Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods Find your next favorite podcast Tue, 31 Jan 2023 15:27:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods Find your next favorite podcast clean 35 of the Best Sci Fi Podcasts to Listen to Right Now Fri, 18 Feb 2022 20:49:02 +0000 Are you looking for the best sci fi podcasts? Of course you are. Why waste your time on D-List podcasts? Well you’ve come to the right place. Science fiction podcasts encapsulate a broad and diverse section in the audio drama and fiction world. Some listeners I’ve spoken with have even said it pretty much dominates […]

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Are you looking for the best sci fi podcasts? Of course you are. Why waste your time on D-List podcasts?

Well you’ve come to the right place.

Science fiction podcasts encapsulate a broad and diverse section in the audio drama and fiction world. Some listeners I’ve spoken with have even said it pretty much dominates the field of audio drama. And while I’m not sure about all that, I do know science fiction podcasts are fantastic. Due to genre conventions, science fiction audio dramas can go to places other nonspeculative fiction podcasts can’t. 

Like The Bright Sessions! It’s a typical story wrapped in science fiction trappings, giving us something to relate to, think about, and imagine. Or you can follow a kid around the galaxy as they get into wacky and wild adventures involving sentient ships, aliens, and more. The best science fiction podcasts give us the space to dream and think about our own lives simultaneously! To seek out new life and new… well, you get the idea.

It’s pretty incredible. So, for all my other science fiction audio drama stans out there, here are 35 science fiction podcasts to dive into.

As with all our lists, this article will be updated frequently to give you doses of the best sci fi podcasts. Unless stated otherwise, they should all be listened to in order.

What Makes Up The Best Sci Fi Podcasts?

We all know that the best sci fi podcasts, films, books, series, franchises, world, galaxies, and indeed, universes suck you into them. And if you’re wondering if that was a black hole joke, it most certainly was. I’m not appologizing.

So what makes a good sci-fi story? Well, first of all, there’s universe building: creating a reality that audiences can believe in, even if it’s not our own reality. Then there are characters: characters who are fully fleshed-out people with real emotions and motivations that drive them through the story.

And finally there’s twists: surprises that keep audiences guessing until the very end of the story (or sometimes well beyond).

Solutions to Problems

Solutions to Problems is a science fiction audio drama in the style of Dear Prudence advice columns. While the show is set on a spaceship traveling through the galaxy, the questions and advice they get into sometimes borders on relatable. It doesn’t just end there, though, Solutions to Problems crafts a whole world and universe across the 30+ episodes.

I will note that there hasn’t been a new season since the end of 2020. But! They announced over the winter that another season is still in the works, so now is the perfect time for new listeners to jump on one of the great science fiction podcasts. And if you’ve already listened to the show, why not refamiliarize yourself with the world, characters, and humor of Solutions to Problems before the new season airs?

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The Bright Sessions

The Bright Sessions follows a doctor who provides therapy to those experiencing strange and unusual events. This landmark in science fiction podcasts deals with trauma in interesting and sometimes healing ways, providing a unique experience for the listener.

While The Bright Sessions is an old favorite among many science fiction audio drama listeners, during 2021, they did something a little different. A new spinoff series, the AM Archives, started to run for a few episodes before switching over to another new spinoff of The Bright Sessions, The College Tapes.

Listeners still get to spend time with the doctor, but new characters and troubles are introduced to keep the story raging on. All the series have wrapped up, so new listeners can check out all seven full seasons of The Bright Sessions universe. 

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The best sci fi podcasts have just enough realism in them to freak us out.

Year three (or is two? Three? Four?) of the pandemic. New variations are cropping up like bad pop hits, and we are all still processing the impacts of Covid on ourselves, our loved ones, and the world around us. That’s why I wanted to recommend Covid39 again.

The science fiction audio drama is set 39 years in the future but looking back on current times in a way that calls into question our existing relationships and circumstances. Are we choosing our friends and lovers based on the pandemic and our forced closeness? Covid39 follows a couple who are curious if their love stems from the fact that their families lived together during the pandemic.

Through audio recordings, letters, emails, and more, the two unearth the locked away memories of their time during the pandemic, the time happening right now for all of us. It’s a sci fi podcast that feels all too real.

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I’ve reviewed Carrier a few times in other articles because it’s a bit of a crossover and genre-bending hit from QCODE. In the science fiction horror, follow a truck driver as she takes one last job to be able to afford to make it home, but the job may end up costing her life.

Another great thing about Carrier is that it’s a completed show, though the ending feels a bit lackluster to me. Since QCODE produced Carrier, listeners can expect big-budget production, sound effects, and acting.

Those factors don’t always create a great audio drama, but that is not the case with Carrier. Listeners are in for a wild ride and experience when strapping into the science fiction audio drama.

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Mission to Zyxx

Mission to Zyxx is an improvised science fiction audio drama about a team of space ambassadors traveling to various planets to create diplomatic relationships. Due to its adlib and free-style form, some listeners may be turned off by the unscripted show.

But let me assure you, Mission to Zyxx is hilarious! Not only is the full-cast science fiction podcast audio drama funny and imaginative, but there are TONS of queer characters and relationships all mixing in with the aliens, space travel, and talking ships. Mission to Zyxx is great for listeners who love comedy space science fiction like We Fix Space Junk and The Strange Case of Starship Iris.

There are five seasons going back to 2018, so it’s a great show to dive into from the beginning and catch up before the next episode drops. 

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(Transcripts available on each episodes’ page)

Stories from Among the Stars

I like to suggest serializations or books turned into podcasts for people completely new to audio dramas. The transition from audiobooks to audio dramas is sometimes easier. If you’re new to the whole realm of science fiction audio dramas, Stories from Among the Stars is a science fiction novel serialization podcast from Macmillan Podcasts is a perfect introduction to the style.

Each season, Stories from Among the Stars takes a science fiction book and releases it in audio format. Past books include The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu and A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine. Initially, Steal the Stars, one of creator Mac Rogers’s science fiction podcasts, Stories from Among the Stars still holds to the original’s production and storytelling.

Take note, the episodes of Stories from Among the Stars aren’t available forever. After the season’s run, the episodes are taken down. Steal the Stars is still available, though.

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Silva Lining’s Care Plan

Silva Lining’s Care Plan is a touching and honest look at what it’s like to care for someone during a time when they need it the most. Silva Lining’s Care Plan focuses on relationships and end-of-life issues following a caregiver and their dementia client as the two try to create life in a petri dish.

To be honest, I’ve thought about this science fiction audio drama since the first time I heard it. The science-fiction element of having a petri dish of a small life form as a character adds a lot of tension, heart, and humor around a subject that isn’t often discussed or used in the audio drama world.

Even though the science fiction audio drama ended in September 2021, I still think Silva Lining’s Care Plan is a must-listen for all fans of heartwarming science fiction podcasts. 

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Dark Tides

Like Mission to Zyxx earlier on the list, Dark Tides is an improvised comedy audio drama. But unlike Mission to Zyxx, which is set in space and on various planets, Dark Tides follows two characters in a science fantasy archipelago setting as they investigate mysteries surrounding the strange location.

So, not only is there comedy and science fiction and fantasy elements, but there’s a pretty compelling mystery pushing the story forward.

Season three is currently airing with a prequel series of shorter episodes while the creators prep season four and a return to the original storyline. So, now is the perfect time to catch up on all the seasons before the new season airs!

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Science Fiction – Daily Short Stories

Science Fiction – Daily Short Stories is a science fiction anthology podcast. Listeners are treated to vintage science fiction stories of a wide variety throughout the genre. Some of the stories are a bit too vintage for me, though I am a fan of those older science fiction stories—I just have to sometimes wade through sexist, racist, homophobic, and transphobic ideologies and rhetoric.

There were only some of those aspects in the few episodes I listened to from the recent episodes. Since all the stories are creative commons science fiction stories, listeners can find classic science fiction short stories from authors like Robert Silverberg, Frank Herbert, and so many more.

If you’re a fan of classic science fiction, Science Fiction – Daily Short Stories will probably be your new favorite science fiction podcast.

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Original Science Fiction – Makeshift Stories

Original Science Fiction – Makeshift Stories is a science fiction anthology audio fiction podcast featuring imaginative science fiction and other speculative fiction stories. For fans of science fiction audios like Lightspeed Magazine Podcast and Science Fiction – Daily Short Stories, Original Science Fiction – Makeshift Stories is another you should add to your queue.

The main distinction and what makes Original Science Fiction – Makeshift Stories unique is that there are sometimes repeat characters, adventures, and locations building a loosely connected storyline. While I thought some of the stories were overly written to create a packed story, I think Original Science Fiction – Makeshift Stories is a great science fiction podcast for long-time fans of sci-fi.

There are stories featuring genre favorite tropes and conventions with a blend of more imaginative and genre-bending stories. 

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The Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian: Science Fiction Podcasts for Kids

For younger science fiction fans, The Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian: Science Fiction for Kids is a great science fiction audio drama. It’s also great sci-fi! So, it’s a solid show for adults who love sci-fi and want a show to share with the younger members of their families.

The Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian: Science Fiction for Kids follows a young child exploring the galaxy, having wild and imaginative adventures with aliens, robots, and more. While it’s not a full-cast science fiction audio drama, it’s still a fun listen with the blend of energetic voice acting and audio effects.

I had moments while listening where I wanted to compare it to classic science fiction like John Carter of Mars but for modern-day children.

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Asimov’s Science Fiction

Asimov’s Science Fiction is a great pick for fans of classic science fiction storytelling who want more modernized tales from diverse and contemporary science fiction authors. Asimov’s Science Fiction is the podcast branch of the long-running magazine of the same.

The Asimov’s Science Fiction podcast is one of my favorite new finds. And I’m pretty embarrassed that I didn’t know about it before. Asimov’s Science Fiction, the magazine, has been a science fiction print magazine since 1977.

With each print issue, a story is selected from the magazine and read on the podcast by the authors. The podcast has been releasing episodes since 2015, so there are a fair number of stories to catch new listeners up on what type of pieces Asimov’s Science Fiction airs. 

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Best Sci Fi Podcasts – The Excellent Bonuses from the Past

These science fiction podcasts come from versions of this article past. We still recommend them! They remain some of the greats in science fiction podcasts.

Clarkesworld Magazine Podcast

The Clarkesworld Magazine Podcast is similar to a few other podcasts on this list. It is a magazine’s audio fiction department where they record and produce stories from their issues. Clarkesworld Podcast delivers literary science fiction and fantasy and has won countless awards. Their audio fiction pushes the boundaries of literary speculative fiction to show readers the wide breadth of what contemporary writers have to offer. 

Escape Pod

Escape Pod is the science fiction branch of the Escape Artists podcast family. Operating since 2005, Escape Pod has published a wide range of authors and sci-fi subgenres. Sometimes the science fiction podcast can be literary, but some episodes are extremely commercial and accessible. With over a half-decade worth of stories, there is a lot to choose from in Escape Pods’ back catalog. 

Moonbase Theta, Out

Moonbase Theta, Out is great science fiction featuring queer stories and characters. The science fiction audio drama follows the shutting down of the Moonbase programs of the future. There’s one left, Theta. The stories and characters explore topics surrounding politics, science, and more. The third season wrapped up at the beginning of May, but several bonus episodes dropped this summer, so now is a perfect time to start the series from the beginning and catch the finale.

We Fix Space Junk

A science fiction comedy sitcom set in space in the future, We Fix Space Junk is a hilarious audio drama filled with adventures and AI and good ol’ sci-fi fun. Started back in 2018, We Fix Space Junk is currently in its mini-season run of Marilyn’s Diary. The most recent episode dropped July 11th and finds a couple of the characters dealing with pirates. 


A road trip through space, a talking spaceship, and the whole universe unfolding before him, StarTripper!! is about Feston Pyxis’s search for adventure among the stars. Season 2 is just starting with the prologue released back in May. There are space races, cooking shows, and, yes, space pirates. It’s a wild ride with a wild guy. 

Read more: Upcoming Whisperforge audio drama, StarTripper!!, aims to lighten up fiction


From the creators behind Alba Salix, Civilized is an improvised dark comedy science fiction audio drama podcast. Following the crew of a marooned terraforming spaceship crashed on an alien planet, Civilized delivers thematic storytelling dealing with cloning terraforming and more. With over 50 episodes and season 4 happening now, Civilized is the perfect podcast for first-time science fiction audio drama listeners. 

Oz 9

Colony ships are well-tread territory in science fiction. But every new creator, if they’re good and daring enough, makes each one unique. What’s different about the science fiction audio drama podcast Oz 9 is the diverse cast and stories that crop up over the 60 episodes. The very first episode feels a bit topical with all the news of billionaire wannabe space boys. But overall, the show is pretty funny and satirical. 

Twilight Histories

Twilight Histories is a science fiction audio fiction podcast where sci-fi stories are dramatized using music and voice acting. It’s all done in the second-person point of view where you are the character. It feels a bit Twilight Zoney and has a darkness to its science fiction. For science fiction podcast listeners who like stories that are darker and weirder than anything, Twilight Histories is a great podcast to check out. The stories featured on the show harken back to classic science fiction stories often featured in periodicals like Startling Stories and Planet Stories with a contemporary twist. 

Dispatch from the Desert Planet

Dispatch from the Desert Planet is a fictional news and music broadcast to over 200 planets, space stations, and terraformed meteors. But it’s more than that. More than fiction or an audio drama. In a way, it’s political and hopeful, inspiring. “Tech Talks/Space Serenade” was the first episode that I listened to and was instantly hooked by using fictional radio broadcasts to build and create a world, universe, and diverse set of cultures. That was their last episode back in February, so I hope they’ll be back soon. Until then, there are over 20 episodes to listen to and support.

Strange Horizons Podcast

Strange Horizons is a hub for fantastic, thought-provoking science fiction, fantasy, horror, and stories of the weird. It is a weekly magazine with an audio fiction podcast where they select stories and poems from their issues to offer them a second life in your ears. 

Lightspeed Magazine Podcast

Lightspeed Magazine Podcast is a science fiction and fantasy audio fiction podcast, similar to Strange Horizons, that publishes some of the stories from its issues on its show. Listeners can find a broad and diverse range of stories and characters on the show. It also is a great place to see what’s being published currently in the short science fiction field. 

Dirt: An Audio Drama

Most of the work on Dirt: An Audio Drama is done by Kristopher Kaiyala, who plays the main character, a man in his 30s who embarks on a fun and imaginative journey after receiving a strange letter. Season 2 is in production currently, but there are six episodes available for new listeners looking for a science fiction audio drama podcast about the things we find when we begin digging into the mysteries around us. 

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Read more: 15 Audio Drama Podcasts to Get You Hooked on Fiction


CTRL-ALT-DESTROY is a science fiction audio drama podcast about a video game designer who uncovers a plot that spans nations and involves the game she created. Put out by Realm, formerly Serial Box, CTRL-ALT-DESTROY has that big-budget feel and features Summer Glau. As a gamer who also loves science fiction, I loved how the show blended gameplay with the story’s action. CTRL-ALT-DESTROY wrapped up in June, so all ten episodes are out and available for listeners.


Marsfall is stunningly emotional, cinematic, and immersive. It’s the story of the first colonists on Mars, and each episode is told from a different character’s perspective. As you learn more about the crew, you also learn more about Mars–and about their journey. The podcast ask questions about the objective truth and what it means to be human, about what happens when we try to start anew when our planet falls apart. It’s got the best action scene audio fiction has ever done, and one of the most beautiful soundtracks in any medium.


ars PARADOXICA is one of the best time-travel stories ever written. Following Sally Grissom, a scientist who accidentally discovers time travel, this podcast has some of the tightest timeline plotting out there without sacrificing great character and plot writing. Its meticulous timeline isn’t a gimmick; instead, it works to help create commentary that relates to identity, memory, isolation, and plenty of political intrigue. As a product of The Whisperforge, it’s also one of the best sounding podcasts to date, with an incredible cast the keep everything grounded.


Arca-45672 has some overlap with Marsfall: they’re both space operas with fascinating AI systems, but where Marsfall focuses on that intersection between humanity and technology, Arca-45672 focuses intently on the human. It asks questions about what humans will do when they need to survive, and how humans will react to a situation they’ve created, like climate change.

Adventures in New America

If you’re looking for goofy but still steeped in cutting, scathing, rapidfire social commentary, you’re going to love Night Vale Presents’s Adventures in New America. Following IA, a man with terminal cancer desperately seeking the funds to pay for his medical treatments despite his deep depression, Adventures in New America takes place in a surreal version of New York called New New York, where the black citizens are being preyed upon by white zombie vampires from outer space.

A World Where

A World Where is an unsettling anthology podcast where the sci-fi setups seem both hyperbolic and a little too close to home. Sound designed with binaural audio–easier heard than explained, so just know that headphones are mandatory–it’s easy to slip not just into the sounds themselves, but also each episode’s plot. For episodes that are short, there’s a slow burn feeling to how intense A World Where can get. Erasing traumatic memories goes to as unexpected places as a cooking competition show do, but with completely different trajectories.

The Big Loop

The Big Loop is like if you took the concept of Black Mirror but made it a series of monologues and subtracted most of the cynicism. A deeply intimate anthology series, The Big Loop covers a wide range of genres but usually ends up in some form of sci-fi. From a ghost stories to superhero (villain?) origin stories to stories about Lovecraftian horrors and mermaids, you’ll come away from each questioning some part of the world while also being deeply moved.

Janus Descending

Starring audio fiction gems Jordan Cobb and Anthony Olivieri, Janus Descending is a story told in two alternating, opposite chronologies: one protagonist, Chel, is followed chronologically, while the other protagonist, Peter, is followed in reverse. It’s a story that begs being put together with theories as it goes, wondering how everyone got from the start to the end, what chaos happened between. The writing changes tone completely while still remaining cohesive, and the sound design is truly chilling.

The Deca Tapes

The Deca Tapes is a found audio podcast of leaked audio from a strange experiment in which people were locked in confinement together for unknown reasons. The story unfolds in a strange mystery over eight episodes, hitting unnerving and dark moments that show the perils of prison systems that thrive on capitalism.


Stuck in a life of corporate mediocrity due to crippling debt, when protagonist Frank Torrez finds himself unemployed, he has no choice but to start working for a secretive operation: the Caretaker Directive. They need people to help test a method of bodily preservation for longer space travel, and plan to send him–and a few others–deep into space with no way of being hurt, but kept completely alone, separated from the others. Each episode’s dialogue is edited to be listened to with headphones and interwoven with an inner monologue that feels just as sci-fi as it feels noir.

Moonbase Theta, Out

With short-form episodes and a sweet narrative, Moonbase Theta, Out is a series from a–you guessed it–moon base from an astronaut to his husband. While the podcast does eventually up its stakes and dive into plot, it always has a sense of kindness, sincerity, and tenderness to each episode. If you’re looking for sci-fi but not necessarily horror or a dramatic space opera, Moonbase Theta, Out is a great place to start.

The Infinite Now

Written by the person behind one of the best Twitter accounts, Richard Penner, The Infinite Now is a surreal time/space travel podcast in which the host, The TIMESCANNER, slips between different realities. It’s a bit like if Welcome to Night Vale leaned even more into absurdity and, sometimes, even more into direct scathing takedowns of current societal ills. All of those features surround strangely realistic performances, including Penner’s own hypnotically smooth voice.


Inspired by the classic games Myst and Riven, Ostium is a podcast about a man who stumbles into information about a strange town called Ostium while looking around maps online. When he finds Ostium, he comes across a complex world of doors and mysteries. A story of exploration, escapism, and trust, Ostium is largely told through single-narrator perspectives, giving it a diary-like feel.


Told in 9-minute episodes (later compiled into one whole, two-hour piece), 2298 is a classic dystopian sci-fi that feels at home with works like 1984Brave New World, and Black Mirror. The podcast centers on 24, a man living in a universe completely dictated by social media and government surveillance. 24 doesn’t question this life, always going to work exactly as and when he’s told, until he’s visited by a strange bird–and suddenly, everything starts to change.

Within the Wires

Also from Night Vale Presents, Within the Wires is a strange, unnerving podcast with a different format each season. The first season is a set of relaxation tapes with a dark twist; the second is made up of guides listening for museums; and the third is a bureaucrat’s dictation tapes for his secretary. Ostensibly, none of these stories are sci-fi . . . until you pay attention. All three take place in the same universe, and that universe is one of strange government offices, medical facilities, and strange applications of art.

Wolf 359

Wolf 359 is one of the most beloved pieces of audio fiction, and for good reason. It’s the story of a small crew on a massive space station, and while it starts off silly, it becomes something absolutely heartbreaking and stunningly beautiful. Wolf 359 has science fiction features galore and plenty of twists, turns, suspense, and character development. It’s a true space opera, rooted in increasingly incredible writing and a phenomenal cast.

Steal the Stars

Written in partnership with Tor labs, Steal the Stars is a blockbuster audio fiction that blends a romance, a heist, a political thriller, action, and aliens. Protagonist Dakota “Dak” Prentiss works at a secret government operation to study a massive alien they call “Moss” (named for the moss that covers its body) and the deadly harp-like device found with it. In the facility, all emotional and psychical contact between employees is forbidden–which is made difficult when the gorgeous Matt Salem is hired.

Girl in Space

Voted our readers’ favorite audio drama of 2018Girl in Space by Sarah Rhea Werner follows X, a girl . . . in space. Initially, X is isolated in her station, but as she finds other travelers in the cosmos, she finds herself pulled into a space drama and being completely disinterested in falling into the genre’s trappings. X is a captivating protagonist. She’s charismatic, jovial, astute, and so relatable (her love of cheese is so many of us). Slowly, more of her mysterious past an family are revealed, making each episode another step into a fascinating mystery.


Tides is an audio fiction that blends space travel, biology, and a great unreliable narrator. Julia Schifini plays Dr. Winifred “Fred” Eurus, xenobiologist stranded alone on an earth-like planet with tremendous tidal waves. As Fred explores, she encounters alien life, but she also talks about the humans who abandoned her here: her crew, all of whom are doing their best to save her. Fred is aggressively self-sufficient–or, at least, she thinks she is–but finds she may need help more than she wants to admit. You can read our full review of Tides‘s first season here.

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Radio at the End of the World: Audio Fiction and Drama Podcast Roundup October 2021 Mon, 22 Nov 2021 22:04:18 +0000 Last October, I did something a little different with Radio at the End of the World. Instead of recommending a wide range of podcasts, I honored the holiday season. With October being Black Speculative Fiction Month, I focused on Black speculative fiction podcasts or episodes. For those who don’t know what speculative fiction is, it […]

The post Radio at the End of the World: Audio Fiction and Drama Podcast Roundup October 2021 appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

Last October, I did something a little different with Radio at the End of the World. Instead of recommending a wide range of podcasts, I honored the holiday season. With October being Black Speculative Fiction Month, I focused on Black speculative fiction podcasts or episodes. For those who don’t know what speculative fiction is, it sorta dominates the audio drama or audio fiction realm. 

Speculative fiction encapsulates science fiction, slipstream, fantasy, steampunk, horror, magical realism, and all other genres that stray away from the ordinary everyday places of our lives. Welcome to Night Vale? Speculative fiction. Black Tapes? Speculative fiction. The Magnus Archives? Yup, speculative fiction. Black Speculative Fiction Month happens every October and was started by writers Milton Davis and Balogun Ojetade to celebrate and honor speculative fiction written by, for, and featuring Black people and storylines representative of their lives. 

This month’s roundup will do just: highlight and direct attention to the Black creators out there working in the speculative fiction genre. But with a slight twist. It’s been over a year, more than 100 audio dramas, and in that time, I’ve come across many great Black speculative fiction audio dramas and audio fiction stories. So, I want to focus on looking back at a few of my favorites from throughout the past year or so. 


A QCODE favorite from 2019 is the science fiction monster audio drama Carrier. QCODE is known for putting out full-cast audio dramas with a lot of star power both behind and on the mic. Carrier is no different! Follow along as a woman accepts a truck driving assignment out of desperation in the wake of her father becoming too ill to work. The main character is a Black woman played by a Black woman. There are more Black characters throughout the series, making the science fiction audio drama feel like authentic representation instead of filler. When I first featured the audio drama, it was a year off its series ending with little left for listeners to check out besides the seven-part series. Now, there are a couple of previews and sample episodes of a new series coming out by QCODE similar to Carrier if you’re hungry for more stories featuring Black characters, actors, and storylines. 

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Ostium Podcast

Ostium Podcast is about a strange town hidden in the woods and supposedly empty, except for all the strangeness and locked doors that lead to other times and places. Ostium Podcast, with Black writer and actor Georgia Mckenzie, began back in 2017 and introduced fans to the town of Ostium, the main character who can’t help but follow the mystery and the people and places he finds along the way. Like the main character, listeners will be sucked into the small breadcrumbs left leading to Ostium. I featured this speculative fiction audio drama a few months back because of how it swept me away with the mystery instantly. It has all the elements of a dark speculative mystery and a fair number of back episodes to keep you entertained and guessing if you’re new to the speculative fiction audio drama. 

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Old Gods of Appalachia

Old Gods of Appalachia is a cross between an audio drama and an audio fiction podcast. A familiar setting and characters crop up throughout the horror anthology podcast, making this more than just a string of unrelated horror stories. Since its airing back in 2019, Old Gods of Appalachia has amassed a large and loyal following along with a lot of respect in the horror and audio drama world. And it’s easy to see why. Old Gods of Appalachia creates an alternative Appalachia as diverse, expanse, and old as the actual Appalachia region. Old Gods of Appalachia is a recent favorite on my list ever since listening to it this year.

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Unwell, A Midwestern Gothic Mystery

Unwell is a horror audio drama following a young woman who moves back to her small-town home in Ohio to look after her estranged mother. While there, she lives in her family’s boarding house that’s filled with ghosts lurking in the shadows and mystery around every bend. The full-cast horror audio drama has aired since 2019 with three complete seasons, which means there are over 30 episodes for new listeners to catch up on. Honestly, if you haven’t listened to this audio drama, you’re missing out or just avoiding it. I’ve recommended this diverse podcast with Black characters and actors at least twice in various articles on Discover Pods because it’s that good. 

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Moonbase Theta, Out

Moonbase Theta, Out is one of my favorite audio dramas to recommend. Not only are there Black characters in a great science fiction setting but there are queer stories and characters, too. The science fiction audio drama follows the shutting down of the Moonbase programs of the future. There’s one left, Theta. The stories and characters explore topics surrounding politics, science, and more. And there are tons of episodes for new listeners, along with a new season for diehard fans. This August, Moonbase Theta, Out began airing its All Your Base season, giving listeners a peek into the other bases. Don’t worry; it’s still the same feel, vibe, and podcast. 

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*Transcripts available on each season page

The Dark Tome, “Maggie Doll” by Alex Jennings

The Dark Tome is a speculative fiction audio fiction podcast that uses voice acting and sound effects to create a fuller experience for the reader. “Maggie Doll” was initially featured in Alex Jennings’ short story collection, Here I Come. It takes on a whole new life with the help of The Dark Tome. I wrote about “Maggie Doll” a few months back and haven’t stopped thinking about the characters and their relationships since. A stuffed animal in a fantastical world of talking creatures must help them prepare for and face a war they don’t fully understand. Blending genres and tones, “Maggie Doll” balances between creepy, cute, and touching in a way that makes the listener feel the anguish and desperation of the characters.

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Covid39 examines where we are now and where we are headed. More than anything, Covid39 is a bit of soft science fiction and offers listeners a look back on what the pandemic is like now and the ramifications these moments might have on the future. If you’re put off by most science fiction or speculative fiction, Covid39 is a great way to start. The speculative fiction audio drama follows a Black couple who are curious if their love stems from their families interacted closely during a very traumatic time. Through audio recordings, letters, emails, and more, the two unearth the locked away memories of their time during the pandemic, the time still happening for many of us.

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Strive to support each one of these Black speculative fiction audio dramas in any way possible. If you have the resources to give, pay tribute with hard cash so that these creators can continue producing stellar content. Money, not your thing? There are other ways to support these Black audio dramas.

Share these podcasts wide and far. Make sure everyone in your network knows these creators. Bring them up in dialogue about great speculative fiction. Support, spread, and show appreciation. 

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Radio at the End of the World: Audio Fiction and Drama Podcast Roundup January 2021 Fri, 12 Feb 2021 22:15:00 +0000 So, this is the new year? Well, what a year it has been so far. I hope it has come to find you well and wanting for more great podcasts. That’s how it found me. Luckily there’s never a shortage of podcasts being released or promoted out of obscurity, so I was able to scrape […]

The post Radio at the End of the World: Audio Fiction and Drama Podcast Roundup January 2021 appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

So, this is the new year? Well, what a year it has been so far. I hope it has come to find you well and wanting for more great podcasts. That’s how it found me. Luckily there’s never a shortage of podcasts being released or promoted out of obscurity, so I was able to scrape up a few goodies. 

As always, I’ve aimed to deliver a diverse variety of audio drama and audio fiction podcasts for people who are new or seasoned to the whole audio fiction or audio drama podcast community. There’s horror, mystery, and more featured on this month’s round up. Hope you’re able to find something to peak your interest and fill your morning, night, or afternoon. 


The cover art for Covid39. The show's title is in a white splattered typewriter font of a dark background with a textured biohazard symbol.


When it comes to fictional stories about current bad times, I tend to avoid them. Why fictionalize something that is very real and painful for many people? Covid39 and the few shows out there like it don’t use the pandemic as a money shot, but as a way to examine where we are now and where we are headed. More than anything, Covid39 reads less like science fiction and more like a crystal ball or a mirror. The content and topics covered relate to many of us and tell a story that is still unfolding before us. Covid39 follows a couple who are curious if their love stems from the fact that during the pandemic their families lived together. Through audio recordings, letters, emails, and more, the two unearth the locked away memories of their time during the pandemic, the time happening right now. Set in the future but looking back on the present, Covid39 is both introspective and retrospective. 

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The cover art for Tales from the Arcanist. The podcast's title is written in white clock serif font in front of a blue background. A white silhouette of a wizard hat is in the middle of the image, in front of a black soundwave illustration.

Tales from the Arcanist, “Red Velvet in Black Charcoal and Message in a Bottle”

The Arcanist is an online speculative flash fiction magazine that deals in horror, science fiction, fantasy, and all the weird spaces in-between. Like Strange Horizons, Nightmare Magazine, and other contemporary fiction magazines, The Arcanist has a podcast branch of their magazine, Tales from the Arcanist, where they read select stories from each issue. They’re fun, short, imaginative episodes from new and recognizable names in the genre. The whole podcast is worth a listen and a follow, but a recent episode is one I want to spotlight. “Red Velvet in Black Charcoal and Message in a Bottle” features two flash stories—one of which is recent Red Velvet in Black Charcoal by Maura Yzmore and one from 2019 Message in a Bottle by Jeff C. Carter. While one story follows the mystery and magic of children and their connections the other pulls listeners off to a different place where there is only you and the character’s salvation. 

Read more: Interview about Cryptids – a fiction podcast developed by a film company

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The cover art for Maeltopia. On a black background, a white sketch of stick figures with arms raised, as though praying in a cave painting, in front of three skyscrapers with eyes floating atop.

Maeltopia- A New World of Horror Fiction, Episode 35 of “Tales of Maeltopia”

Though Maeltopia has been around for several years, I only recently began listening to the dark audio drama that tends to have a bit of fun with words. The thing that I like most about audio dramas that feature a splattering of tales from different writers is that each one delivers a different creepy experience. Each story is interconnected, though not in a cohesive order. Throughout the series, listeners can hear original stories told well. Due to Maeltopia’s unique cadence of episode releases—not all are in order and not all follow the same story as the last—the show tends to have an eerie and chaotic feeling that makes the listener feel as though they are stumbling through this dark strange world and they aren’t alone. 

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The cover art for I Am In Eskew. The font's title is written in grungy sans-serif all-caps text in front of a textured grunge cement background with a blood splatter.

I am in Eskew, “The Boy Who Saw Cracks in the World”

Another classic audio drama that I finally got around to listening to this month, I am in Eskew. Now, I’ve had this podcast on my radar for a while because it’s often recommended when listeners ask for podcasts similar to Night Vale, Old Gods of Appalachia, and other creepy location-oriented stories. The audio drama ended back in 2019, but the creators recently released a new audio drama series, The Silt Verses, so before diving into the new, I wanted to get familiar with the old. I am in Eskew struck me instantly as a creepy and atmospheric show rooted in its odd setting and characters. The show follows a man who has found himself trapped in the horrific and mythic landscape of Eskew. “The Boy Who Saw Cracks in the World” is the finale that further explores Eskew and the main character in a way that gives some answers while leaving others untouched. 

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The cover art for 13 Days of Halloween. The title is written in a white, semi-transparent slab serif gothic font over a photograph of an old manor overlaid with blues and greens.

13 Days of Halloween

There are a lot of things to love and hate about big production audio dramas. They usually have enough money and backing to pull together a team of actors and writers that’s sure to be good for something. But a lot of times they lack that feel of original and groundbreaking that many independent productions have. While 13 Days of Halloween has a stellar cast featuring the likes of Keegan-Michael Key and others, it still holds close to feeling like an indie audio drama. Great for fans of Wrong Station and Deadly Manners, 13 Days of Halloween invites listeners to stay at the Hawthorne Manor where all sorts of odd guests and happenings are housed. Like many of Blumhouse’s productions, 13 Days of Halloween perfectly blends the horror and creep with the humorous and absurd. 

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The cover art for storybound. In front of a dark navy background, a person illustrated in shades of blue falls while reading a book and wearing headphones, the pages flying past. The book and headphones are both red and orange. The podcast's title is at the bottom of the image in all-caps sans-serif orange text.

Storybound, Episode 6, “Noé Álvarez reads an excerpt from ‘Spirit Run’”

I think Storybound may be my new favorite audio fiction podcast this year. Each episode is a unique blend of story, drama, and sound that makes for an original and memorable listening experience. Storybound is an audio fiction podcast that feels like radio theater but for the present day. Each episode features an author and excerpt from their latest work. While the author reads the work, the experience of the telling is enhanced and deepened by musical soundscapes, scores, and vocal remixes. Though I recommend each of the episodes in this podcast, “Noé Álvarez reads an excerpt from ‘Spirit Run’” was a transformative reading and beautiful performance that paired Álvarez’s reading and work with Daniel Frankhuizen in a way that struck me and gave me a much-needed mental cleansing. 

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The cover art for girl Tales. In front of a teal starburst background, an outline of a pink fist punches into the air holding a purple wand with a glowing yellow star at the end. The podcast's title is written in white lowercase bubble text with a purple outline and drop shadow.

Girl Tales

Many of the stories featured in Girl Tales are reimagined stories of classic tales like Rapunzel except this Rapunzel is a young Black girl with curly hair. Calling these stories reimagined fairy tales doesn’t really paint a clear picture of what these stories truly are. These stories borrow the names and some other factors, but the actual contents and themes are new and original. Since the list of writers for the podcast is so diverse, listeners are given the chance to hear stories from BIPOC and LGBTQ writers that center issues important to them. I’ve talked about this podcast in other roundups because I deeply recommend it to people with children in their lives. Too often we hear the same misogynistic and troubling tales from the same perspectives. Girl Tales rockets listeners away from those narratives and into new and better ones. 

Read more: Best Podcasts for Kids and Pre-teens

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And despite how many podcasts I listen to, it always seems there are more that I haven’t heard of. I am always grateful to people who put shows on my radar and suggest them to me. Like Storybound, a show that I might not have ever found if it wasn’t for a loyal reader who sent me the podcast. Or Maeltopia that I discovered digging around in the R/audiodrama subreddit—which is a great place to go to find podcasts, interact with other fans of the form, and promote your own podcasts. Whether it was a show recommended to me or one I found on my own, the above list has the best of the best of what I listened to this past month, and I reckon at least one of these will bring a little more light or darkness to your life. 

The post Radio at the End of the World: Audio Fiction and Drama Podcast Roundup January 2021 appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

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