Podcast Spotlight: Malicious Mamas

It seems lately we’ve had a run of mysterious legend type podcasts on our Spotlights, each taking a unique spin or angle on folklore stories many have heard before. Malicious Mamas narrows the field by focusing specifically on the “mamas” of legend and their story.
Along with the femme fatale theme of the Malicious Mamas podcast, there’s been a growing discussion around females in podcasts in general. Allow me to get on my soapbox for a second, but there’s more everyone in the podcast (and listener) community can do to bring awareness and highlight podcasts created by women and people of color.
I was lucky enough to get a chance to talk with Nicky, host of Malicious Mamas, and discuss how she came to become a podcaster, what we can do to increase discussion and awarenss around female-led shows, and where she wants to take Mamas from here. Below is our full Q&A.
Discover Pods: What’s your podcast about?
Nicky: An all female perspective on lore, legends, and the creatures of the insomnia driven fears you have at 3am.
DP: What’s unique about your podcast?
Nicky: The show is all about the history behind the tales on a particular “mama” with a feminist twist depending on the topic. (i.e. Typhoid Mary & Medusa)
Nicky: My favorite legends don’t always end up as my favorite episodes. As it turns out, the ones I am most proud of have to be the Japanese folklore stories (that are terrifying by the way) which I knew next to nothing about before researching. Episode four on Kuchisake Onna was a big turning point for Malicious Mamas. Also, I love the Typhoid Mary, Grey Lady, Helen Duncan, and La Planchada episodes for the richness of each tale.
DP: Why did you choose to podcast?
Nicky: I wanted to focus on the story telling aspect while bringing these topics to light. I also have a background in voice acting and working with mics just made sense.
DP: There’s been a lot of Twitter activity around growing and highlighting female-hosted podcasts. Do you think this activism is working? What else needs to be done?
Nicky: It’s a no-brainer to me that female hosted and written shows should be spotlighted. I always believe that podcasts that are well done and have an original voice deserve the proper recognition, so it’s about time that women in the podcast field are being seen as relevant. In terms of what else needs to be done, I think it’s important for other female hosts (and male hosts too) to empower each other to keep moving forward. Leave reviews, post on social media, get the word out there so we may all benefit from a strong foundation of support.
DP: How has the listener feedback been so far?
Nicky: Jumping off of my last answer, I’ve had some great interaction with listeners on Twitter, often hosts from similar shows saying they like Malicious Mamas. Funny enough, just yesterday I got a response from a listener on social media saying that she found my show recently and was “obsessed” with it. As someone who creates something with the hopes that other people will like it too, that comment really meant a lot to me and only makes me want to try harder. So, if you’re reading this commenter, I appreciate you!
DP: Who’s your ideal podcast guest?
Nicky: Honestly, I would love to have someone on who has a good legend or ghost story to share. I love hearing stories from people who have experienced something paranormal because of the life they give the story from just having it happen to them. So if you have good tale and are reading this, hit me up, mama!
DP: Anything else you’d like to add?
Nicky: Malicious Mamas started from a inkling I had on a good idea for a show. I think it’s important to dive into something and see where it can go and not to hesitate because your idea isn’t perfect yet. I truly enjoy the work I put into the show and do it because I find passion in it, so by loving what I do, I find my own fulfillment putting something creative into the world. We’ve got a long way to go, but I’m excited for where the show may be in the future!
DP: What are your five favorite podcasts?
Nicky: Wow, that’s a hard one. Like music, I think my favorite podcasts change depending on where I am in life at the moment. Currently I love, You Must Remember This, My Favorite Murder, Lore, My Brother My Brother And Me, and the Nickelodeon Animation Podcast.
DP: Where can listeners find you?
Nicky: The show is on iTunes, Stitcher, SoundCloud, and some episodes are on YouTube as well. Also, follow @maliciousmamas on Instagram and Twitter for show updates!
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