EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Let’s Go Local*

How EarBuds Podcast Collective works:
Each week, a theme is chosen by one of our curators. That curator finds 5 podcast episodes (from anywhere!) to go along with that theme. Listen to these podcasts by clicking on the links above, through the RadioPublic app, or you can find (most of) them on your favorite podcast app (iTunes, Stitcher, Overcast…)
PODCAST CURATOR’S NAME: Peach and Prosperity Podcast
WHY THIS THEME?: With local podcasts, you get to know communities from unique voices. From meeting a local baker to exploring a neighborhood, there are incredible stories to inspire and connect, no matter where you call home!
MONDAY: Peach and Prosperity – Get a Clue: Atlanta Scavenger Hunts –14 minutes
TUESDAY: Work in Progress – Building a Business When No One Will Hire You –26 minutes
WEDNESDAY: StartUp – Up in Flames – 43 minutes
THURSDAY: Southern Foodways Alliance – The Price of Cheap Milk – 19 minutes
FRIDAY: The Venture – Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap: Embracing Eccentricity –28 minutes
GET IN TOUCH: Twitter | Instagram | Email
SHAMELESS PROMO: On June 20, we hosted a Podcast Launch party for Peach and Prosperity for our dad and daughter podcast. We featured a local food fair with samples, and a panel from the first few episodes. Watch the Facebook Live video.
CROWDSOURCING QUESTION: What activities would make a podcast event awesome?
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