Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods Find your next favorite podcast Mon, 13 Mar 2023 20:21:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods Find your next favorite podcast clean 9 Of The Most Amazing Comedians With Podcasts Mon, 13 Mar 2023 13:17:00 +0000 Comedians make some of the best podcast hosts. They're sharp, quick on their feet, and usually have a joke at the ready.

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The pandemic of 2020 – 2022 was a tough time for comedians. Without their natural environment of comedy clubs, it would be easy to get rusty. I think that is why there has been such an explosion of comedians with podcasts.

It was a natural transition to keep their craft sharp without the pesky dangers of COVID-19 spoiling the party.

As we’ve discussed before, it’s easier than ever to get a podcast started, and these are trained professionals. With the success of the Joe Rogan Experience, just about everyone in the comedy world fired up a show.

This was also great for audiences who would get to hear these brilliant men and women work, which was a boon for all of us who were stuck inside during the lockdown.

So, without further adieu, let’s dive into some of this comedy gold. I should note, these aren’t presented in any ranked order. If they’re on this list, they have excellent shows and you should be listening to them regularly.

Comedians with Podcasts, an Unordered List…

Now, I chose to do this in an unordered list because comedy is a subjective art form. And George Carlin isn’t around to top the list anymore. I mean, could you imagine George Carlin being on the list of comedians with podcasts? He’d have to be near the top. Oh, we can only imagine.

Neither is Richard Pryor nor so many of the true legends of comedy.

What makes a great comedy podcast? Well, the best comedy podcasts must be authentic. It’s an intimate art form, so they can’t just be telling jokes. They have to be telling stories and adding a more vulnerable human element to them.

The podcasters on this list have managed to achieve that. Perhaps stepping outside their comfort zone to master this new art form.

They don’t even necessarily have to be funny podcasts per se to make the list. Rogan, for instance, isn’t leaning too heavily on his being funny, but it’d be hard to say he’s not doing something right over there. Some of the best interviews have been done on that show without necessarily being laugh-out-loud funny.

Others on this list really are genuinely funny. But that’s not necessarily a requirement. It’s that authenticity that ties this list of comedy podcasts together. Well, that, and they are professional comedians and comedic actors.

So, let’s get into the best comedians with podcasts.

Two Bears, One Cave with Tom Segura & Bert Kreisher

Comedians with podcasts like Segura and Kirchner set the bar for hilarity.

These types of interview shows just work for comedians. And after 175 episodes and counting Tom Segura and Bert Kreischer are among the best in the business.

They are longtime real friends so the chemistry of their interview ping-pong comedic timing is brilliant. As of late Bert has been dealing with some health issues that have sidelined him leaving Tom to do the show with a slew of guest “bears,” filling in for Bert.

Their latest episode features Ryan Holliday, who we’ve discussed many times on this site for reintroducing the ancient philosophy of stoicism to modern audiences.

It’s a fantastic example of comedians being able to pivot and the authenticity on display from Tom is palpable.

While this episode errs less towards comedy it’s still extremely entertaining.

Other recent guests that have contributed to a very entertaining series of episodes have included the likes of Dana Carvey, Tony Hawk, and Louis C.K. Showing that there aren’t many topics that are off-limits.

There are episodes without guests with Tom and Bert essentially telling wild stories of their lives on the road and the general hijinks that one assumes is part and parcel of the comedy lifestyle.

It’s hard to sing the praises of this comedy podcast more.

WTF with Marc Maron Podcast

Maron is closing in on nearly a thousand episodes.

So, it makes sense he’s spoken to just about every comedian, actor, author, thinker, and person of interest on the planet. This is another show where Marc showcases an ability to create meaningful connections with his guests.

The result is that these are some of the most interesting discussions in podcasting. Again, comedians with podcasts don’t always equate to something “ha-ha” funny, but it does equate to an entertaining and enjoyable listen.

As I mentioned there are nearly 1,000 episodes in the archives, there is plenty to go back and listen to.

Some of the interviews that stand out are:

  • Kat Williams, the legendary comedian.
  • Marc Summers, of Double Dare fame.
  • Gallagher, who actually walked out on the interview.
  • Radhika Jones, Editor and Chief of Vanity Fair
  • Whitney Cummings, the brilliant comedian.

The list just keeps on going. Bradley Whitford of the West Wing and Handmaid’s Tale has become a real fan of the show which made their latest conversation an absolute delight. In fact, comedians with podcasts can create some of the most haunting interviews.

There’s something for everyone after a thousand episodes, so make sure this one finds its way into your podcast app of choice.

Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend

Conan has been a comedian for more than 30 years. He’s late night royalty. He’s made us laugh on television and on the internet, and now he’s mastering this new art form: the podcast.

This weekly podcast is from a legend where Conan interviews his friends, who are also comedians. The show is funny, but it’s also a way for Conan to get out of his comfort zone and have some real conversations with people he doesn’t know very well.

The guests range from Jimmy Fallon to Jane Lynch to Richard Lewis, but they all seem to be having a great time talking about their lives and careers as comedians. You want to be a fly on this wall.

Office Ladies

Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey are best friends, and they’re back at it with a new podcast. Well, not so new at this point.

I had no idea they were best friends in real life, but I guess that’s the kind of relationship you develop on a show like this over such a long period of time.

If you’ve ever watched The Office, you know what these two are like: Jenna is the sweet one who everyone loves, and Angela is the tough-talking woman who can always be counted on to say something outrageous. But in real life, they’re both the sweet ones.

In their podcast, they get together to talk about their time on The Office, as well as the many projects they’ve worked on since then. And while they don’t always agree on everything (who would?), they still manage to have a good time reminiscing about their time together on one of television’s biggest sitcoms—and that’s what makes this podcast so much fun.

There are interviews with the show’s cast and creators, as well as fans of the show. Like self-described “super fan,” Billie Eilish.

The Patdown with Ms. Pat

The Miss Pat show is an amazing show. Emmy nominated don’t you know. Have you been watching it?

That’s what makes this podcast so good. Ms. Pat pulls back the curtain on her show that she created and stars in. So, she knows the goods. Chris Spangle and Deon Curry (among others) join Ms. Pat to talk about making the show and share some unique perspectives on life.

Want to hear what she thinks of Cocaine Bear, or what she thought of her court experience? Want to hear Deon Curry leave one of the best comedians speechless?

I really don’t want to give too much away here. But this is a fantastic podcast with hilarious people talking about life.

Best Friends with Nicole Byer and Sasheer Zamata

I love listening to podcasts that take me out of my familiar perspective. Yeah, of course, I listen to comedy podcasts by people who look like me. That’s understandable I think.

That said, I think some of the best podcasting experiences are when you specifically go out of your way to broaden your horizons. This is one of those shows.

On paper, I have nothing in common with Nicole and Sasheer, which is why I learn so much from their podcast, Best Friends. I learn that I’m wrong. Sasheer is into My Chemical Romance. Or a fascination with the Blue Man Group.

It’s just one of those podcasts that’s tough for me to comment on other than you really should be listening to Best Friends. It’s one of the top 10 comedy podcasts that you just don’t see coming as a plain vanilla straight white guy.

I love this show and can’t say enough good things about it.


Adam has one of the best funny British podcasts on Spotify. I’m a little concerned that there hasn’t been a new release in 2023, but when you’ve been doing this non-stop since 2015, we can wait a bit.

But, since the archive goes back to 2015, if you aren’t listening on a regular basis, you’ve got some catching up to do.

His discussion with the aforementioned Maron from 2017 is a masterclass in a comedian having a discussion with another comedian. I think the British perspective makes this one of the top free comedy podcasts UK can deliver.

As of this writing, there are 200 episodes for you, dear reader, to catch up on.

Comedy Bang Bang

Scott Aukerman hosts this show. It’s kind of a variety show that is a blend of conversation between a genius comedian… and Scott Aukerman. No, I’m kidding, Aukerman is from Mr. Show fame.

But it’s the special guest that gets to shine in each episode. Because it’s more than just conversation. It’s also some top-notch character work, games, and general revelry. It’s kind of like a looser, less NPR, wait wait, don’t tell me. So if you like that show and would like something a bit edgier, this show is for you.

The guest list is a who’s who of working comedians. Zach Galifianakis, Jason Alexander, David Cross, Nick Kroll, Mary Holland, and Allison Williams are just a few of the litany of brilliant guests that are on the show.

I highly recommend starting with the Best of Episodes that condense the show into something resembling digestible.

You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes

I absolutely love the premise of this show. The idea is that everyone has something weird about themselves. Think about that anecdote or idiosyncratic personality trait that you don’t lead with at parties.

Yeah, everyone has those. You can imagine if you’re drawn to comedy as a profession, you’re going to have more weirdness, or weirder weirdness.

Host Holmes gets some of the biggest comedians in the business to disclose theirs to his audience. The result is absolutely perfect. *Chef’s Kiss*

There are 779 episodes on Apple Podcasts as of this writing, which makes it another podcast with an archive to dip in and out of at your leisure. With so many guests, it makes it one of the top comedian podcasts that should be in your player of choice.

Comedians With Podcasts – Rarely Stand Up

Did you notice a theme on this list? Comedians with podcasts are rarely performing. They’re having authentic conversations. They’re having intimate conversations.

Even when they are performing comedians with podcasts are doing something more like a variety show. We’ve talked on this site about how the medium just lends itself to an intimacy that you aren’t going to get from a comedian on stage. That’s a performance, to a crowd.

It’s a shared experience. A podcast usually happens alone. And often, it’s a discussion that’s shared between the listeners between the earbuds. It’s a completely different experience.

This is what makes these comedians with podcasts, playing with the format, within the medium, so good. You get to see what makes these people so smart. We, as listeners, get to see the wheels turning a bit more than a polished special on Netflix. It’s a real treat to see how the work is done.

Are there shows I missed that I should be listening to? Let me know on twitter @discover_pods.

The post 9 Of The Most Amazing Comedians With Podcasts appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

5 Candidates for a Podcast like Joe Rogan to That You Should be Listening to Wed, 02 Sep 2020 16:58:03 +0000 We’ve talked on Discover Pods before about how a successful podcaster creates an intimate relationship with their listener. The host is bringing their listener on a journey, and that journey takes time. Much more time than reading a blog post for instance. With the Joe Rogan Experience, Rogan has mastered the interview format podcast allowing […]

The post 5 Candidates for a Podcast like Joe Rogan to That You Should be Listening to appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

We’ve talked on Discover Pods before about how a successful podcaster creates an intimate relationship with their listener. The host is bringing their listener on a journey, and that journey takes time. Much more time than reading a blog post for instance. With the Joe Rogan Experience, Rogan has mastered the interview format podcast allowing a free form conversation. So once you’ve exhausted the thousands of episodes, you need a new podcast like Joe Rogan.

Time is a finite resource that we are depleting. And as we all know, no matter how long the day seems, there aren’t any more deposits going into that timebank. Only withdrawals.

It makes sense then that one of the biggest problems with finding a new podcast is a fear of commitment.

Of committing our time to a podcast that we’re not going to like. One that isn’t going to spark joy, if you will. So why then, despite the terrifying advances in AI, are we leaving our next podcast journey up to some algorithm?

Related reading: best Joe Rogan Experience episodes

Adopt a Podcast Like Joe Rogan to Broaden Your Horizons

The obvious answer is that we shouldn’t. In this first in a series of how to be a better listener posts, we’re going to take a look at one of our favorite podcasts, the Joe Rogan Experience. If you like the Joe Rogan Experience, you’ll like these podcasts too.

Let’s break down the different pillars of what makes Joe’s show a solid listen. And how you can use these pillars as jumping-off points to some other podcasts you may not immediately be aware of.

So what makes a stand up comic a fantastic podcast interviewer?  Let’s dive into our first pillar.

Authenticity is Key to a Podcast Like Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan’s authenticity leaps through your earbuds from the moment you hit play. Having done this for so long, the Joe Rogan Experience stands as its own entity, a vehicle unto itself. It isn’t part of a larger brand awareness or marketing hub. As such, there’s no need to build a facade on top of it.

This allows Joe a great deal of freedom to talk about whatever it is he wants to talk about with whoever he puts on the show. The resulting authenticity resonates with listeners.

Who are some other authentic comics speaking their truth?

Armchair Expert With Dax Sheppard

Dax Sheppard is probably best known for his supporting role in the marriage of Kristen Bell and Dax Sheppard. But my guess is that’s fine with him. While an accomplished actor in his own right with Parenthood among others, it’s his deep conversations about the flawed human condition that shines.

Dax is pretty open about his struggles with mental health and addiction. Those experiences serve as a bedrock for enthralling discussions with his guests. Joe does this a lot as well, which is what makes Armchair Expert a great podcast like Joe Rogan.

Listen: Apple Podcast | Stitcher | Spotify

Under the skin is a great podcast like Joe Rogan in the authenticity category.

Under the Skin With Russell Brand

Russell Brand is the comedian we all need right now. Because the discussions he’s having with some true luminaries about some of the largest topics are both enormous and digestible. Another man that’s walked with his own demons, Brand leads with imperfection and tries to scratch beneath the surface of what we say we see to what is.

He’s been one of the best guests on Joe Rogan’s pod, so it is no surprise he’s got a podcast like Joe Rogan in terms of authenticity.

Listen: Apple Podcast | Stitcher | Spotify

What He Gets From the Guests

A hallmark of the Joe Rogan experience is the true depth of guests he has on his show. And when they’re in the authentic space that he creates, you get some pretty exciting results. Sometimes it’s like listening to a car wreck in real-time, but you’d be hard-pressed to say that you weren’t entertained or didn’t learn something.

Are taboo subjects discussed? Most certainly. Discussions of cannabis and psychedelics border right on this side of pure advocacy. Do people get in some hot water? Ask Elon Musk. So a podcast like Joe Rogan needs to have the depth to carry on for show after show.

Click download on a JRE podcast and it doesn’t matter if he’s talking to a philosopher, a CEO, or a fellow comedian. You know the conversation is going to be stellar.


In each episode of Griefcast Caridad Lloyd takes on the daunting task of revealing some kind of truth through the shared experience of loss. This existential underpinning stands in stark relief with humor. Because, well, Caridad is a comedian and that’s what comedians are uniquely suited to do. The result is irreverent, off the cuff, and is both intimate as well as massively appealing.

Listen: Apple Podcast | Stitcher | Spotify

WTF With Marc Maron Podcast

If you haven’t been listening to Mar Maron’s podcast, stop reading this and go download an episode right now. His interview style is every bit as unassuming and self-deprecating as you might expect if you’ve seen his stand up act.

He makes his guests feel so comfortable and disarmed that he’s able to pull anecdotes out of them in a way that is just as magical as a divining rod. That makes for a superb podcast like Joe Rogan. Comedians really are the best.

If you want to start with a gut punch, listen to his episode with Samantha Bee. The introduction of that episode was his first time behind the mic since the sudden death of his girlfriend. That’s powerful.

Listen: Apple Podcast | Stitcher | Spotify

He’s Prolific

I’ve talked before about how intimate the relationship between podcast host and podcast listener is. As a listener, you are inviting this host into your innermost sanctum. They’re broadcasting directly into the gray matter that makes up who you are. That’s about as close as it gets… so the host had better bring it.

What I love about Joe Rogan is that just about anytime I open my favorite podcast app, there’s a little notification letting me know there is a new episode ready to get my synapses firing.

There’s little more disappointing than lacing up my shoes for my morning constitutional, opening the aforementioned podcast app, and being greeted with the podcast equivalent of crickets. I don’t need my podcast host to be perfect, I just need them to show up. At least that’s what I tell my therapist.

The Adam Buxton Podcast

Adam Buxton is a comedian from the UK who uses his acerbic wit to facilitate some of the most laid back conversations with some of the most influential people on the planet. It’s quite something. From politicians and renowned researchers to musicians and actors, Adam riffs on subject matter that would make you think he’s an expert… until you remember he’s just an extremely smart comedian with a cheeky accent. So relatable.

Listen: Apple Podcast | Stitcher | Spotify

Conclusion – The Best Podcasts Like Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan is a powerhouse in the podcasting world. The elements that make his show great aren’t discreetly unique to him. And if you tease out what you like about your favorite podcast then you can look for other shows that scratch that particular itch. Here I’ve distilled down the tangibles that make JRE such a good show.

And lucky for us, there are a ton of great podcasts like Joe Rogan to fill up our ear holes.

It’s unlikely that any other show is going to tick off all Joe’s boxes, but that would be a very homogenous world if another show did. But if you like the Joe Rogan Experience, you’ll like these podcasts I’ve listed here as well.

The post 5 Candidates for a Podcast like Joe Rogan to That You Should be Listening to appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

The 14 Best Marc Maron WTF Pod Episodes Tue, 05 Mar 2019 15:26:03 +0000 If you first started listening to WTF with Marc Maron when he had then President Barack Obama on as a guest in 2015, you may think you know everything there is to know about the interview podcast. With close to 1,000 episodes though dating all the way back to 2009, Maron’s podcast archive is full […]

The post The 14 Best Marc Maron WTF Pod Episodes appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

If you first started listening to WTF with Marc Maron when he had then President Barack Obama on as a guest in 2015, you may think you know everything there is to know about the interview podcast. With close to 1,000 episodes though dating all the way back to 2009, Maron’s podcast archive is full of numerous lesser known, deeply revealing interviews.

Editor’s Note: We’ll be updating the best Marc Maron WTF Pod episodes over time, so bookmark this page for new alerts.

Comedian Marc Maron’s podcast first started gaining traction in 2012, when it was reviewed in The New York Times and began distribution to radio by Public Radio Exchange. Marc has gained a cult following for his honest, dry opening monologues (although there is also an equally big following of listeners who Marc acknowledges skip this part).

His interviews touch on his guest’s career milestones and current projects, but also typically go back to their childhood and feature well-researched questions on upbringings, influences and other less discussed moments. In addition to a number of fellow comedians, making this a great show for those wanting to learn the ins and outs of the comedy community, Marc also has guests from the worlds of acting, music and writing.

All of WTF with Marc Maron is available at, although most episodes are behind a pay wall. You can also listen to newer episodes on iTunes and Stitcher for free.

Anthony Bourdain

Episode 233, December 5, 2011

Marc’s interview with Bourdain is one of the most in-depth interviews with the chef, author and television personality. The conversation is upbeat and lively, with Bourdain discussing his early years as a hard-working cook trying to navigate his way through cut-throat kitchens, to his later success and what he thinks led to it.

Boudain and Maron, who both had struggled with drug addiction, also speak emotionally and honestly about their recovery processes.

When Maron reshared this interview in 2018 after Bourdain’s passing, he opened the show with a monologue about what relistening to the conversation meant to him. Consider listening to that bit from the rebroadcast as well if you’d like to learn a bit more about how WTF comes together, what the show has done for Marc and a few additional anecdotes about what it was like to sit with Bourdain for an hour.

Additional Reading: More Hilarious Comedians with Podcasts

Amy Poehler

Episode 183, June 13 2011

WTF can get dark at times, as Maron is far from afraid to discuss anxieties, addiction, and other more serious topics with guests, but this episode showed another side of the show. Poehler and Maron clearly had a blast recording this conversation, which is full of stories of comics they both grew up admiring and insider knowledge about the Upright Citizen’s Brigade improv scene. Maron does a great job leading the conversation with a guest that he clearly enjoys talking to, but it is Poehler’s willingness to joke around with the host and poke fun at him that keep things light and fun.

The episode is packed with witty comebacks, shared laughs and fun stories and truly a delight to listen to.

Barack Obama

Episode 613, June 22, 2015

The Marc Maron WTF pod has some of the best interviews in podcasting. Period. Here he is with President Obama.
President Barack Obama participates in a podcast with Marc Maron in Los Angeles, Calif., June 19, 2015.
(Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Initial reviews of this episode of WTF were a bit critical of Maron for not pushing the President harder during this interview but it’s hard to overlook just how cool it is that Barack Obama went on WTF at all. Intimate, longform interviews like this with presidents rarely happen, and even if Maron could have been sharper with his political questioning, the best part of this interview is just hearing President Obama open up and have a conversation as a regular guy.

Obama spends some time talking about policy, specifically regarding race, criminal justice and gun violence, but he also shares new stories about his parents, childhood and upbringing. Marc also gets in a few questions that were clearly his own idea, and the two spend a considerable amount of time discussing comedy and who Obama thinks are some of the funniest comics of all time.

Brendan Fraser

Episode 1404, January 26, 2023

There was a time when Brendan Fraser was everywhere. As kid growing up in the 1990s and 2000s, he was hard to miss. Epic roles in movies like Airheads and the Mummy franchise established him as a leading role actor. His role as Ben in the sitcom Scrubs is perhaps the most powerful sitcom episode of all time.

And then he kind of disappeared.

In this episode Marc and Brendan discuss his life and the praise he’s receiving for his work in The Whale (for, spoiler alert, he won an Oscar). Like most WTF with Marc Maron podcasts, this one is a powerful interview that is worth listening to all the way through.

Donald Glover

Episode 235, December 12 2011

Musician, comedian, actor and director Donald Glover limits the amount of press he does, making this interview from 2011 a unique look into the mind of one of the most prolific creative minds of today. While it took place before Glover had made some of his most known work, including Atlanta and Childish Gambino songs like “This Is America,” Glover does still go deep into what inspired him to start creating in the first place.

Glover speaks openly about being raised as a Jehovah’s Witness, what it means to be a “black nerd,” and how he worked to find a place in an industry that often overlooked him because he “wasn’t black enough.” Looking back on the episode and acknowledging how many of Glover’s biggest roles and opportunities have been things he created himself prove the conversation is still as relevant as ever.

Robin Williams

Episode 67, April 26 2010

This early episode of WTF is now one of the show’s best known as it provides a rare, serious look into the life of the late Robin Williams. A comedian perhaps best known for his joyful public persona and roles and endless joke-making, the conversation with Maron is much more serious than one might expect. Instead of just talking comedy, the two humorists discuss alcoholism, divorce, depression and creative inspiration.

New listeners will also appreciate this episode because it is said to be the one that set the tone for WTF as a podcast where comedians could talk openly about more personal topics and would not only be asked about upcoming projects or their public work.

Paul McCartney

Episode 948, September 6 2018

Similar to his interviews with Mick Jagger and Bruce Springsteen, Maron’s eagerness to talk with his guest on this episode is what makes it a fun listen. Recorded before a live audience in Los Angeles, the interview is not as long or in depth as some of Maron’s other conversations, but McCartney is quick to open up and shares several great anecdotes about the Beatles early days.  

Maron asks McCartney about a wide range of topics, including his relationship with artists like The Beach Boys, The Rolling Stones and Fela Kuti, and how he rationalizes making new music today when his older music is widely regarded as some of the best of all time.

Lorne Michaels

Episode 653, November 9 2015

Marc Maron’s failed audition for Saturday Night Live is a bit of a running joke on the show, and of course it came up multiple times when SNL creator Lorne Michaels was Marc’s guest.

As Marc shares in this episode, and several others with SNL cast members, years of trying to get an audition for SNL as a young comic eventually came to fruition and he was invited to Michael’s 30 Rock office. In Marc’s mind, it was a complete disaster and an utter failure, but the conversation with Michael’s several years later reveals that Marc may be giving himself too much credit.

In addition to the humorous detailing of this story, Michaels also reflects on why he started SNL back in 1975, why he keeps on doing it, and what role he sees the legendary show having in recent years.

Patton Oswald

Episode 1365, August 2022

Patton Oswald was on the show before this episode. Right at the beginning. Before WTF with Marc Maron podcasts blew up. And this is a comfortable, but powerful interview.

If you don’t know, Oswald’s wife passed away from an accidental xanax overdose several years ago. Between the time the two interviews were recorded. Marc Maron is no stranger to personal tragedy, and so the bond between the two comedians is palpable.

The interview is really an examination of the human condition and how we can push forward when it seems nearly impossible. It’s a gut wrenching, intimate, 90 minutes.

Sacha Baron Cohen

Episode 683, February 22 2016

Fans of Borat, Bruno and Da Ali G Show will love the wild stories Sacha Baron Cohen shares in this humorous, sometimes odd, interview. The stories about Borat stand out especially, with details about just how dangerous and questionable some of the decisions behind the movie were.

You can hear just how shocked by some of the stories Cohen shares Maron is during the interview. The conversation also goes deep into Sacha Baron Cohen’s inspiration and craft as a comedian, specifically the theory and history of bouffon and clowning.

Without spoiling any of the best stories Cohen shares, be ready to hear about the FBI following Cohen for several days during the filming of Borat because of the number of compaints against him and his crew, as well an actual person Cohen hired who’s primary responsibility was to ensure Cohen did not get arrested.

Jenny Slate

Episode 558, December 11 2014

Comedian and actress Jenny Slate has had a career defined by a wide range of moments, including being the creator of Marcel The Shell With Shoes On and accidentally dropping a F-bomb on her first episode as a Saturday Night Live cast member. Maron discusses these topics with her, especially the latter, but the full conversation presents a much clearer picture of her as an entertainer that most people may have been aware of.

During the 90-minute interview, both Slate and Maron are brought to tears over the topic of overcoming from difficult moments in life. The emotion comes from a positive place though, and is a bit of inspiration for how creativity can help us push through when things get rough.

Laura Jane Grace

Episode 617, July 6 2015

WTF has had it’s fair share of prominent LGBT+ moments, perhaps most notably during a well-regarded 2012 episode where comedian Todd Glass comes out as gay. Marc’s interview with Against Me!’s Laura Jane Grace is equally engaging, especially when Grace talks about her childhood growing up in a military family and her transgender journey and coming out.

Maron is clearly a punk fan, and a fan of Laura Jane Grace more specifically, and it is nice to listen as he sits back and lets her open up about what drew her to punk rock, how Against Me! made their first album and transphobia in the punk community.

While it may not come with the same prestige as the conversations Marc has had with other rockers like Mick Jagger and Bruce Springsteen, sometimes the benefit of longform interview podcasts like WTF is that a wider range of guests can be featured.

Todd Hanson

Episode 190, July 7 2011

In an interview with A.V. Club, Maron called this episode from 2011 one of his favorites of all time. The episode is split into two parts – the first half is a fairly typical WTF interview, but the second half is what Maron notes makes this a standout episode for him.

Hanson, notable for his work as a writer and editor for The Onion, speaks candidly about his personal history with depression, including detailed discussion of Hanson’s suicide attempt that had taken place just before the second part of the interview.

Throughout the episode, it is clear that Hanson’s discussion of the depression is something that he wants to be open about, not forced prying by Maron. It speaks clearly to Maron’s ability to connect with his guests and how his openness about his own personal life can lead to great interviews.

He is one of the few interviewers who can get subjects to share about such taboo or painful subjects, and even those not familiar with Hanson or his work will benefit from hearing this open discussion on mental health.

Joanna Newsom

Episode 709, May 23 2016

There is something joyful and uplifting about hearing Marc Maron take on a topic that he knows little about, and it creates an entirely different type of interview than those with his typical comedian guests. In this 2016 interview with the multi-instrumentalist musician, the first 15 minutes consist of Marc explaining his confusion about Joanna Newsome’s music, then his discovery and exploration of it, and finally his newfound admiration.

Much of the interview is spent on Newsom’s upbringing as a musician, her songwriting process and how she approaches learning new instruments. There are a few great moments throughout where Newsom’s explanation of her craft deeply resonates with Maron, as well as moments where they are able to bond of shared friends like producer Steve Albini and Newsom’s husband Andy Samberg, who Maron interviewed on WTF in 2014.

Tony Hawk

Episode 1327, May 2022

Tony Hawk isn’t a comedian or an actor, but he’s no less a household name. As likely the most famous skateboarder of all time, he has been the ambassador for “extreme sports,” for more than 30 years. But at more than 50, his time at the pinnacle of his sport has long since past. He stopped competing in the early 2000s, but has kept pushing his personal limits ever since.

Marc and Tony discuss the inability to give up what you were put on this earth to do. When you’ve found your passion, you just keep going. That’s the basic premise of Tony’s documentary Until the Wheels Fall Off.

It’s a great conversation between two legends in their own right and one that shouldn’t be missed.

It should be noted that Hawk hobbled into the studio with a broken femur he suffered while skating. That’s a pretty major injury for any skater, let alone one who is nearing the age where he will be collecting social security. Not that he would after the litany of video game royalties.

Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater anyone?

Carlos Mencia

Episode 75, May 24 2010

Prior to Marc’s interview with President Obama, this two-part episode was perhaps what the show was best known for. Released in 2010 at the peak of Mencia’s career, Maron was known for his cutting questions and no-holding-back style of interviews, while Mencia was reviled in the comedy community for accusations of stealing jokes and propagating racism on his sketch show Mind of Mencia.

The interview was meant to be one part, but after a first hour of discussion came to an end, Maron reflected that he was not able to break down any of Mencia’s walls and really felt the conversation was just promoting Mind of Mencia.

Determined to break through the rehearsed answers, Maron first went to speak with several Hispanic comedians, including Steve Trevino and Willie Barcena, about Mencia’s rise and the accusations that he was stealing material from his professional colleagues.

Then, he invited Mencia back for a second conversation that resulted in one of the most uncomfortable interviews Maron has ever done. While this pair of episodes may not be as relevant now as they were when they were first released by WTF, it is still a fascinating look at one of the biggest comedians of our time.

Louis C.K.

Episode 111, October 4 2010

Maron’s interview with Louis C.K. was called “the greatest podcast episode of all time” by Slate Magazine in a 2014 interview, but of course the discussion will be interpreted differently by listeners given Louis C.K.’s recent history and allegations against him.

The two-hour conversation at the time was viewed as a deep look into the mind of one of the greatest comics of the 21st century. Marc and Louis discuss their own friendship and falling out and then go into C.K.’s beginnings and rise to fame. Discussion of fatherhood (C.K.’s daughter had just been born) is especially moving, and C.K. becomes audibly emotional while discussing the topic.

While there is certainly an argument to skip this episode, it is also a great look into Maron’s mind, and Slate’s decision to call it the best podcast episode of all time is focused more on that aspect. Maron explains to C.K. that part of his animosity towards him is because the two comics are of similar ages but C.K. has found much more success as a comic.

The two talk openly about this, before Maron reaches the conclusion that his podcast is what is able to help him look past some of his regret about his own professional career.

Update: Louis CK would also return in 2016 as part of the 700th episode extravaganza. You can listen to that episode below.

Marc Maron WTF Pod is Interviewing at its Best

If you’re a fan of the interview format and haven’t been regularly listening to Marc Maron, I’m not sure what you’ve been doing. Who have you been listening to? NPR?

Seriously, the Marc Maron WTF Pod is the gold standard of interviewing. It can’t be beaten. Does he do everything correctly? No. But who does? The interviews are raw and insightful. You can tell he’s done his homework on his guests and genuinely cares about putting out an excellent product.

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