Podcast Spotlight: Obliterate Podcast

Whether you are cutting ties with an ex-partner or saying so long to an ex-friend, breakups are a universal experience. If you are crying uncontrollably or just have a general feeling of devastation, the only way to get over it is to get through it.
Host Christine and her guests, like most of us, have learned this lesson the hard way. Guests are invited on the show every couple of weeks to talk about a breakup that left its mark on them. Listeners will hear from a diverse range of perspectives, including gay relationships, and are sure to find a story that resonates. Obliterate Podcast wants listeners to know they are not alone in horrible breakups—countless people have been there before and will be there after.
This podcast is a cathartic peak into other people’s lives. Some guests cry, most guests laugh, and all parties walk away learning something about themselves. From the initial breakup to the eventual healing, this one goes out to the romantics and true friends.
We were fortunate to talk with Nikolich about the podcast, how they differentiate from other podcasts, and their future plans in podcasting. See below for our full Q&A.

DISCOVER PODS: How’d you get into podcasting?
NIKOLICH: My first experience with podcasting was in 2016. I was looking for a way to make extra money and came across a job on craigslist to be a storyteller with a publishing company. I ended up getting the job and created a weekly 20-25 minute podcast to help promote reading and literature to underprivileged children around the world.
I have a background in video production and am always looking for my next outlet to be creative. Podcasting seemed like the perfect fit for me since I already had the production and editing experience. Also, this year with the pandemic was honestly the perfect year to start podcasting. I am an extrovert and it’s not only helped give me something to look forward to doing, but it’s also helped fill the void of meeting new people which has been really rewarding.
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DISCOVER PODS: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to Obliterate Podcast?
NIKOLICH: Obliterate Podcast is different from a lot of dating podcasts out there. This show was was founded with the objective of telling breakup stories but has evolved into bigger conversations about personal growth and the importance of self-care. Each episode features a guest’s reflections on a meaningful relationship—from childhood friendships to marriages—that dissolved over time or completely obliterated in an unexpected way. Guests take a deep dive into how the relationship started, why the relationship was so impactful, how the relationship ended and what they learned from it all. At its core, this podcast unpacks the breakup in its many forms, but I try to help find lessons and even humor in some of the darker places. For the listener who is knee-deep in breakup grief, the hope is that Obliterate creates a safe space to feel less alone while giving a new sense of empowerment to move onward and upward.
DISCOVER PODS: What kind of feedback have you heard from your listeners?
NIKOLICH: The best feedback I’ve gotten is that Obliterate Podcast is relatable. Almost everyone has been through a breakup of some sort and it’s not always the most glamorous or fun thing to talk about, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be. Here are what some of my listeners have said about the show:
“Every guest Christine brings on talks about something so personal and yet it’s so comforting because we’ve all been there in certain situations. It’s nice to hear that we’re not alone and this show delivers on that in strides. Such a fantastic podcast with such an interesting and unique approach, honesty it’s pretty surprising that this podcast isn’t any more well-known or bigger than it already is.”
“I am a HUGE fan of Obliterate! I binged it quite a bit over the holidays.You’ve definitely got the concept down pat and your voice immediately reminded me of NPR. The cadence and mystery of it. I don’t know if the NPR similarity is a good thing in podcast-land, but it made me comfortable from the first time I tuned in.”
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DISCOVER PODS: Describe your recording set up? What equipment are you using?
NIKOLICH: For remote interviews, I’ve been using Zencastr and a Blue Yeti microphone. When COVID wasn’t a thing, I used TONOR condenser microphones and ZOOM H6. I edit everything on Premiere Pro.
DISCOVER PODS: What’s the biggest challenge you face as an indie podcaster?
NIKOLICH: It’s hard doing everything on my own. I love doing the podcast and hearing the stories of my guests is truly inspiring, but it can be difficult to keep the momentum going when I’m simultaneously finding guests, conducting interviews, editing, and promoting all while having a full time job. That being said, I’m so happy I motivated myself to start this show and as long as people are willing to share their breakup stories with me, I will continue to put out episodes!
DISCOVER PODS: Where do you want to take your podcast?
NIKOLICH: The sky is the limit. Season 4 will be released in late March which is super exciting! I want to keep telling these unique breakup stories so I can continue to remind people that if they are going through some sort of a breakup right now, they can get through it and aren’t alone. My dream would be to eventually turn these stories into a TV series, I think they’d translate really well on screen. Until then, I’d like to to reach as many listeners as possible all around the globe!
DISCOVER PODS: What other podcasts are you listening to now?
NIKOLICH: CREATIVE truth, Punk Rock Horror Podcast, Around Our Home, Someone Knows Something, SmartLess
DISCOVER PODS: Anything else you’d like to add?
NIKOLICH: I’d like to give a huge thanks to all of the guests who have been on my show. I wouldn’t have this podcast without their stories and I am truly grateful that they are willing to open up and be vulnerable in such a public way. I’d also like to thank all of my listeners, family and friends for supporting me, I feel really lucky to have such a network of positive people who give me an attagirl whenever I need it. If you want to learn more about Obliterate Podcast please visit www.christinenikolich.com/obliteratepodcast. You can also follow us on Instagram or Twitter @obliteratepodcast. If you have any interest in being a guest, please email us at obliteratepodcast@gmail.com. Also, if you’re looking for a way to support us, please consider being a patron: https://www.patreon.com/obliteratepodcast.
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