Podcast Spotlights

Podcast Spotlight: Immigrantly

Immigrantly allows listeners to sit in on intriguing conversations between immigrants in the United States, learning about other cultures, experiences and viewpoints along the way. Join host Saadia Khan in a weekly conversation with someone who immigrated to the U.S. in search of a different life. The conversations focus on intersectionality, including discussions of professional aspirations, political actions, multicultural households and more. Khan and her guests even clearly discuss systemic racism and discrimination in the U.S., sometimes disagreeing with each other but always respectfully.

Despite our different cultures and backgrounds, learning about shared commonalities brings us closer. Immigrantly is hopeful. At the end of the show, when Khan asks her guest to describe America in a word or phrase, some reply “potential” or “in flux”. This podcast is a reminder that even when the U.S. feels like such a divisive culture, many people are here for a reason and working to make it an even better place to be.

We were fortunate to talk with Khan about the podcast, how they differentiate from other podcasts, and their future plans in podcasting. See below for our full Q&A.

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DISCOVER PODS: How’d you get into podcasting?

Khan: In 2016 before and during the Elections, there was a lot of negative rhetoric about immigrants and immigration. Immigrants were being targeted on a daily basis. They were dehumanized and reduced to caricatures. As an immigrant myself, I felt targeted and hurt. Because of this, I decided to create a safe space to explore the different identities of people from all different backgrounds.

DISCOVER PODS: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to Immigrantly?

Khan: America is currently experiencing an identity crisis. And the path to discovery involves more than just telling our stories; it involves having tough conversations about topics that both unite and divide us, empathizing with each other’s experiences, and seeking to find a greater understanding of the environment we live in. Immigrantly sets to explore the intersectionality of racial identity, culture, and class in a divided America. As an immigrant, I present a unique perspective of an outsider/insider.

DISCOVER PODS: What kind of feedback have you heard from your listeners?

Khan: So far, I have heard positive things about the podcast especially in the context of how it is challenging narratives and rehumanizing people through shared human experiences.

DISCOVER PODS: Describe your recording set up? What equipment are you using?

Khan: I record in a studio in NYC in Midtown. Although it is a huge expense for an Indie Podcast, I did not want to compromise on sound quality because the podcasting world is already highly saturated, and listeners have many more options.

DISCOVER PODS: What’s the biggest challenge you face as an indie podcaster?

Khan: Sponsorships. It is extremely difficult to compete in the podcasting ecosystem as an Indie podcaster. Sponsors are looking to spend their ad revenues on already established podcasts. There is very little support for small podcasts, which is extremely disappointing.

DISCOVER PODS: Where do you want to take your podcast?

Khan: I want Immigrantly to lead the way in creating an effective space for honest and open dialogue around complex issues that affect all Americans, which is especially important in the current American climate.

DISCOVER PODS: What other podcasts are you listening to now?

Khan: Currently, I am listening to “See Something, Say Something”, “Your Favorite is Problematic”, “This American Life” and “Planet Money”.

DISCOVER PODS: Anything else you’d like to add?

Khan: Please support Indie Podcasters. It takes a lot of hard work and effort to create an episode, especially due to limited resources. Therefore, listeners do play a crucial role in supporting and growing a podcast through word of mouth, writing a review, or sharing it.

Discover Pods Staff

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Discover Pods Staff
Tags: Immigrantly

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