Podcast Spotlight: We Talk About Dead People
We Talk About Dead People — if the name gives you any indication — discusses people lives from the past. Seemingly no person is off limits. In previous episodes they’ve discussed Annie Oakley, Ulysses S. Grant, Nikola Tesla, Teddy Roosevelt, and Attila the Hun.
Created and hosted by Aaron and James, two amateur historians and comedians, We Talk About Dead People definitely succeeds by un-boring history. You’ll want to listen to the podcast and after learn more about their subjects. Discover Pods was fortunate to catch up with James and Aaron and discuss the podcast, some of their favorite dead people, and what it’s like being an indie podcast in an ever-growing market. See below for our Q&A.
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Discover Pods: How’d you get into podcasting?
Aaron: James and I talked about starting a podcast off and on for a while. I always knew I wanted to be behind a mic, but I couldn’t seem to find a way to get there. Then I just bought my own mic and turned it on. A podcast seemed natural after that.
James: The Oracle told me to.
DP: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to We Talk About Dead People?
Aaron: It’s a pretty unique show. There are plenty of comedy and history podcasts out there, but a combination of the two is hard to find. We are also among the stupidest people to ever get on the air, so that has to help our rank somehow.
James: It’s interesting and it’s funny. One moment we’ll be discussing the failure of Soviet agricultural revolution and the next moment we’re carrying baby Jesus across a river. No really, we’ve done that.
DP: Are there particular episodes you think listeners should start with?
Aaron: Any episode after the first fifteen or so is going to be a good place to start. The first fifteen are just not as good because we weren’t as experienced. My favorite episode so far has been John R. Brinkley and Annie Oakley.
James: Ep. 22 David Berg + Jan Zizka, Ep. 37 Liam Lynch + Boudica, and Ep. 51 John Bellingham + Gabriele D’Annunzio are some of our best.
DP: Was there one (or a few) people you were excited to feature when you started the podcast?
Aaron: Besides various cult leaders, not really. There were big names I’d heard about my whole life, like Trotsky. I realized how much I didn’t know about him one day and just decided to fix that. Turned into one of our best episodes.
James: Not particularly. I was more interested in discovering the bad in “good” people and the good in “bad” people.
DP: What’s the biggest challenge you face as an indie podcaster?
Aaron: Exposure. We have a small base of loyal and loving fans, but expanding that base without using clickbait’y avenues or paid advertising is a big job. We don’t want to go those routes because we feel like it might violate the purity of the show. It’s just us being ourselves right now. To infect that with the language of advertising goes against what few principles we have.
James: Aaron’s totally right. Getting our name out there is tough. We’re now considering capturing a baron in battle and not releasing him until his people listen to our podcast.
DP: Where do you want to take your podcast?
Aaron: Wherever it leads. Hopefully somewhere beautiful where we can run the show forever.
James: Having our own podcast flag would be cool. And having enough followers to invade a small country and overthrow its leaders would also be kinda fun.
DP: What other podcasts are you listening to now?
Aaron: Hardcore History and Joe Rogan Experience mostly.
James: Oh No Ross and Carrie mainly.
DP: Anything else you’d like to add?
Aaron: History is not boring. History teachers are boring. If you want to hear true historical stories and laugh like a hyena at the same time, listen to We Talk About Dead People.
James: Aaron, if you read this, we still need to watch Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 together.
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