Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods Find your next favorite podcast Thu, 29 Feb 2024 12:52:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods Find your next favorite podcast clean Murdaugh Murders Podcast The Fascinating Meltdown 100 Years In The Making Thu, 29 Feb 2024 12:51:15 +0000 The trial is over, the sentence meted out, but the impacts linger. We'd all do well to listen to Mandy Matney's superb pod.

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The Murdaugh Murders Podcast is one of the most well researched Alex Murdaugh podcasts available.

Much like the enduring appeal of a classic Western, some stories retain their intrigue and impact, regardless of when you come across them. The Murdaugh Murders podcast is one such narrative, making it one of the best true crime podcasts out there. Though the real-life drama has unfolded in court, and the headlines may have faded, the twists and turns of this true crime saga continue to captivate audiences. It’s a reminder that certain stories never lose their allure, like timeless Westerns, Shakespearean dramas, or the Hollywood Golden Age.

For better or worse. But, then, tell me what’s happening with reality TV? We’re in the pocket of dramatized human tragedy. Too soon? Maybe. But timeless, almost certainly, yes.

In this article, we dive into the Murdaugh Murders podcast, a story that, while not breaking news, still holds immense value for true crime enthusiasts.

The riveting drama and complex narrative of the Murdaugh family saga gripped the public and journalists alike. It wasn’t one simple murder. No, it was a fraud, lawyers, money, and ultimately the unraveling of a seemingly untouchable empire.

Key episodes stand out in the series, offering a gateway into this compelling story—insights into why this podcast remains a must-listen, even after the gavel has fallen.

Join us as we explore why the Murdaugh Murders podcast is more than just a fleeting headline — it’s a gripping journey into the heart of true crime storytelling.

The Unfolding Corruption of the Murdaugh Family Saga

The Murdaugh family’s story is a complex web of intrigue, power, and unexpected tragedy. It’s straight out of Shakespeare. This intricate narrative forms the backbone of the Murdaugh Murders podcast. The podcast delves deep into the family’s history, marked by its prominent legal stature as attorneys in South Carolina, and leads listeners through a series of shocking events, including mysterious deaths and alleged financial crimes.

In fact, Murdaugh was recently sentenced for his two dozen financial crimes, apart from the murders themselves.

What sets this podcast apart is its ability to unravel the layers of the Murdaugh saga episode by episode. Like an onion. With all the tears.

Each installment sheds light on different facets of the case, revealing new twists that keep listeners eagerly anticipating the next development. Morbid? Yep, but we have to face reality.

The podcast navigates through the intricate details of the family’s legal and personal troubles, making each revelation more surprising than the last.

Highlighted episodes such as “The Boat Crash Settlement” and “Jellyfish and Moselle” are particularly enthralling. These episodes detail the events and provide context, exploring the societal and legal backdrop against which these events occurred. They offer a unique lens into the dynamics of a powerful family entangled in a series of tragedies and alleged crimes.

This focus on the Murdaugh family’s story captures the essence of what makes true crime podcasts so compelling: the blend of human drama, legal complexities, and the unending quest for truth. The Murdaugh Murders podcast, despite being a latecomer to the public’s attention, stands as a testament to the genre’s ability to transform real-life events into a narrative that resonates with a wide range of audiences.

Why the Murdaugh Murders Podcast Stands Out in True Crime

People often ask “what is the best Murdaugh podcast?” Because a number of them have popped up. It’s a gripping story. But this one stands out as one of the best Alex Murdaugh podcasts.

In the diverse landscape of true crime stories, the Murdaugh family saga emerges as a narrative steeped in history, power, and the stark reminder that no one is above the law.

The Murdaugh Murders podcast delves into the story of a family that has been a titan of the South Carolina legal and political communities for nearly a century, often referred to as South Carolina royalty. This historical prominence forms a compelling backdrop to the events unfolding in the podcast.

The podcast’s portrayal of the Murdaughs is not just about a high-profile family embroiled in crime; it’s an intricate depiction of how power and influence operate in society.

The Murdaughs, known for their century-long legacy in the legal realm, find their world unraveling dramatically, challenging the notion that their status places them above scrutiny. This aspect of the story adds a layer of depth to the podcast, making it a standout in the true crime genre.

Revisiting the story through the podcast allows listeners to delve into the complexities of a family that has shaped the legal landscape of South Carolina. The follow up episodes after the high profile trial provide a historical overview of the family’s influence and an intimate look at their eventual confrontation with the legal system they once dominated.

Each episode is a narrative journey that combines the grandeur of a family’s century-long influence with the universal truth of accountability. Pride comes before the fall.

This combination of historical depth, societal influence, and the unraveling of a legacy positions the Murdaugh Murders podcast as a unique and fascinating addition to true crime storytelling.

A Deep Dive into Key Episodes

It’s difficult to understate how important this story is to the entirety of South Carolina. It was something of an existential crisis that prosecutors would have to confront.

The Murdaugh Murders podcast is a rich tapestry of episodes, each unraveling a part of the complex Murdaugh family saga. Considering how many seasons of the show there are and the superb journalism on display, you are likely going to be drawn deeply down the rabbit hole at some point.

In the meantime, let’s delve into a few key episodes that are pivotal in understanding the full scope of the story and its significance in the true crime genre.

Alex Murdaugh’s Ground Zero

The fatal boat crash that killed Mallory Beach would prove to be the event that drew enough attention to Paul Murdaugh, as he was allegedly intoxicated when the boat crashed. Hosts Mandy Matney and co-host Liz Farrell walk us through how pulling on this thread leads to the family’s eventual downfall.

What Happened to the Money Part One

If you want to know where something has gone horribly off the rails… follow the money. And that’s no different here. In this episode, Matney’s Murdaugh Murders podcast walks us through when the court decided to seize the assets of Alex and Buster Murdaugh as something didn’t add up.

This is all eventually led to the SC Attorney General’s office indicting Alex Murdaugh for fraud. The fraud he was just sentenced for in November of 2023. Truly wild stuff.

Is the Justice System Broken: Our Whole System is on Trial

As mentioned before, the Murdaugh family were titans of both law and politics in the South Carolina Lowcountry for nearly a century. So, could they be touched, or were they truly above the law?

In this episode, the hosts look at why the prosecution seemed to lose steam and confidence in their case against Murdaugh.

How Many Lies Will the Jury Buy?

Episode 80 of the murder mystery finds our hosts going over the testimony of Murdaugh’s sister and finding that the criminal investigations focused on Alex are causing the defense to unravel. The systematic corruption of the powerful is on full display, and we, the listeners, by week four of the trial, are pretty sure who the killers are.

Alex Murdaugh’s Bond Set at $7 Million Dollars

There is something visceral about watching someone who thinks they are untouchable being backed into a corner in real time. It is a preview of what we are watching unfold now in the Donald Trump cases. Would Murdaugh be able to come up with the $7 million, considering a large part of the charges against him were regarding money and pilfered funds?

Very informative. Very telling.

How Many People Will Go Down for This

As the hosts mentioned many times on the show, this was the unraveling of the good old boys club of this area of South Carolina. The Murdaugh family and their associates were untouchable. But as soon as that boat wreck upset the status quo, everything began to fall apart.

Defense attorney Justin Bamberg points out that loyalty is an enormous part of the culture in this part of the country, but that doesn’t always stop charges of obstruction of justice, conspiracy, or tangential charges from being brought.

Again, one of the core issues the Murdaugh Murders Podcast covers in great detail, with unmatched insight, is just how intertwined this network of good old boys politics was. And if you pulled at a single thread, the tapestry would unwind.

How far does loyalty extend when prosecutors are looking at you?

The Big Problem With the Justice System and How to Fix It

Spoilers: Alex Murdaugh lost. But it was a high profile case, so I’m sure you knew that. This isn’t a new tale, but one that is informative of cases like this in the future. As the law should be.

In this episode from May of 2023, Matney and Farrell talk about victims’ rights and how to reform the justice system. Reform it in such a way that these good old boys cabals can’t act with impunity. How do you hold the powerful accountable within the confines of the legal system?

Alex Murdaugh’s Defense: The Other Side of the Story

Though he was found guilty, we’d be remiss if we didn’t at least give an overview of the defense Murdaugh raised and how transparently weak it really was. How the defense team thought this would work is baffling.

Granted, I’m not an attorney, but let’s take a look.

Alex Murdaugh’s defense was spearheaded by a team of seasoned lawyers, including Dick Harpootlian and Jim Griffin (not the editor of the site). These legal experts brought their extensive experience to craft a defense strategy that aimed to counter the damning accusations against Murdaugh. Quite the mission, indeed.

The defense’s narrative centered on presenting an alternative explanation for the events and casting doubt on the prosecution’s case. Namely, Murdaugh was visiting his mother at the time of the murders for a brief time.

As for the money, a botched suicide for hire job was undertaken that left Murdaugh calling an ambulance. This really was a complex web of ineptitude and is unspeakably tragic.

Despite the efforts of Harpootlian and Griffin, the jury found the defense’s story unconvincing. The podcast delves into the reasons behind this, exploring how the evidence presented by the prosecution effectively countered the arguments made by Murdaugh’s legal team.

Key factors included inconsistencies in Murdaugh’s account, compelling forensic evidence, and the prosecution’s ability to connect the dots in a way that left little room for an alternative interpretation. He did himself no favors on the stand in his own defense. He just came off as someone who lacked empathy about the death of his son and his son’s mother Maggie, his wife.

This part of the podcast gives listeners insight into the complexities of legal defense in high-profile cases. It lays bare the strategies employed by defense lawyers and how they can sometimes fall short in the face of overwhelming evidence. This section not only adds depth to the understanding of the Murdaugh case but also offers a glimpse into the inner workings of the criminal justice system.

Through this detailed examination of Alex Murdaugh’s defense, the podcast underscores the notion that in the realm of law, even those with significant influence and resources can (and must) face the ultimate test of accountability.

Why Alex Murdaugh Podcasts are So Enthralling and the Role of Journalism

In the ongoing narrative of the Murdaugh family, the public’s interest extends beyond the bounds of the courtroom drama to the current lives of the family members, especially Buster Murdaugh. The Murdaugh Murders podcast, while recounting the riveting past events, also touches upon the role of journalism in keeping these stories in the public eye, not merely for entertainment, but as a crucial act of accountability.

Award-winning journalist Mandy Matney, through her podcast, plays a pivotal role in this ongoing narrative. Matney’s dedication to the story is not just about captivating her audience. It’s about the larger purpose of journalism, holding those in power to account. The Murdaugh family was firmly entrenched in the Lowlands of South Carolina, and it took a combination of journalism and law enforcement to root them out.

Buster Murdaugh, as a key figure in this saga, continues to be a subject of public and media attention. There was a settlement, but was there justice?

Matney’s podcast is integral in holding a candle up to the powerful who think that the rules do not apply to them. It’s laudable, really.

This is one of those stories that, even though recent, we ought to keep coming back to. The former President is embroiled in 4 different cases as of the time of this writing and is the front-runner for the Republican nomination. Politics aside, you have to see the parallels here.

Sure, it’s entertaining. It even makes for good late-night fodder, but the superb work of Mandy Matney and co-host Liz Farrell on the Murdaugh Murders Podcast should jolt us all out of the stupor of a 15-minute bit. No matter how well written.

The long-form narrative format of the podcast helps explain just how intricate the web really was and, hopefully, will help us recognize it when we see it again because we will see it again.

One drunken boat ride by an underage heir to the throne and the whole house of cards came down.

Expanding the Narrative: The Emergence of “True Sunlight”

Mandy Matney’s journalistic endeavors extend far beyond the captivating twists of the Murdaugh Murders podcast. A shining example of her expansive work (under the same Luna Shark Productions umbrella) is the podcast “True Sunlight,” which emerged from the Murdaugh case but has since transcended it, delving into broader themes at the intersection of journalism and law.

The Natural Evolution of the Murdaugh Murders Podcast

But the DNA is there. It’s the new face of MMP. The name of the podcast isn’t all that important, is it? It’s the depth of the work that’s important. With all the nonsense on Facebook and social media, this work is more important than it has ever been.

This project reflects a deep commitment to social responsibility, highlighting journalists’ critical role in informing the public and holding power to account.

“True Sunlight” is a testament to Matney’s understanding that the issues raised in the Murdaugh case are not isolated incidents. It’s been described as the antithesis of true crime.

The podcast broadens the conversation, exploring how similar dynamics of power, influence, and justice play out in other contexts. This shift from a single case study to a wider exploration of societal issues marks a significant step in Matney’s career as a journalist. It showcases her ability to tell a compelling story and stimulate thoughtful discourse on the responsibilities and impacts of legal and journalistic practices.

In “True Sunlight,” listeners find a series that goes beyond the sensational aspects of true crime. It’s a deeper dive into how these stories affect communities and the justice system at large. This podcast serves as a platform for examining the ethical implications and societal consequences of legal battles involving influential figures.

The evolution from the Murdaugh Murders podcast to “True Sunlight” highlights Matney’s dedication to unearthing truths that resonate on a societal level. It’s a project that underscores the importance of responsible journalism in our understanding of law, power, and its effects on society.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I listen to the Murdaugh Murders Podcast?

The good news is that this is a very popular podcast available on almost any platform. You can find it on your favorite podcast app. If you listen on an Android phone, look at some Android app solutions. We do like the player.

What is the new name for the Murdaugh Murders Podcast?

True Sunlight is the evolution of the Murdaugh Murders podcast. It’s excellent and you should give it a listen after finishing the series.

What is the best Murdaugh Podcast?

The best podcast focusing on the Murdaugh family case is the “Murdaugh Murders Podcast,” created by award-winning journalist Mandy Matney. It has been widely recognized for its in-depth investigation into the powerful Murdaugh family of South Carolina​​. It was award-winning for a reason, people.

Which is the better Murdaugh documentary?

Netflix released a series titled “The Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal.” This series explores the shocking crimes and the downfall of Alex Murdaugh, providing a comprehensive look at the events that captivated the nation. It’s one of the most notable productions about the case, offering viewers a detailed account of the Murdaugh family’s history, the murders, and the subsequent investigations.

In Conclusion… I mean, Why?

Alex Murdaugh had it all. This was, and is, clearly a broken person who started to dig a hole and just kept digging until he was trapped. It always surprises me that people can live double lives when I have difficulty maintaining one.

Is there a lesson here? Probably. Stop digging. Get help.

The Murdaugh Murders Podcast was an excellent listen that anyone fascinated with true crime, the human condition, or psychology should listen to. It’s inherently compelling listening that you will likely end up bingeing, so make sure to set aside time for this.

The post Murdaugh Murders Podcast The Fascinating Meltdown 100 Years In The Making appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

The 61 Best True Crime Podcasts of All Time Thu, 22 Feb 2024 20:01:10 +0000 The true crime genre is alive and well in the podcast community. Here are our picks for the best true crime podcasts.

The post The 61 Best True Crime Podcasts of All Time appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

In recent years, the podcasting landscape has undergone a remarkable transformation, becoming a cultural phenomenon that has captured the attention of millions worldwide. The ease of access to diverse content on platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify has fueled this audio renaissance, giving rise to a vast array of genres and themes.

Among these, true crime podcasts have emerged as one of the most popular and enduring genres, captivating audiences with real-life tales of mystery, intrigue, and, at times, unspeakable horror.

True crime podcasts have a strong following behind comedy, news, and sports.
Source: MOrning Consult; The Hollywood Reporter

These statistics are a bit older, but newer data from the UK shows that the interest in the true crime drama has held steady.

Undoubtedly, the catalyst for the explosive growth of true crime podcasts was the groundbreaking series “Serial.” Launched in 2014, this investigative journalism podcast became a global sensation, reaching unprecedented popularity.

Hosted by Sarah Koenig, “Serial” delved into the 1999 murder of Hae Min Lee, unfolding the story week by week, creating a narrative structure that left listeners eagerly anticipating each episode. This pioneering approach revolutionized storytelling within the podcasting sphere and established the true crime genre as a powerful and compelling medium.

The question often arises: why are true crime podcasts so popular? The answer lies in the intrinsic human fascination with mystery and the macabre. True crime podcasts allow listeners to immerse themselves in the intricacies of criminal investigations, offering a voyeuristic yet safe experience as they explore the minds of criminals and the dedicated efforts of law enforcement. The allure of solving unsolved mysteries and the adrenaline-inducing narratives provide an addictive blend of entertainment and intellectual engagement.

Regarding true crime podcasts, there’s a distinction between anthology and episodic formats. Anthology podcasts, like “Criminal” and “Sword & Scale,” explore a diverse range of standalone cases in each episode. On the other hand, episodic podcasts, exemplified by “My Favorite Murder” and “Casefile,” follow a consistent format with recurring hosts discussing different cases in each episode.

This diversity in storytelling approaches caters to the varied preferences of true crime enthusiasts, ensuring there’s something for every listener in the expansive world of crime podcasting. Popular podcasts like “Criminal,” “My Favorite Murder,” and “Casefile” have become cultural phenomena, setting the gold standard for the genre with their compelling narratives, meticulous research, and the unique perspectives they bring to the often-dark world of true crime.

Best True Crime Podcasts Of All Time


“Serial,” hosted by Sarah Koenig, revolutionized the podcasting world, offering an immersive, investigative journey into complex true crime cases. Koenig’s meticulous storytelling and unbiased exploration of Adnan Syed’s murder conviction captivate listeners, unraveling layers of intrigue and uncertainty. The podcast’s compelling narrative style, attention to detail, and ability to challenge assumptions make it a must-listen for anyone seeking a thought-provoking, emotionally charged, and meticulously crafted exploration of real-life mysteries.

True crime podcasts are spawning more narrative form podcasts and keeping the purity of the genre alive.

As a spin-off of “This American Life,” Serial has become so popular that it has spawned its own production studio, producing more narrative podcasts that aren’t always true crime but are produced with the same rigor as the original. The group is still pushing the boundaries of the medium instead of just turning podcasting into YouTube fodder.

My Favorite Murder

“My Favorite Murder” is a true crime podcast with a unique blend of humor and empathy, hosted by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark. The hosts’ witty banter adds a refreshing touch to their exploration of heinous crimes, making the heavy subject matter more approachable. The duo’s genuine camaraderie and engaging storytelling style turn each episode into a captivating conversation. For those seeking a lighthearted yet respectful take on true crime, “My Favorite Murder” offers an enjoyable and compelling listening experience.


“Casefile” is an enthralling true crime podcast that meticulously details complex criminal cases from around the world, narrated by an anonymous Australian host. Known for its thorough research and immersive storytelling, the show brings listeners into the heart of each investigation. With a chilling atmosphere and attention to detail, “Casefile” offers a gripping exploration of true crime, making it a compelling choice for those who appreciate in-depth examinations and a suspenseful narrative that unfolds with meticulous precision.

S Town

“S-Town,” produced by Serial and This American Life, transcends the typical true crime genre with its gripping exploration of a complex man named John B. McLemore and the mysterious events in his Alabama town. Host Brian Reed’s meticulous storytelling, genuine empathy, and unexpected twists create a narrative masterpiece. For true crime enthusiasts seeking a deeply human and introspective experience, “S-Town” offers a compelling and thought-provoking journey into the complexities of a small Southern community and the enigmatic life of its central figure.


“Criminal” stands out in the true crime podcast genre for its succinct and well-crafted storytelling, narrated by Phoebe Judge. Each episode delves into unique and lesser-known criminal cases, revealing the diverse facets of human behavior and the criminal justice system. Judge’s compelling delivery and the show’s thoughtful exploration of both notorious and obscure cases make “Criminal” a must-listen. For those seeking a nuanced and well-researched perspective on crime, this podcast offers a captivating journey into the mysteries of the human experience.

One of the nice aspects of Criminal is that the stories tend to be shorter, making them ideal for commutes or walks through your scarier parks. You can get the entire experience without having to return again and again to the story.

Sword and Scale

“Sword and Scale” delves into the darkest corners of true crime, delivering a raw and unfiltered exploration of heinous acts. Hosted by Mike Boudet, the podcast skillfully combines audio from actual cases with insightful commentary, providing a chillingly immersive experience. While controversial, its uncensored approach appeals to true crime enthusiasts seeking an unflinching examination of criminal behavior. “Sword and Scale” offers a gripping, albeit intense, journey for listeners unafraid to confront the harrowing realities of the human psyche.

This podcast also focuses on the criminal justice system’s response to these crimes. Hence, the sword and scale title. The two items held by Lady justice atop the courthouse.

Crime Junkie

“Crime Junkie” captivates true crime aficionados with Ashley Flowers and Brit Prawat’s dynamic storytelling and unwavering dedication to thorough research. The duo seamlessly blends suspenseful narration, immersive storytelling, and insightful analysis, creating an addictive listening experience. Each episode explores riveting cases, from missing persons to infamous crimes, fostering a sense of connection to the often heart-wrenching human stories behind the headlines. For those seeking a perfect balance of empathy, intrigue, and investigative detail, “Crime Junkie” delivers consistently engaging and compelling content.

True Crime Garage

“True Crime Garage” offers a distinctive true crime podcast experience, hosted by Nic and the Captain. With a laid-back, conversational style, the duo dives deep into intriguing cases, from unsolved mysteries to infamous crimes. The podcast’s charm lies in the hosts’ genuine curiosity and respectful approach to storytelling, creating an atmosphere where listeners feel like they’re part of an engaging discussion. For those who appreciate a relaxed yet thorough exploration of true crime, “True Crime Garage” provides an enjoyable and informative experience.

The Last Podcast On The Left

The Last Podcast on the Left” uniquely blends humor with an in-depth exploration of the macabre, hosted by Ben Kissel, Marcus Parks, and Henry Zebrowski. The trio’s comedic banter infuses a light-hearted touch into dark subject matter, covering true crime, conspiracy theories, and the supernatural. Listeners drawn to a comedic and irreverent take on disturbing topics will find the podcast’s approach both entertaining and informative. “The Last Podcast on the Left” provides a one-of-a-kind, edgy, and often hilarious perspective on the darker aspects of our world.

Dirty John

“Dirty John” is a gripping true crime podcast unraveling a harrowing tale of love, deception, and survival, hosted by Christopher Goffard. The podcast meticulously recounts the disturbing true story of John Meehan’s manipulation and deceit, exposing the complexities of toxic relationships. Goffard’s investigative journalism skillfully builds suspense, making each episode a compelling journey into the depths of a captivating and unsettling narrative. For those seeking a riveting exploration of true crime that delves into the psychology of manipulation, “Dirty John” is a must-listen. “Dirty John” was also adapted into a TV show.

Someone Knows Something

“Someone Knows Something” by David Ridgen is a poignant true crime podcast that brings listeners into the heart of unsolved cases, emphasizing human connections. Ridgen’s empathetic approach combines compelling storytelling with thorough investigative work, offering an intimate look into the lives affected by mysterious disappearances. The podcast’s dedication to shedding light on forgotten cases and its emotional resonance make it an enriching experience for those who appreciate true crime narratives grounded in empathy, compassion, and a quest for justice.

Dr. Death

“Dr. Death,” both the podcast and the TV adaptation, unveils the chilling true story of Dr. Christopher Duntsch, a charismatic neurosurgeon turned malevolent medical practitioner. Hosted by Laura Beil, the podcast meticulously investigates Duntsch’s devastating malpractice and the systemic failures that allowed him to continue harming patients. The compelling narrative serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of unchecked hubris and medical negligence, making it a must-listen for true crime enthusiasts intrigued by gripping and shocking real-life stories. “Dr. Death” is yet another example of a popular true crime podcast adapted for a tv series.

The Joe Rogan Experience 

“The Joe Rogan Experience” isn’t exclusively a true crime podcast, but Rogan often features compelling true crime episodes. He’s a little bit like Art Bell in that regard. And now that he’s no longer exclusively available behind Spotify’s paywall, there’s no better time to plumb the depths of the Joe Rogan Experience episode catalog. Aside from the true crime episodes, we recommend checking out some science episodes that can equally blow a mental fuse or two.

His relaxed interviewing style and diverse range of guests, including crime experts and investigators, provide unique insights into criminal cases. For those seeking a broader perspective on true crime with occasional deep dives, alongside Rogan’s signature humor and curiosity, “The Joe Rogan Experience” offers a captivating and well-rounded exploration of the darker aspects of human behavior.

The Generation Why Podcast

“The Generation Why Podcast,” hosted by Aaron and Justin, delivers insightful discussions on a variety of true crime and mystery cases. Their engaging banter, thorough research, and thoughtful analysis set the podcast apart. Focusing on stimulating critical thinking, they explore compelling cases, from unsolved mysteries to infamous crimes. For listeners seeking an intellectually stimulating and thought-provoking approach to true crime, “The Generation Why Podcast” offers an informative and captivating exploration into the complexities of criminal investigations.

Up and Vanished

“Up and Vanished” is a riveting true crime podcast hosted by Payne Lindsey that captivates audiences with its investigative storytelling. Focused on solving cold cases, particularly the disappearance of Tara Grinstead, Lindsey’s immersive approach combines interviews, evidence, and his own discoveries. Listeners are drawn into the unfolding mystery, experiencing the highs and lows of investigative journalism. For those seeking an emotionally charged journey into true crime and the pursuit of justice, “Up and Vanished” delivers a compelling narrative.

Criminal Minds

The “Criminal Minds” podcast, inspired by the TV show, offers an enthralling exploration of real-life criminal cases. The podcast is hosted by former FBI agents Jim Clemente and Lisa Zambetti and combines professional insights with captivating storytelling. With an emphasis on understanding criminal behavior, it provides an educational and gripping experience. This podcast offers a unique blend of expertise, storytelling, and real-world investigations for fans of crime-solving narratives and those intrigued by the psychology behind criminal minds.


“RedHanded” is a dynamic true crime podcast hosted by Suruthi and Hannah, offering a fresh perspective on infamous cases. The hosts infuse humor and genuine curiosity into their detailed explorations of crime stories, from historical mysteries to recent events. With a conversational style and in-depth research, they engage listeners in compelling narratives while maintaining sensitivity. For those seeking a balance of entertainment and insightful analysis in the true crime genre, “RedHanded” provides an engaging and unique listening experience.

Morbid: A True Crime Podcast

“Morbid: A True Crime Podcast,” hosted by Ash and Alaina, stands out for its blend of dark humor and thorough research into a variety of true crime cases. The hosts create a welcoming and conversational atmosphere, making complex cases more accessible. With a diverse range of topics, including unsolved mysteries and infamous crimes, the podcast offers an entertaining yet respectful exploration of the macabre. For those who appreciate humor alongside their true crime fix, “Morbid” provides an engaging and immersive experience.

The Murdaugh Murders

A century of power in this small region in the South Carolina countryside disappeared in a massive scandal. It was a case that, on its face, didn’t make sense. Why would this powerful attorney with more than 100 years of roots in the community murder his family so endlessly and recklessly? This podcast dives deep into the inner workings of Alex Murdaugh, making “The Murdaugh Murders” one of the best true crime podcasts to have come out in quite some time.

The Daily

“The Daily” may not be exclusively true crime, but its in-depth reporting often covers significant criminal cases and legal issues. Criminal activity by world leaders on a global scale is certainly in the spirit of the best true crime podcasts.

Hosted by Michael Barbaro, the podcast provides insightful daily analyses, expert interviews, and human perspectives on current events, including true crime stories that shape the news cycle. For those interested in a comprehensive and well-produced news source that delves into true crime aspects, “The Daily” offers a unique and informative take on the intersection of crime and current affairs.


“Lore” is a captivating true crime podcast hosted by Aaron Mahnke, seamlessly blending history and folklore to explore the darker aspects of human nature. Mahnke’s narrative skill and meticulous research reveal the roots of various superstitions and eerie tales, connecting them to real-life events. For true crime enthusiasts fascinated by the historical context and cultural origins of dark stories, “Lore” offers a unique and thought-provoking journey into the unsettling mysteries that have shaped our collective imagination.


“Unresolved” is a compelling true crime podcast hosted by Michael Whelan that meticulously examines cold cases, unsolved mysteries, and wrongful convictions. Whelan’s thorough research, compassionate storytelling, and dedication to shining a light on forgotten cases make each episode both informative and emotionally engaging. For true crime enthusiasts intrigued by the complexities of unresolved cases and the quest for justice, “Unresolved” provides a thought-provoking exploration into the mysteries that continue to elude closure.

MFM Minisodes

“MFM Minisodes” is an entertaining extension of the popular “My Favorite Murder” podcast, where hosts Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark share shorter tales of true crime, listener stories, and personal anecdotes. Packed with humor and camaraderie, these minisodes offer a lighter yet still compelling dose of true crime content. For fans of the main podcast seeking quick, engaging narratives and a more relaxed tone, “MFM Minisodes” delivers bite-sized intrigue and the hosts’ signature wit.

The Murder of Mary Phagan

“The Murder of Mary Phagan” is a gripping true crime podcast hosted by Michael Whelan, delving into the notorious 1913 murder case that led to the lynching of Leo Frank. Whelan’s meticulous research, combined with immersive storytelling, transports listeners to a pivotal moment in American history. For true crime enthusiasts fascinated by historical criminal cases and the complexities of justice, this podcast offers a compelling and thought-provoking exploration of a century-old mystery with contemporary relevance.

The Vanished

“The Vanished” is an emotionally powerful true crime podcast hosted by Marissa Jones, dedicated to telling the stories of missing persons. With compassion and thorough investigative work, Jones sheds light on cases that often receive little attention. The podcast delves into the heart-wrenching experiences of families searching for their loved ones, providing a unique perspective on the human side of true crime. For those seeking a blend of empathy, advocacy, and gripping storytelling, “The Vanished” delivers an impactful listening experience.

Criminal Perspective

“Criminal Perspective” stands out in the true crime podcast landscape for its raw and unfiltered exploration of criminal minds, hosted by Chris Duett and Andrew Dodge. The hosts, along with guest experts, delve deep into the psychology of criminal behavior, offering a nuanced perspective on various cases. With a focus on understanding motives and forensic psychology, the podcast appeals to true crime enthusiasts intrigued by in-depth analyses and unflinching discussions surrounding the darker aspects of human nature.

All Killa No Filla

“All Killa No Filla” offers a refreshing take on true crime with comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean. The hosts bring humor, camaraderie, and a unique blend of personal anecdotes to their discussions of infamous killers. Their engaging banter adds a lighter touch to the often dark subject matter, making the podcast appealing to true crime enthusiasts seeking an entertaining yet informative exploration of notorious criminals and their stories. For those who appreciate a humorous approach to true crime, this podcast delivers an enjoyable experience.

Real Crime Profile

“Real Crime Profile” offers a distinctive perspective on true crime with seasoned experts, including criminal profilers, behavioral analysts, and forensic scientists. Hosted by Jim Clemente, Laura Richards, and Lisa Zambetti, the podcast provides insightful discussions on high-profile criminal cases, emphasizing the psychological aspects of criminal behavior. For true crime enthusiasts seeking a deeper understanding of the human psyche behind infamous crimes, “Real Crime Profile” delivers expert analysis, engaging conversations, and a unique educational perspective.

This is really one you can end up going down the rabbit hole with on a binge.


“Swindled” stands out in the true crime podcast genre for its focus on white-collar crimes and corporate scandals, hosted by A Concerned Citizen. The podcast exposes the dark underbelly of greed and corruption, delving into captivating stories of fraud, scams, and cover-ups. With a meticulous investigative approach and a no-nonsense delivery, “Swindled” provides a thought-provoking examination of the often overlooked criminal enterprises that affect society. For true crime enthusiasts interested in financial crimes and systemic wrongdoing, this podcast offers a compelling and eye-opening experience.

The Trail Went Cold

“The Trail Went Cold” is a true crime podcast hosted by Robin Warder, focusing on unsolved mysteries and cold cases. Warder’s thorough research, attention to detail, and empathetic storytelling breathe life into forgotten cases, exploring the myriad twists and turns of each investigation. For true crime enthusiasts intrigued by the complexities of unsolved mysteries and the quest for closure, “The Trail Went Cold” provides a compelling and immersive journey into the lingering mysteries that continue to evade resolution.

Criminal Broads

“Criminal Broads” offers a unique and refreshing perspective on true crime, hosted by Tori Telfer. Focused on exploring the lives and crimes of infamous women throughout history, Telfer combines humor, empathy, and thorough research in her storytelling. This podcast provides an engaging and informative experience for true crime enthusiasts who appreciate a diverse range of narratives, shedding light on the stories of compelling and often misunderstood female figures within the criminal landscape.

Canadian True Crime

Did you think crime happened in the great white north? I didn’t. Wow, was I wrong.

“Canadian True Crime” is an engaging and meticulous exploration of criminal cases hosted by Kristi Lee. Focusing exclusively on Canadian stories, Lee delves into a variety of cases, from historical mysteries to contemporary crimes. With a respectful and thorough approach, the podcast provides a captivating narrative that not only examines the criminal acts but also delves into the broader societal context. For true crime enthusiasts seeking a diverse and in-depth examination of Canadian criminal history, this podcast delivers compelling storytelling.

Hollywood and Crime

“Hollywood and Crime” takes listeners on a captivating journey through the dark underbelly of Hollywood’s criminal history, hosted by Tracy Pattin. The podcast expertly weaves together true crime stories from the glamourous era of Tinseltown, offering a fascinating look at infamous cases. With meticulous research and immersive storytelling, Pattin exposes the shocking crimes that lurked behind the glitz and glamour. For true crime enthusiasts intrigued by the intersection of fame and criminality, this podcast provides a compelling and insightful exploration.

The Mind of a Monster

“The Mind of a Monster” provides a chilling exploration into the psyches of infamous criminals, hosted by Dr. Jessica Taylor. With a background in forensic psychology, Taylor delivers insightful analyses of the motivations and behaviors of serial killers and other perpetrators. The podcast combines in-depth research with expert commentary, offering a nuanced perspective on the darkest corners of the human mind. For true crime enthusiasts fascinated by the psychological aspects of criminal behavior, this podcast delivers a captivating and educational experience.

Missing & Murdered

More heinous crimes north of the border… awful.

“Missing and Murdered” is a poignant true crime podcast hosted by Connie Walker, focused on the stories of missing and murdered Indigenous women in Canada. With compassion and investigative prowess, Walker sheds light on cases that often go overlooked. The podcast delves into the complexities of these cases while exploring broader issues of systemic injustice. For true crime enthusiasts seeking not only compelling narratives but also a socially conscious perspective, “Missing and Murdered” offers an eye-opening and emotionally resonant listening experience.

The Dark Histories Podcast

“The Dark Histories Podcast” is an enthralling exploration of historical true crime and mysteries, hosted by Ben Cutmore. Combining meticulous research with a captivating storytelling style, Cutmore delves into lesser-known cases from the past, shedding light on forgotten stories. For true crime enthusiasts intrigued by the dark corners of history, this podcast provides a deep and insightful examination of mysteries that have slipped through the cracks of mainstream attention, offering a unique and compelling listening experience.

True Crime Obsessed

“True Crime Obsessed” is a delightful blend of true crime commentary and comedy, hosted by Patrick Hinds and Gillian Pensavalle. With humor, wit, and a touch of sarcasm, the hosts offer entertaining recaps and discussions of true crime documentaries and shows. Their engaging banter makes even the darkest cases more approachable, creating a unique and enjoyable listening experience. For true crime enthusiasts who appreciate a lighthearted take on gripping narratives, “True Crime Obsessed” delivers an entertaining and amusing perspective.

Unravel True Crime

“Unravel True Crime” is an Australian true crime podcast hosted by various presenters exploring intriguing and often lesser-known criminal cases. With meticulous research and compelling storytelling, each season delves into a different aspect of crime, offering unique perspectives on notorious cases. For true crime enthusiasts seeking international narratives and a thoughtful examination of the criminal justice system, “Unravel True Crime” provides an immersive and informative listening experience that spans a diverse range of captivating stories.

Wine & Crime

“Wine & Crime” is a true crime podcast with a refreshing twist, hosted by Kenyon, Lucy, and Amanda. The hosts pair true crime stories with wine, creating a unique and entertaining listening experience. The podcast combines humor and insightful commentary, making even the darkest cases more approachable. For true crime enthusiasts looking for a laid-back and enjoyable exploration of criminal stories, “Wine & Crime” offers a delightful blend of comedy, camaraderie, and intriguing narratives.

Obscura: A True Crime Podcast

“Obscura: A True Crime Podcast” distinguishes itself with a meticulous and respectful exploration of lesser-known true crime cases, hosted by Justin Drown. The podcast delves into the details of both solved and unsolved crimes, providing a thoughtful examination of criminal psychology and justice. For true crime enthusiasts who appreciate in-depth research and a focus on storytelling, “Obscura” offers a compelling and informative journey into the darker corners of the criminal world with a sincere dedication to the victims.

The Dark Side Of…

“The Dark Side Of” is an engrossing true crime podcast hosted by Jack Luna that delves into the sinister aspects of various topics, from famous personalities to cultural phenomena. Luna’s captivating storytelling and thorough research reveal the dark underbelly of each subject, offering a fresh perspective on true crime. For enthusiasts seeking a diverse range of intriguing narratives beyond traditional criminal cases, “The Dark Side Of” provides an immersive and thought-provoking exploration into the shadowy realms of the human experience.

Crime Beat

“Crime Beat” stands out as an engrossing true crime podcast, hosted by Nancy Hixt, where each episode meticulously dissects compelling criminal cases. Hixt, a seasoned crime reporter, brings a journalist’s perspective and empathetic storytelling to the forefront. The podcast covers a variety of cases, combining expert analysis with victim-centric narratives. For true crime enthusiasts looking for comprehensive investigations and a deep understanding of the human impact of crime, “Crime Beat” offers a compelling and informative listening experience.

The Murder Tapes

“The Murder Tapes” delivers an intense and raw true crime experience, presenting real-life homicide investigations through authentic police footage and audio recordings. The podcast offers a chilling glimpse into crime scenes, interrogations, and detective work, providing an immersive and unfiltered perspective on criminal cases. For true crime enthusiasts seeking a gripping and unscripted exploration of the investigative process, “The Murder Tapes” offers a unique and compelling dive into the visceral reality of homicide investigations.

True Crime Island

“True Crime Island” is a captivating true crime podcast hosted by Cambo, providing a distinctive Australian perspective on criminal cases. Cambo’s laid-back and humorous style adds a unique flair to each episode, covering a wide range of intriguing cases. The podcast offers in-depth research and commentary, creating an engaging and informative experience for true crime enthusiasts. For those interested in exploring true crime narratives with an Australian focus and a touch of humor, “True Crime Island” is a delightful and compelling choice.

True Crime All The Time

“True Crime All The Time” stands out in the true crime podcast genre with hosts Mike Ferguson and Mike Gibson, who bring a perfect blend of humor and seriousness to their discussions. The podcast covers a wide range of cases, offering thorough research and engaging storytelling. With an approachable tone and a mix of well-known and lesser-known cases, it provides a comprehensive and entertaining experience for true crime enthusiasts who appreciate a balanced and accessible exploration of criminal stories.

Thinking Sideways

“Thinking Sideways” was a unique true crime podcast hosted by Joe, Steve, and Devin, exploring mysterious and unsolved cases, from paranormal occurrences to true crime mysteries. The hosts’ chemistry and casual banter made complex cases approachable and entertaining. The podcast, now concluded, offers a diverse array of intriguing narratives, making it an excellent choice for true crime enthusiasts seeking a mix of compelling storytelling and lively discussions on enigmatic and puzzling cases.

As an update, it turns out that the podcast may, in fact, not be concluded. It seems they did take a hiatus and “drop off the face of the planet,” but now seem to be making episodes again. That could be very exciting. Watch this space.

Small Town Murder

“Small Town Murder” is an enthralling true crime comedy podcast hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman. Combining humor with meticulous research, the duo explores murder cases in small towns, offering a unique perspective on criminal stories often overshadowed by larger city cases. The hosts strike a balance between informative storytelling and comedic commentary, creating an engaging and accessible experience for true crime enthusiasts who appreciate a lighthearted yet respectful approach to even the darkest subjects in the genre.


“Criminology” is a compelling true crime podcast hosted by Mike Ferguson and Mike Morford, diving deep into unsolved mysteries and cold cases. The hosts combine meticulous research with immersive storytelling, exploring the intricacies of criminal investigations. With a focus on lesser-known cases and a respectful approach to victims, the podcast offers a thought-provoking journey into the world of crime-solving. For true crime enthusiasts seeking a comprehensive examination of unsolved mysteries, “Criminology” provides an engaging and informative listening experience.


“Unexplained” is a mesmerizing true crime podcast hosted by Richard MacLean Smith, exploring the enigmatic and supernatural. With a narrative style reminiscent of classic ghost stories, the podcast investigates mysterious phenomena, unsolved mysteries, and eerie occurrences. Smith’s eloquent storytelling and careful research create a captivating atmosphere, providing a thought-provoking blend of true crime and the unexplained. For true crime enthusiasts intrigued by the mysterious and paranormal, “Unexplained” offers a compelling journey into the realms of the unknown.

Case Remains

“Case Remains” is a riveting true crime podcast hosted by Beth, unraveling unsolved mysteries and true crime cases. With meticulous research and a respectful approach to victims, Beth delves into the details of each case, shedding light on lesser-known stories. The podcast combines compelling storytelling with a focus on unresolved mysteries, providing an immersive and thoughtful exploration into the intricacies of criminal investigations. For true crime enthusiasts seeking in-depth analyses and lesser-known cases, “Case Remains” offers a captivating and informative listening experience.

Killafornia Dreaming

“Killafornia Dreaming” is an engrossing true crime podcast hosted by Roseanne, delving into California-based criminal cases. With a unique narrative style and meticulous research, Roseanne brings lesser-known stories to the forefront, offering an immersive exploration of the state’s dark underbelly. The podcast combines storytelling with in-depth analysis, shedding light on the complexities of each case. For true crime enthusiasts seeking a regional focus on California’s intriguing and diverse criminal history, “Killafornia Dreaming” provides a captivating listening experience.

True Crime Historian

“True Crime Historian” is a captivating podcast hosted by Richard O Jones, offering a unique blend of historical true crime tales. With meticulous research and an engaging storytelling style, Jones resurrects forgotten criminal cases from the past. The podcast not only explores the crimes but also delves into the societal context and cultural nuances of each era, providing a thought-provoking and educational experience. For true crime enthusiasts interested in historical perspectives, “True Crime Historian” delivers a compelling and informative journey through time.

They Walk Among Us

“They Walk Among Us” is a compelling true crime podcast hosted by Benjamin and Rosanna Fitton, unraveling criminal cases from the UK. With a focus on meticulous research and a restrained narrative style, the hosts provide an in-depth exploration of notorious and lesser-known cases. The podcast offers a chilling glimpse into the minds of criminals and the complexities of the British justice system, making it an essential listen for true crime enthusiasts seeking well-researched and immersive storytelling.

The Dropout

“The Dropout” chronicles the captivating rise and fall of Elizabeth Holmes, founder of Theranos. Hosted by Rebecca Jarvis, this investigative podcast unveils the complexities of fraud, corporate deception, and the mysterious allure surrounding Silicon Valley startups. A riveting exploration for true crime enthusiasts fascinated by white-collar crime and scandalous business practices.

Southern Fried True Crime

Delve into the dark side of the Southern United States with “Southern Fried True Crime.” Host Erica Kelley provides in-depth analyses of chilling crimes, mysterious deaths, and unsolved murders, capturing the essence of Southern gothic storytelling. Ideal for true crime enthusiasts seeking a regional focus on crime narratives amid the backdrop of the American South.

White Lies

“White Lies” unravels the unsolved murder of Reverend James Reeb during the civil rights era. Hosted by Chip Brantley and Andrew Beck Grace, this podcast investigates the layers of racial tension, conspiracy, and the quest for justice. A thought-provoking exploration for true crime enthusiasts intrigued by historical mysteries and the complexities of racial struggles.

Your Own Backyard

“Your Own Backyard” investigates the mysterious disappearance of Kristin Smart, a college student who vanished in California in 1996. Host Chris Lambert meticulously explores the case, shedding light on new evidence and unearthing long-buried secrets. An engaging listen for true crime enthusiasts fascinated by cold cases and the relentless pursuit of truth.

Bear Brook

“Bear Brook” unfolds a chilling tale of unidentified bodies found in barrels in New Hampshire’s Bear Brook State Park. Hosted by Jason Moon, the podcast navigates forensic mysteries, familial DNA, and the quest to solve a decades-old mystery. A must-listen for true crime enthusiasts intrigued by forensic advancements and the pursuit of justice in cold cases.

Death in Ice Valley

“Death in Ice Valley” ventures into a mysterious death in Norway’s Isdalen Valley. Hosted by Marit Higraff and Neil McCarthy, this investigative podcast explores espionage, mysterious identities, and the intricate web surrounding an unidentified woman’s demise. Perfect for true crime enthusiasts intrigued by international mysteries and historical intrigue.

Slow Burn

“Slow Burn” explores pivotal moments in American political history. Hosted by Leon Neyfakh, each season provides a deep dive into notorious events, including Watergate and the Clinton impeachment. A compelling choice for true crime enthusiasts interested in the political landscape and the mysterious intricacies of past scandals.

Court Junkie

“Court Junkie” with host Jillian Jalali offers an in-depth look at courtroom dramas, legal battles, and true crime cases. With meticulous research and insightful commentary, the podcast provides an engaging perspective on the criminal justice system. A perfect fit for true crime enthusiasts seeking a comprehensive and analytical exploration of high-profile court cases.

FAQs: True Crime Podcasts

Q: What is the number 1 true crime podcast?

A: The landscape of true crime podcasts is dynamic, with rankings often changing. However, popular choices include “Serial,” “My Favorite Murder,” and “Criminal,” each offering a unique perspective on gripping real-life stories.

Q: What is the #1 rated true crime podcast on Spotify?

A: Spotify’s rankings may fluctuate, but podcasts like “Crime Junkie,” “Sword and Scale,” and “Casefile” have consistently garnered high ratings from listeners seeking compelling true crime narratives.

Q: What is the true crime podcast told as a story?

A: “Serial” is renowned for its narrative storytelling approach, unraveling complex true crime cases in a compelling and sequential manner.

Q: What are some good true crime podcast recommendations?

A: Aside from the mentioned podcasts, consider exploring “The Last Podcast On The Left,” “Criminal Minds,” and “True Crime Garage” for diverse and engaging true crime content.

Q: What are the best True Crime podcasts to listen to during commutes?

A: Opt for shorter episodes or serialized formats like “Criminal,” “Sword and Scale,” or “Crime Junkie” to make the most of your commute with captivating true crime stories.

Q: Are spoilers still spoilers if it’s real life?

A: While real-life events are technically known, the storytelling nuances and details can still be surprising and suspenseful, making the term “spoiler” subjective in the context of true crime podcasts.

Q: Which true crime podcast has the most episodes?

A: “Casefile” is known for its extensive collection of episodes, providing in-depth coverage of various true crime cases.

Q: Which true crime podcasts have the most captivating storytelling?

A: Podcasts like “Lore,” “Criminal,” and “My Favorite Murder” are praised for their captivating storytelling, combining suspense, research, and immersive narration.

Q: What are the top 10 true crime podcasts currently trending?

A: Trends evolve, but “The Daily,” “Crime Junkie,” “Sword and Scale,” and “Last Podcast On The Left” were among the top true crime podcasts trending on various platforms.

The post The 61 Best True Crime Podcasts of All Time appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

3 Practical Reasons Scary Stories on Audio Hit Us So Incredibly Hard Wed, 06 Oct 2021 21:58:29 +0000 There are practical reasons why scary stories on audio work. They press our imaginations and storytelling is humanity's anthropological history.

The post 3 Practical Reasons Scary Stories on Audio Hit Us So Incredibly Hard appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

It is the time of year where it is socially encouraged to have the shit scared out of you. Once the first leaf turns red in the verdant trees, everything becomes haunted: houses, hayrides, dolls. Ghost stories. Creepy stuff. Scary stories on audio formats obliterate us. Why?

Everything peacefully sitting there through the year is suddenly riddled with poltergeists, psychopaths, or beasts. Or an actual real ghost. We get into the seasonal zeitgeist. Everything is sprinkled with horror and pumpkin spice. Netflix offers a wide variety of horror movies, and the top ten scariest books begin to circle the net.

Podcasting mirrors this horrific trend. Audio storytelling of the obscure is hedging bets with literature and film, the same way Mary Shelly boasted to all those sexist writer dudes that she could write a story scarier than any of them combined.

Suck it Lord Byron…

Film and literature have mastered the genre, so will podcasting follow suit? Can audio have just as powerful experiences as films or a book by only using one sense? I would wager that there are a myriad of reasons why audio is a phenomenal medium to produce the mysterious, if not better than film and literature in some regards.

Why else did people believe Martians were invading in the War of the Worlds? Classic ghost stories audio on radio has made humanity quiver for a century.

Front Line of the Invasion Force

Podcasting plays to certain parts of our psychology in ways other art forms miss. Let’s explore the areas of audio storytelling that make scary stories captivating like a throng of kids searching for the strange sounds in the woods. 

What makes something scary? 

There is a clear line between comedy, romance, and horror. Yet, horror might be one of the most difficult genres to master. You can’t just have a show with some celebrity voice actor scream, “There is something in the woods!!!” for 26 minutes and think the audience will get sweaty. Across mediums, for horror to work, there has to be a strong narrative and a natural building towards suspense. 

Scary stories on audio podcasts prime us for real life terrifying noises

Good horror writing focuses on some powerful force that outmatches the protagonist’s own– maybe aliens with advanced technology, a vengeful ghost that hops back and forth between our world and the underworld, or your neighbor with an unsettling knife collection.

Horror structure pins the protagonist against something seemingly unstoppable and puts the protagonist’s survival/soul at stake. Through the telling, good horror should make you feel as though your small intestine has formed a sailor’s knot with your large intestine and constantly tightens as the story progresses. Tension naturally builds, and there is a fast release when the monster/killer is revealed.

The ending ideally leaves the audience with the unsettling feeling that they aren’t as safe as they expected. Those dark omens hang over us longer than we’d like.

Read more: 17 Horror Audio Drama Podcasts (Beyond “The Black Tapes”)

Where film and podcasting have an advantage is with music. In all genres, music naturally enhances audio storytelling. When done right, music dials up the intensity of the moment.

When the music and script are in sync with each other, that can be enough to make you scream while on your walk because you mistook a stick for a snake. However, relying on music too heavily is usually to cover up bad writing or lack of real stakes. A short audiobook can floor us with silent, unsettling foreboding. Yet, science isn’t exactly sure why.

But when used in the right spots, it can make it hard to fall asleep at night. These techniques are used across mediums; however, I think that podcasting impacts us on a psychologically deeper level than film and literature. 

Oral storytelling is in Our Bones

Podcasts as a whole tap into our oral storytelling brain. We first started sharing stories around the primordial campfire, sitting around and trading information against the soft glow of a flame.

She Has No Idea What’s Coming…

Ok, telling stories might be a generous interpretation of the monosyllabic babbling homo-sapiens spewed out of their furry mouths, but our ancestors were able to warn each other about threatening events for sure. The most important information we exchanged was how to stay alive. We remember stories. Stories are how we passed on our heritage before language. It’s why real ghost stories, even ghost stories online have the power to undo us.

Radio Rental (Editor’s note: not to be confused with Radio Rebel) is a great example of oral storytelling focused on stories with survival stakes. Other than the wacky, lover of the strange Terry Carnation, narrated by Rainn Wilson, the show uses ordinary people living ordinary lives and has them tell their unusual flirtations with the strange that pass them by. Stories about time warps, innocuous interactions with serial killers, or people living in the crawl spaces of your home. 

The Terrifying Appeal of Podcasts Done Well

The appeal of Radio Rental isn’t just that they use real people; plenty of podcasts pluck from the plebeians for their own content. The common denominator of a Radio Rental story is that no one ever really gets hurt: a knife is wielded around, a stranger might get too close, but the protagonist never dies ( obviously) or ends up in critical condition.

The show is structured with the classic horror story techniques, a feeling something isn’t right, a building of tension, and a release, yet everyone walks away safe and sound. Other than Payne Lindsey being a bit of a pain in the ass when he summarizes the whole plot for unnecessary and seemingly egotistical reasons, the show does make you think twice when you hear a consistent scuttering near your fireplace every night. 

We marathon stories like these because it harkens back to the ancient campfire. Where we made up short scary stories for kids, and then couldn’t sleep ourselves.

These stories allow us to live out an experience without our own lives being threatened. The listener gapes at death without ever inviting him into the room. It isn’t just for entertainment though; we need to listen to these stories so we can mentally prepare for the chaos the world might throw at us. If we ever see a bear or a phantom, we have been forewarned by our own kind to know how to act and ideally keep the species alive. 

Terrifying Tales Kept Us Alive

Oral storytelling is a very human tradition and is still practiced widely in plenty of human cultures, including many Indigenous cultures. Furthermore, we have been using our listening brains for much longer than our reading and writing brains.

But if you wanted your kids to stay away from where the lions were, you told them some creepy real ghost stories about those who failed to listen. Lessons in the madness. That’s why scary stories on audio work so well. We’ve been doing it since time immemorial. All of us.

Here Comes a History Lesson! Now That’s Terrifying.

Generally, scholars believe that the written language originated about 5,500 years ago (3500 BC) in ancient Mesopotamia (modern Iraq), China, and Egypt. However, we had been telling stories for a millennia before that. We are neurologically primed to use words and descriptions alone to understand a scenario rather than having a visual accompaniment. Sorry, I know none of this is scary, but it why scary stories on audio formats work. Still, I’ll get to the three-eyed alien in a moment. 

False intimacy is Actual Fear

In my humble opinion, podcasting is the most intimate form of storytelling, outside of a real conversation with a live human in front of you. At its core, podcasting is just the listener reacting to the host’s and their guest’s voices.

Audio storytelling mimics a conversation happening in real-time, and the listener doesn’t have to participate; they can just sit back and listen. 

Scary Stories on Audio work Online Because We’re Right There.

The artistic agreement with podcasts doesn’t have as rigid boundaries as other art forms. When we watch a film, we know the actors are acting. When we read a book, we don’t think that the author is our friend. There is an intentional distance between the creator and the receiver. That line is stretched thin in audio. The host’s voice is injected directly into the listeners’ ears, forming a unique bond between the host and the listener.

We begin to believe horror stories are real, that true crime ghosts are going to find us. Fiction morphs into a murky reality that we’re not quite sure how to deal with.


Good podcasting gives you the feeling that the host is letting you in on a secret and they want you to come along on the journey to help unravel the mystery. We keep listening to shows because we have formed some level of emotional bond with the host.

Podcasting hosts as a whole end up giving more of themselves than other artists do (as a podcast host myself, I feel like I have some authority to stake that claim). I can’t look at a painting of a red dot in the center of a six-foot canvas and suddenly feel like I know what is happening in the artist’s head who painted it. I mean, is that some kind of creepypasta thing?

Meanwhile, a podcast host usually brings us on a journey because they have a personal interest or reason in whatever the story is.

The more time we spend in audio, the more the listener has a sense of who the host is as a person as hosts are usually a more performative version of themselves. The more time we invest in a show, the more we trust that the host is going to provide us with some high-quality twists and turns. 

Take Spooked for example.

Glynn Washington usually starts every show with a story of his own. He creeks open the metaphorical door ( with some squeaky sound effects) and invites listeners to step in and observe the supernatural through someone else’s experience. The show, like Radio Rental , is a compilation of someone telling you their ostensibly real-life interactions with those beyond the veil.Although the format is similar to Radio Rental , Glynn Washington has worked hard to build our trust as the host of Snap Judgement .

Spooked originated as an annual themed episode that Snap Judgement would do every Halloween, but it became so popular that they turned it into a whole series. It is now released in the lead-up to the scariest time of year. In both Spooked and Snap Judgment , Washington offers us a part of himself. In every episode, lean in to hear about his cult-like childhood growing up in Michigan, his time in Japan, and his moments with the supernatural. Washington has built a formidable fanbase around Snap Judgement and Spooked .

A good host makes you feel like you are part of a certain group worthy of this knowledge they are about to disclose. You’re compelled to download. They put you in the middle of the tale.

I Probably Shouldn’t Have Worked on this at Night

That intimacy mimics being around an ancient bonfire before modern media, one of your community members leaning in and warning you about the giant werewolf in a nearby cave. Ironically, a good host makes us feel like we are part of something larger when we are typically listening solo. We are typically alone in our cars, cleaning our house, or going for a solitary walk.

That isolation can raise the fear factor and make it easier to be startled when we are working alone, organizing groceries in a church basement at 3pm on a Wednesday. But that is also because of the last psychological technique that horror podcasting leans on: our imagination. 

Scary Stories on Audio Work Because The Mystery Itself is Scary

When we listen to podcasts, we are forced to construct our own fantasy.

What our minds concoct is often scarier than the monsters we see in a film. Sure a multi-eyed, thousand-foot, scaly creature spewing goo from outer space that is also a ghost in cahoots with the devil is scary, but what is often scarier is the idea of the monster. The missing knife, the giant footprint, the door left ajar–it’s the building suspension that releases an abundance of cortisol

The mystery in itself is enough. The Black Tapes does this particularly well.

Read more: How Horror Podcasts Provide Catharsis

This fictionalized show is hosted by the character Alex Regan, a podcaster from the Pacific Northwest Radio Alliance. She follows the breadcrumbs of Dr. Richard Strand, a man working to dismantle the idea that demons and ghosts exist. However, he has an overwhelming amount of video footage that suggests otherwise and is having a hard time rationalizing these chilling videos with science. Fear is born of the unknown.

The narrative is delivered in a way that builds constant mystery and big revelations. How the characters talk about the ghosts, the strange occurrences, and plot twists is what keeps the listener coming back for more. On occasion, the ghosts peek out from the celestial side.

The characters provide gruesome depictions of what they are seeing, forcing the listener to use their own imaginations. That reinforces the intimacy of the medium because we are forced to create the image with our brains, which has a mind of its own. In film, the director usually reveals the monster, but that may or may not be scary to me as an individual based on my life experiences.

My own visions can be tremendously more terrifying to me than whatever the horror greats dream up next. Although I listened to The Black Tapes with my partner, we imaged two different worlds based on our own perceptions, which made the experience even more personal.

Oral storytelling, primordial campfire, false intimacy, and our own imaginations are the crux of good horror podcasting. The medium is still growing, but I would leave the lights on the next time you hit play.

Why Do We Listen to an Audio Scary Story Anyway?

We listen to an audio scary story because a certain amount of fear is healthy. Our primordial selves crave a good scare. So we download and listen.

This post has referenced a few pods that do a tremendous job making scary stories on audio formats work. But they aren’t alone. If you’re craving a bit of a scare from time to time, then you should take a look at our favorite horror audio dramas that also make a good a case for scary stories on audio formats that carve into our very souls.

Like I said, leave the lights on.

The post 3 Practical Reasons Scary Stories on Audio Hit Us So Incredibly Hard appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.
