Podcast Spotlight: Rational Ignorance

Rational Ignorance seeks to encourage audience members to apply a Sherlock Holmes-ian approach to conversation, embracing the idea there’s an upper ceiling as to how much information one actually needs to know about a topic to understand it. The show is hosted by philosopher Andrea Christelle and business professor Craig Van Slyke. Along with a guest host with expertise in a given topic, Christelle and Slyke aim to have a “fun, practical” conversation with the goal of understanding each other’s perspectives. Their goal of eliminating preconceived notions is noble in spirit, if clunky in execution.
There’s a functional effort to discard excess information and context for said rational ignorance, but it feels in contrast to the show’s vibe. The fact the hosts are both from fields where one can easily wander off for a few sentences before eventually discovering the point they wanted to make is at odds with their goal of stripping things down. There’s a high percentage of galaxy-brain observations that, in a film, would be punctuated with a bong hit. Those prone to distraction while listening will need to ride the rewind button hard. Transcripts are provided, though unfortunately they’re unedited raw copy/pastes of computer-generated files.
We were fortunate to talk with Vanslyke about the podcast, how they differentiate from other podcasts, and their future plans in podcasting. See below for our full Q&A.
DISCOVER PODS: How’d you get into podcasting?
VANSLYKE: We decided to make a podcast because we enjoy listening to them myself. It’s also a great way to model the kind of dialogues we’re encouraging other people to have. Podcasting is a great way to democratize broadcasting a message, and we just decided to take advantage of a trend we think is going to continue to become more popular.
DISCOVER PODS: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to Rational Ignorance?
VANSLYKE: The Rational Ignorance Podcast is fun, honest, and interesting. Listeners will enjoy our podcast because it’s a refreshing take on hearing two people who don’t necessarily agree about everything, still have a good time learning from one another as they explore topics that range from how to avoid disinformation to the joy of playing musical instruments. Our disagreements are about gaining understanding, not winning arguments. It’s a refreshing return to the America so many of us miss. It’s also a healthy reminder that we can’t know it all, and shouldn’t try to. In today’s hectic world of information overload, it’s just fine to tune out and clean the horse stalls, go for a hike, or whatever recharges your batteries.
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DISCOVER PODS: What kind of feedback have you heard from your listeners?
VANSLYKE: They love it. One listener even kidded that the ideas in our podcast saved their marriage. Like we said, most people in America are tired of mean-spirited arguments. They like hearing people who can have different points of view and still be really good friends. Our listeners also find it a relief to learn about the reasons why tuning out from time to time is really healthy–for our bodies and spirits as well as our minds.
DISCOVER PODS: Describe your recording set up? What equipment are you using?
VANSLYKE: Andrea uses Bose sport earbuds and a Rode boom mic. Not your typical studio set-up, but that just goes to show how versatile equipment is these days, and that you can use what you have to get started. She is on a Mac of course. Of course. Craig uses an Audio Technica ATR-2100 mic, combined with Audio-Technica MX-40 headphones. Since Andrea and Craig often disagree, Craig uses a tricked-out PC.
DISCOVER PODS: What’s the biggest challenge you face as an indie podcaster?
VANSLYKE: Distribution, competition, and time. The first two are obvious, and we’ve both got day jobs plus other community and organizational commitments. There are so many great podcasts, it’s hard to gain a foothold. We’re playing the long game, gaining audience one listener at a time.
DISCOVER PODS: Where do you want to take your podcast?
VANSLYKE: To the moon! We hope it becomes more popular, and to attract a wide range of guests who are interested in talking things over and thinking things through. Since we both love nature, eventually it would be fun to do these outside, but there are a lot of logistical challenges there, not the least of which is that we live in different states. We want to touch lives, one is great, but more is better!
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DISCOVER PODS: What other podcasts are you listening to now?
VANSLYKE: Andrea is a huge fan of Unchained. Laura Shin is a brilliant journalist, and I really admire the way she makes Crypto serious for experts and accessible for everyone. She also like the Pulse of AI. Craig loves the Jordan Harbinger Podcast, Higherside Chats, DarkNet Diaries, and Philosophize This!. For more lighthearted fare, he’s a big fan of Hysteria 51. Any podcast with a psychotic robot is OK with Craig.
DISCOVER PODS: Anything else you’d like to add?
VANSLYKE: Rational Ignorance is meant to be a model for others. Of course, we love it when folks tune in and listen, but we also hope that they will start having conversations like this themselves. So, we can get back to a friendlier, more thoughtful and considerate America where people from all political persuasions see themselves as more alike than different because of their common humanity and goodwill. It’s an aspiration we believe is fully achievable, and we welcome you all along the journey.
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