EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Genetic Counseling*

How EarBuds Podcast Collective works: EarBuds Podcast Collective is a podcast recommendation engine. We send a weekly email with a theme and five podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. It’s the best way to discover new podcasts! Since 2017, we’ve recommended over 500 podcasts curated by more than 100 people. Join our community and listen up!
WHY THIS THEME?: Genetic counseling is an exploding field in health science. These episodes explore a few of those areas. Genetic counselors help people understand their personal genetics to make informed healthcare decisions including genetic testing options.
MONDAY: GC Chat: A Genetic Counselling Podcast – Non-Paternity – 13 minutes
TUESDAY: Patient Stories from Grey Genetics –Making Sense of a Senseless Death – 32 minutes
WEDNESDAY: Mendelspod Podcast – Erica Ramos on Her Pioneering Role as Genetic Counselor for Industry – 23 minutes
THURSDAY: NSGC Podcast Series – Transgender Patients in the Cancer Care Setting: Gaining Insights from Cutting-Edge Research – 36 minutes
FRIDAY: DNA Today: A Genetics Podcast – Brianne Kirkpatrick on Adoptee Genetic Testing – 27 minutes
GET IN TOUCH: I love connecting with fellow podcasters! Follow me on Twitter at @DNApodcast and Instagram at @DNAradio. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email at info@dnapodcast.com.
Genetic counseling is a passion of mine. I’ve seen the impact that it can have on peoples’ lives in areas such as cancer, prenatal, pediatrics, cardiac, neurogenetic, rare diseases, and more. As a genetic counselor in training and a podcast host, my goal is to spread awareness. I hope you learned, through these podcasts, how genetic counselors may be able to help families.
CROWDSOURCING QUESTION:What are you curious about in genetics?
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