Earbuds Podcast Collective: *Actual-Play Role-Playing*

How EarBuds Podcast Collective works:
Each week, a theme is chosen by one of our curators. That curator finds 5 podcast episodes (from anywhere!) to go along with that theme. Listen to these podcasts by clicking on the links above, through the RadioPublic app, or you can find (most of) them on your favorite podcast app (iTunes, Stitcher, Overcast…)
PODCAST CURATOR’S NAME: Brendan Hutchins, creator of the Podcast Advocate Network and host of Podcast Playlist
WHY THIS THEME?: Actual play podcasts let you experience a group-improvised story with banter and spontaneity, while also bonding with a group of good friends. Sometimes it’s just nice to be in another world.
MONDAY: The Adventure Zone – Here There Be Gerblins – 129 minutes (NSFW)
TUESDAY: Sneak Attack!: A Dungeons and Dragons Adventure – Welcome to Norwich – 71 minutes (SFW)
WEDNESDAY: Harmontown – Cleft in Twain! – 67 minutes (NSFW)
THURSDAY: Serendipity City – Get in Losers, We’re Going Snoopin’! – 57 minutes(NSFW)
FRIDAY: Mission to Zyxx – All Hail the Federated Alliance! – 27 minutes (SFW)
GET IN TOUCH: Email | Twitter | Facebook
SHAMELESS PROMO: I’ve got lots of pod things for you to check out. Podcast Playlist will have a review episode for each of these podcasts starting on Monday! I just started BitRate, a new podcast on podcast culture with reviews, commentary, and more. The Podcast Advocate Newsletter just launched recently with recommendations, tips, and industry news. Explore Podcast Advocate Network for more fun podcasts.
CROWDSOURCING QUESTION: What role would you play in an improvised campaign to save the world? And would you podcast it?
HASHTAG FOR DISCUSSION: #EarBudsRolePlay #RolePlaying
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