Radio at the End of the World: Audio Fiction and Drama Podcast Roundup November 2021

Last updated on January 11th, 2022
Here it comes again.
The end of the year. And what a year it has been!
Radio at the End of the World was here every month to bring you new stories, characters, and podcasts. Whether you’re new to audio dramas (or audio fiction) or not, I tried to provide a comprehensive sampling of listening experiences. And based on feedback, I believe I did just that. Whether you’re a returning reader or this is your first venture into Radio at the End of the World, I thank you for giving any of these audio drama podcasts a listen.
If you happen to find an audio drama or audio fiction podcast you like below (which I’m sure you will), go beyond listening to it. Support the podcast and its creators by sharing, donating, and/or subscribing. These acts help show the creators that people are interested in what they are creating and encourages new episodes and new stories.
The Phenomenon
The Phenomenon, now The Phenomenon: Survivors, is an apocalypse audio drama about an invasion that comes from the sky and leaves all those who encounter it changed. The first episode of The Phenomenon hooked me with the mystery of the attack and how each of the characters fits together. It was both a thrilling and somewhat scary audio drama—I was hooked from the first few minutes! It reminded me so much of another apocalypse audio drama also named Survivors and of one of my favorite apocalypse TV shows, Z Nation. Though the original series began back in 2017, the whole show feels appropriate as we move ever deeper into the pandemic. While the earlier episodes focus on the invasion and how people learn to survive hunkered down together, the newer season, The Phenomenon: Survivors, explores those left behind. The Phenomenon is great for listeners who love a bit of horror mixed with their science fiction.
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The Shadow Storytellers: a Horror Fiction Podcast
The Shadow Storytellers: a Horror Fiction Podcast is a new horror audio fiction anthology podcast that started in October of this year. To be super upfront, I didn’t like most of the episodes I listened to of this new podcast. But! And this is a huge but: The Shadow Storytellers: a Horror Fiction Podcast did provide a wide range of short horror stories, and it was apparent a lot of work was put into the stories and episodes. For me, what didn’t work was the method of their storytelling. Instead of being active and engaging, it felt too familiar and not unique enough. It is their first season, though, and I found one pretty good episode that stuck with me. ‘Something Else is Coming to Town’ was released at the beginning of December and not in November, but we’ll look past that. It is a horror Christmas story about a child genius who discovers what’s actually sneaking into people’s homes every Christmas Eve.
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Phoebe Reads a Mystery
Phoebe Reads a Mystery is an audio fiction podcast where the host reads a mystery novel, one chapter an episode. I’ve come across a few different podcasts set up like this (I even feature a children’s one below!). These are great ways for audiences to access stories they wouldn’t or couldn’t normally. Phoebe Reads a Mystery is a top pick due to the simple and clear audio production. It provides a great listening experience that feels like you’re sitting with a friend listening to them read from their latest book obsession. Not every book featured on the audio fiction podcast is a mystery. Some are just classic works from across many genres. I also love that there is an extensive back catalog of readings of novels like Jane Eyre, Dracula, and Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Currently, the host is reading Little Women, and I was able to catch the first couple of chapters before falling back to my horror classic Frankenstein from an earlier season.
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Beloved Children’s Books
Like Phoebe Reads a Mystery, Beloved Children’s Books is an audio fiction podcast that reads children’s books on air. And like Phoebe Reads a Mystery, the storytelling is not overstimulating or distracting. Beloved Children’s Books is not a bed or nap time podcast, but it could easily work as one. There is a wide range of children’s books read from, and with episodes dating back to 2020—when they were released every day—listeners are sure to find their favorite picture book read. Each episode is short, with most being around five minutes of light but animated reading. My favorite episode from November’s releases was ‘Way Too Mank Latkes: A Holiday in Chelm by: Linda Glaser.’ I’ve read the picture book before but had never heard a reading or recording until then. And it was a treat!
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The Dead Letter Office of Somewhere, Ohio
The Dead Letter Office of Somewhere, Ohio is a horror-comedy audio drama podcast similar to the SCP Archives and the TV show Eerie, Indiana. The Dead Letter Office is where all the weird, unusual, and strange letters go. The show features letters, stories, and characters found within The Dead Letter Office. The letters are sometimes scary, sometimes peculiar, but all-around interesting. While it reminded me of a lot of other podcasts, the flash, almost micro-fiction stories featured are original and gave me a wide gambit of themes and scenarios. The storytelling was also so captivating and enthralling that I ended up listening to about four or six episodes without realizing it. Like a few other audio dramas on this list, The Dead Letter Office of Somewhere, Ohio is pretty new. The first couple of episodes took me a while to get into, but the later season ones are better paced.
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Read more: SCP: Where’s Eddie?
Audio Fanfic Podcast
My favorite audio fiction podcast that I found in November was Audio Fanfic Podcast. This was the first fanfiction podcast that I’ve listened to because I’ve been apprehensive of how they would turn out. I’m glad Audio Fanfic Podcast was my introduction to the genre! Audio Fanfic Podcast is an excellent podcast for fanfiction readers and people new to the form. It offers a wide variety of pairings, genres, and fan universes like Law and Order, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and more. While listening to a few of the back episodes, Audio Fanfic Podcast took me back to my days of being a huge fan of fan fiction. Like Phoebe Reads a Mystery, Audio Fanfic Podcast isn’t overly acted or produced, which worked great for the structure and content. Fair warning, some (possibly all) of the episodes are steamy—which I loved.
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That’s it for this month’s roundup of audio drama podcasts. I hope you can find at least one new podcast to add to your to-be-listened list.
Usually, I offer up my socials and contact for audio drama creators or writers to contact me for a chance to get featured on this list. I can no longer offer that as Radio at the End ends after next month’s installment. If you want to stay in the know about where this series is moving, consider signing up for my readers’ group newsletter or following my website for updates on where to find Radio at the End of the World after January.
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