Radio at the End of the World: Audio Fiction and Drama Podcast Roundup May 2021

Welcome back to Radio at the End of the World, Discover Pods monthly audio drama or audio fiction podcast roundup and review series. A series of articles that attempts to showcase the wide variety of fiction and audio drama podcasts out there. This June marks a full year of this series. I’ve listened to and recommended almost 100 podcasts.
That’s a hell of a lot of podcasts, and few repeats. I hope to continue bringing these lists to readers who are hungry for new podcasts or episodes of favorites. For past months’ round ups, here’s the past three months’ Radio at the End of the World articles: April, March, and February. To keep up to date, follow my writing here.
Relic Radio Sci-Fi, “The Other Man”
A story without an end, only a question, an eerie conclusion. That’s what listeners are left with after “The Other Man”. Slightly reminiscence of The Twilight Zone, Relic Radio Sci-Fi presents retro and relic radio dramas that are available in the public domain. ‘The Other Man’ is attributed to a 2000 Plus and is a telling of a story from the 50’s. A woman is told her husband has killed a man and is in custody for that murder, but then her husband comes home and has no memory of what has happened. It’s discovered that there are two of the husband. One who has committed murder and one who has not. The science fiction branch of Relic Radio is only one of eight. They also have podcasts for fans of comedy, horror, suspense, and more. The upside to shows like Relic Radio that present old time radio dramas is that listeners get to experience that era of over dramatic acting, noir storytelling, and pulpy stories. Then there’s the downside of having sometimes racist, sexist, or otherwise awful moments come up throughout the story.
Listen: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Player FM | Website
Transcripts currently unavailable
Moonbase Theta, Out
A non-problematic show that is full of diversity, humor, and SPACE is Moonbase Theta, Out. I’ve heard of this show for a while but had yet to give it a listen. Then it came up on my list of podcasts to check out for this month, and I am so glad I did! If you’ve read my reviews or roundups before, you know I love me some queer stories and characters. Put them in space and add intriguing elements and contrasting personalities, and I am absolutely sold and hooked. The audio drama follows the shutting down of the Moonbase programs of the future. There’s one left, Theta. The stories and characters explore topics surrounding politics, science, and more. The third season wrapped up at the beginning of May, so now is a perfect time to start the series from the beginning and catch the finale.
Listen: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | Website | Transcripts (Season 1, 2, and 3)
Chilling Tales for Dark Nights: A Horror Anthology and Scary Stories Series Podcast
For fans of anthology horror fiction podcasts that read original stories from a wide selection of authors, Chilling Tales for Dark Nights is just the horror fiction podcast. With a new episode every week, there is never a shortage of stories to hear. Not all of the ones I listened to were terrifying, but a few were well-told horrors that provided an exciting listening experience. Late April’s episode, “Retrospective Regrets,” was a recent one that I really enjoyed. But there are almost a hundred episodes to listen to if you’re new to the show. A lot of the pieces, especially at the beginning, have a very No Sleep Podcast feel with a dash of creepy pasta in there.
Listen: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | Website
Transcripts currently unavailable
The Wicked Library, “If Only a Heart” by Caleb Stephens
Similar to the Drabblecast and other audio fiction podcasts that use music and sound effects to create a fuller experience for the listener, The Wicked Library is a horror short fiction podcast publishing best-selling and renowned authors alongside new and beginning writers. I love when podcasts do this because it allows the listener to find new voices and new stories by old favorites. For me, the new writer I was introduced to was Caleb Stephens, who wrote one of the May stories released by The Wicked Library. His short story “If Only a Heart” about a father losing his daughter on a camping trip and having to battle to save her from a monster all too familiar evoked grief and parental fears in such a powerful way.
Listen: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | Website
Transcripts currently unavailble
Haunted House Flippers
Hilarious audio drama that blends horror and comedy with an unlikely theme. That theme being a couple inheriting an old haunted house and deciding to flip it. The husband is one of those “YouTube ghost hunters” with a spotty grasp on reality and a real lack of self-preservation. The couple were cringe worthy and added a whole other layer of tension to the story with their constant bickering and passive aggressive communication style. It’s like if Paranormal Activity was a comedy and audio drama, there are some spooky moments, but for the most part, the show is simply hilarious. This is a currently running audio drama with eight episodes already up. So, don’t sleep on this audio drama, it’s one of a funny kind.
Listen: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | Website
Transcripts currently unavailable
Love and Luck
I blush just thinking about this completed gay romance audio drama podcast. Love and Luck tells the story of two men falling in love with each other, themselves, and the people they meet along the way. The thing that really caught me about this show was the format. The story is told through voicemails. Yet, the voice actors have a way of creating a two-way conversation that feels like more than a voicemail. Honestly, I was skeptical of how long the style could hold-up, but while listening to a few episodes back-to-back, I didn’t really think about it. The story just sort of unfolded naturally in the voice mail form. The podcast perfectly conjured those fuzzy and nerve wrecking feelings of getting to know someone romantically and having that relationship develop through ups and downs.
Listen: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | Website | Transcripts
The Dark Tome, “Maggie Doll” by Alex Jennings
The Dark Tome is a sort of dark fantasy or speculative fiction audio fiction podcast that uses voice acting and sound effects to create a rounder experience for the reader. I don’t really know how to describe “Maggie Doll” by Alex Jennings, but I know that out of all the podcasts I’ve listened to in May, this was the most original. Following what I believe was a stuffed animal in a fantastical world of talking creatures who are facing a war they aren’t prepared for. Dark Tome is like The Wicked Library and Chilling Tales, a show presenting fiction to listeners who want a fuller experience for their stories. “Maggie Doll” was originally featured in Jennings short story collection, Here I Come. It takes on a whole new life with the help of Dark Tome. (Disclosure: Managing editor Wil Williams works with Fred Greenhalgh of The Dark Tome on the podcast Radio Drama Revival, which is hosted by Discover Pods contributor Elena Fernández Collins.)
Listen: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | iHeart Radio | Website
Transcripts currently unavailable
As always, if you are the creator or writer for an audio drama or audio fiction podcast, please drop me a line through my site, on Twitter, or in my inbox. Let me know what you’re working on and putting out into the world. I can’t guarantee it’ll make it on one of these roundups, but I can guarantee that I’ll listen to it with an open mind and excitement for your words.
I also insist that you go beyond listening to these podcasts but support them by sharing them with other people, donating to the creators or subscribing as a returning listener. These acts of support not only show the creators that people are into what they are creating, but it also helps ensure these podcasts keep getting made.
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