Pods Review Pods is a weekly segment where podcasters review fellow podcasts.
I’m Billy from We Watched A Thing. We Watched A Thing is a weekly show hosted by myself, a VFX artist, and my best friend, a cameraman. Each week we watch and discuss one film, either a new release, or a classic that one of us loves and the other has never seen. You can find us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, aCast, or anywhere else you get your podcasts, or on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all under the handle @WeWatchedAThing.
The Countdown: Movie and TV Reviews
The first podcast I’d like to shout out is The Countdown: Movie and TV Reviews. Paul and Wayne are fellow Aussies, who every week countdown a list of 10 things related to film or TV (e.g. Top 10 opening scenes, Top 10 Movie Fights, etc). They are absolutely hilarious, thorough with their research for making their lists, and their production quality is great. If you love movies and feel like having a laugh, definitely check them out.
The second is Girl In Space. I don’t listen to a lot of audio dramas, and the ones I have are anthology, but when I discovered Girl In Space I fell in complete love. It’s a serialized story about a girl alone in space. Sarah (the creator and main talent) puts so much time and effort in to writing, and producing, and it really shows.
The last is Film Roast. In a field that is so overpopulated with “2 white guys talking about stuff” (Which I know, we’re a part of!) it’s really great to have a film show hosted by two ladies, Hannah and Julia. They are hilarious, and obviously just have a passion for movies. They are self stated “Over caffeinated and under-qualified”, but when you have such a love for your subject that shines through, you don’t need qualifications. If you just want to have a good time, and feel like you’re chatting with friends, this is a great place to start.
The Discover Pods writing staff is dedicated to seeking out the most interesting, entertaining, and informative podcasts out there. If you're interested in contributing, don't be shy. Reach out. We don't bite.
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