main pieces of advice are that they should strive for consistency, transparency, and splitting their content up into seasons. If I consulted with creators on Clubhouse (maybe we’ll get there one day), all of that would be out the window. For podcasters, pick a day of the week and publish your show on that day. Stick to that day no matter what. Unless you are transparent with your listeners as to why you, for whatever reason, weren’t able to publish an episode that day. Splitting your content into seasons allows podcasters a chance to breathe; to assess their analytics, bank some content, and even switch up the premise of the show entirely if they decide to do so (as long as they’re transparent about it). 

It’s simply too soon to tell what is definitely the way to go with Clubhouse content creation. Therefore… experiment, experiment, experiment.

On Clubhouse, however, since we’re just at the beginning of the app’s presence in an almost mainstream sense, none of the above applies. In fact, testing out different room headlines is advised. I run a weekly Clubhouse room with SquadCas.fmt, the remote recording app, where we share remote podcast recording tips with listeners. The room is going on its 10th week and each week, we’ve tried out a different headline, a different description, and different emojis. We’ve also tried out different formats. It’s simply too soon to tell what is definitely the way to go with Clubhouse content creation. Therefore… experiment, experiment, experiment.

Clubhouse continues to generate buzz all over social media and WOM (word of mouth) landscapes. To be honest, I don’t know how I feel about it yet. I’m on it, I use it, and I have a good number of followers who tune in for my live rooms, but I still don’t know. 

I plan to continue thinking critically about audio on the whole and reporting on my thoughts. I do think that audio, whether it’s through Clubhouse, Mark Cuban’s recently announced Fireside, Twitter’s newly announced Spaces, or the growth of podcasts, will continue to be front and center in media and creative spaces. I’m excited to see where that takes us. 

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EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Cyber Security* Mon, 30 Sep 2019 15:32:06 +0000 How EarBuds Podcast Collective works: EarBuds Podcast Collective is a podcast recommendation engine. We send a weekly email with a theme and five podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. It’s the best way to discover new podcasts! Since 2017, we’ve recommended over 500 podcasts curated by more than […]

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How EarBuds Podcast Collective works: EarBuds Podcast Collective is a podcast recommendation engine. We send a weekly email with a theme and five podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. It’s the best way to discover new podcasts! Since 2017, we’ve recommended over 500 podcasts curated by more than 100 people. Join our community and listen up!

Sign up for the newsletter here



WHY THIS THEME?: Cybersecurity podcasts are a perfect intersection of technology and true crime. Get ready for great stories and drama with valuable and interesting information for pros and amateurs! 

MONDAY: Malicious Life  Operation Softcell – 34 minutes

TUESDAY: The Industrial Security Podcast – Israeli Cybersecurity -Dr. Gabi Siboni – 42 minutes

WEDNESDAY: Darknet Diaries – The Beirut Bank Job – 30 minutes

THURSDAY: CYBER – The Dark Overlord and the 9/11 Insurance Files Hack – 27minutes

FRIDAY: Smashing Security – Pick of the Thief!  – 47 minutes



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EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Upgrade and Develop Yourself* Mon, 23 Sep 2019 17:50:19 +0000 How EarBuds Podcast Collective works: EarBuds Podcast Collective is a podcast recommendation engine. We send a weekly email with a theme and five podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. It’s the best way to discover new podcasts! Since 2017, we’ve recommended over 500 podcasts curated by more than […]

The post EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Upgrade and Develop Yourself* appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

How EarBuds Podcast Collective works: EarBuds Podcast Collective is a podcast recommendation engine. We send a weekly email with a theme and five podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. It’s the best way to discover new podcasts! Since 2017, we’ve recommended over 500 podcasts curated by more than 100 people. Join our community and listen up!

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WHY THIS THEME?: For me, learning how to learn more effectively, save time, and better myself, has always been really exciting. These episodes have helped me do that. I’m trying to do what I can to live my best life. 

MONDAY: The Ground Up Show  Productivity – 65 minutes

TUESDAY: Before Breakfast – Plan Your Week on Fridays – 6 minutes

WEDNESDAY: Art of Manliness – How to Get More “Aha” Insights – 53 minutes

THURSDAY: College Info Geek – The Search for the Ultimate Note-Taking App – 73minutes

FRIDAY: Bulletproof Radio – Lessons on Living Life Your Way  – 51 minutes 

GET IN TOUCH: Email | Instagram | Twitter

Although it’s not listed above, I have a podcast too! Sense on the Dollar looks at a different company every episode and dives into how they successfully (or not) market to teenage or millennial customers. As a teenager myself, I try to look at businesses from a whole new angle. If this sounds interesting to you, I’d really appreciate if you’d check it out.


The post EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Upgrade and Develop Yourself* appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Life-Changing Stories* Mon, 16 Sep 2019 16:46:28 +0000 How EarBuds Podcast Collective works: EarBuds Podcast Collective is a podcast recommendation engine. We send a weekly email with a theme and five podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. It’s the best way to discover new podcasts! Since 2017, we’ve recommended over 500 podcasts curated by more than […]

The post EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Life-Changing Stories* appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

How EarBuds Podcast Collective works: EarBuds Podcast Collective is a podcast recommendation engine. We send a weekly email with a theme and five podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. It’s the best way to discover new podcasts! Since 2017, we’ve recommended over 500 podcasts curated by more than 100 people. Join our community and listen up!

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PODCAST CURATOR’S NAME: Christopher Wurst, Creator and host of “22.33” (a podcast by the ECA Collaboratory)

WHY THIS THEME?: We at 22.33 love a storytelling approach—hearing about interesting people in extraordinary situations or how people overcome crazy challenges.  For us, the context is always stories: people who have been thrown into unknown places or cultures. A common theme is how people connect with one another, usually for the better.

MONDAY: 22.33  Learning by Unlearning – 36 minutes

TUESDAY: Rough Translation – D.I.Y Mosul – 39 minutes

WEDNESDAY: Snap Judgement – Kismet – 39 minutes

THURSDAY: The Memory Palace – The Nickel Candy Bar – 11minutes

FRIDAY: Story District – Deal Breakers – 22 minutes

GET IN TOUCH: Instagram | Email

Our whole podcast is constructed on the belief that the more we know about other cultures and other people, the better we are (and the better we can be). Our stories revolve around the deeply impressionable things that happen when people experience international exchanges, and specifically the hundreds of diverse exchange opportunities offered by the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (

CROWD-SOURCED QUESTION: We would like to find educational uses for 22.33 as an English-language teaching tool and to teach about international relations and cultures. I am curious if anyone has had luck expanding their podcast into a teaching resource, and specifically if anyone has experience creating discussion guides around their episodes.


The post EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Life-Changing Stories* appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Ordinary People, Extraordinary Stories* Mon, 09 Sep 2019 15:40:41 +0000 How EarBuds Podcast Collective works: EarBuds Podcast Collective is a podcast recommendation engine. We send a weekly email with a theme and five podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. It’s the best way to discover new podcasts! Since 2017, we’ve recommended over 500 podcasts curated by more than […]

The post EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Ordinary People, Extraordinary Stories* appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

How EarBuds Podcast Collective works: EarBuds Podcast Collective is a podcast recommendation engine. We send a weekly email with a theme and five podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. It’s the best way to discover new podcasts! Since 2017, we’ve recommended over 500 podcasts curated by more than 100 people. Join our community and listen up!

Sign up for the newsletter here



WHY THIS THEME?: I chose this theme because, as a tattoo artist, I encounter ordinary people and their amazing stories in my line of work every day. These stories are rarely heard so I’d like to shed a light on them.

MONDAY: The Hardest Word  Parents – 19 minutes

TUESDAY: The Good Fight Tattoo Podcast – Drug Addiction and Mental Health –51 minutes

WEDNESDAY: Real People with Jason Dunstone – Stephen Scheeler – 74 minutes

THURSDAY: Real People, Real Stories – I’m Coming Out- The Life of a Gay Minister – 70 minutes

FRIDAY: Strangers – Human/Ordinary – 30 minutes

GET IN TOUCH: Email | Instagram 


The post EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Ordinary People, Extraordinary Stories* appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Have Better Conversations* Mon, 02 Sep 2019 17:04:36 +0000 How EarBuds Podcast Collective works: EarBuds Podcast Collective is a podcast recommendation engine. We send a weekly email with a theme and five podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. It’s the best way to discover new podcasts! Since 2017, we’ve recommended over 500 podcasts curated by more than […]

The post EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Have Better Conversations* appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

How EarBuds Podcast Collective works: EarBuds Podcast Collective is a podcast recommendation engine. We send a weekly email with a theme and five podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. It’s the best way to discover new podcasts! Since 2017, we’ve recommended over 500 podcasts curated by more than 100 people. Join our community and listen up!

Sign up for the newsletter here



WHY THIS THEME?: Talking about the weather is boring, and no one likes that awkward silence when you don’t know what to say at a networking party. Oh, and it’s also time we listen to and engage with each other, instead of yelling or ignoring. These podcasts will help! 

MONDAY: Pantsuit Politics  Five Things You Need to Know About the Border Crisis 28 minutes

TUESDAY: Spit  – Why Don’t We Talk More About Mental Health? With Mike Shinoda, Dr. Gail Saltz and Dr. Ahmad Hariri– 73 minutes

WEDNESDAY: The Newsworthy – Hurricane Dorian Update, U.S. Space Command & Labor Day – 9 minutes

THURSDAY: TED Talks Daily – How to Use Family Dinner to Teach Politics 11minutes

FRIDAY: Armchair Expert – Katie Couric – 125 minutes

GET IN TOUCH: Newsworthy Contact | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

SELF PROMO: If you’re one of the 7 out of 10 Americans that feels a bit of news burnout — I’m here for you. You CAN stay informed without feeling overwhelmed or depressed by the news, and it only takes ten minutes a day. It’s the reason I quit my job in TV news to launch the daily news podcast, The NewsWorthy. Or check out my recommendations for “4 Ways to Process Modern News (and Still Enjoy Staying Informed).” Hope it helps!  

CROWDSOURCING QUESTION:What’s the most interesting news story you’ve heard lately? It can be about politics, tech, space, business, entertainment, etc…


The post EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Have Better Conversations* appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Why Sports Analytics Matter* Mon, 26 Aug 2019 15:14:01 +0000 How EarBuds Podcast Collective works: EarBuds Podcast Collective is a podcast recommendation engine. We send a weekly email with a theme and five podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. It’s the best way to discover new podcasts! Since 2017, we’ve recommended over 500 podcasts curated by more than […]

The post EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Why Sports Analytics Matter* appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

How EarBuds Podcast Collective works: EarBuds Podcast Collective is a podcast recommendation engine. We send a weekly email with a theme and five podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. It’s the best way to discover new podcasts! Since 2017, we’ve recommended over 500 podcasts curated by more than 100 people. Join our community and listen up!

Sign up for the newsletter here


PODCAST CURATOR’S NAME: Ben Shields and Paul Michelman

WHY THIS THEME?: The role of sports analytics is becoming more and more prevalent in the global sports industry. It’s impacting the people who work in the business, athletes, and millions of fans.

MONDAY: Counterpoints  So, Do Analytics Actually Work? – 35 minutes

TUESDAY: Freakonomics  – Think Like a Winner – 55 minutes

WEDNESDAY: Bloomberg Business of Sports – The $220 Billion Company Shaping the Sports Future – 38 minutes

THURSDAY: Wharton Moneyball – The 2019 MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference – 29 minutes

FRIDAY: Men in Blazers – MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference Pod Special –28 minutes

GET IN TOUCH: Ben’s Twitter | Paul’s Twitter 

SELF PROMO: Sports analytics is changing the entire sports industry, and its lessons apply to many other enterprises and organizations. In our podcast, Counterpoints, we engage premier sports analytics experts in a lively, sometimes controversial conversation about what drives performance both on and off the field. We’ve released over 20 episodes on the topic to date, and new episodes go live every other Thursday.

CROWDSOURCING QUESTION:How much of a difference do you think analytics make in the sports industry?

HASHTAG FOR DISCUSSION:#SportsAnalytics #SportsPodcast

The post EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Why Sports Analytics Matter* appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

Earbuds Podcast Collective: *Animation Sensation* Mon, 19 Aug 2019 16:34:37 +0000 How EarBuds Podcast Collective works: EarBuds Podcast Collective is a podcast recommendation engine. We send a weekly email with a theme and five podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. It’s the best way to discover new podcasts! Since 2017, we’ve recommended over 500 podcasts curated by more than […]

The post Earbuds Podcast Collective: *Animation Sensation* appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

How EarBuds Podcast Collective works: EarBuds Podcast Collective is a podcast recommendation engine. We send a weekly email with a theme and five podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. It’s the best way to discover new podcasts! Since 2017, we’ve recommended over 500 podcasts curated by more than 100 people. Join our community and listen up!

Sign up for the newsletter here


PODCAST CURATOR’S NAME: Confidential Cartoon Studios

WHY THIS THEME?: We are looking to connect with podcast creators and enthusiasts to explore collaboration opportunities. We can animate full episodes, clips from episodes for promos, and create dynamic assets for social media. Animation can help keep your audience excited and engaged, as well as open up new revenue streams.

MONDAY: Cynical Cartoons 
Rocko’s Modern Life

Every week, Cynical Cartoons takes a look at a weird piece of animation history, whether that’s a kids cartoon based on an R-rated action movie or an ill-conceived reboot. This episode features a discussion of Rocko’s Modern Life: Static’s Cling, a reboot movie of the classic Nickelodeon series that also features one of the best-received animation representations of a trans character in recent memory. (48 minutes)

TUESDAY: Animation Addicts Podcast
Over the Garden Wall

One of my favorite animated series is an odd dystopic mythological “Into the Woods” series starring Elijah Wood and Christopher Lloyd – Cartoon Network’s “Over The Garden Wall.” Check out this live discussion of the series hosted by Morgan Stradling, Chelsea Robson, and Mason Smith. It’s the Animation Addicts Podcast presented by Rotoscopers. (101 minutes)  

WEDNESDAY: Do Me a Solid
Jared Faber

Hosted by music supervisor Jake Belnick, the Do Me A Solid podcast features interviews with a range of creatives working behind the scenes in entertainment. This episode highlights composer Jared Faber, who scored the music for animated projects including Teen Titans Go! To The Movies, As Told By Ginger, and the Captain Underpants TV series, as well as live-action sitcoms like Splitting Up Together. (49 minutes)

THURSDAY: Animation Station Podcast
Tuca & Bertie w/ Not Johanna Eggs Podcast

The Animation Station podcast features discussions about all things animation. Join hosts Josh and Hanna as they explore one of the most beloved female-created animated series, Tuca & Bertie, with Tracy from the Not Johanna Eggs podcast. (99 minutes)

FRIDAY: Everything’s Coming Up Simpsons
The Call of the Simpsons w/ Mike Hollingsworth

Each week Allie Goertz & Julia Prescott discuss a new episode of the Simpsons with their favorite writers, show creators and more! I chose this episode which features special guest Mike Hollingsworth, who is Supervising Director on Netflix’s BoJack Horseman and Tuva & Bertie. Mike talks about being one of the first animators ever being hired by Netflix, and the trio takes a look at “The Call of the Simpsons” – an episode from season 1. (84 minutes)

The post Earbuds Podcast Collective: *Animation Sensation* appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.
