Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods Find your next favorite podcast Thu, 29 Feb 2024 12:51:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods Find your next favorite podcast clean Murdaugh Murders Podcast The Fascinating Meltdown 100 Years In The Making Thu, 29 Feb 2024 12:51:15 +0000 The trial is over, the sentence meted out, but the impacts linger. We'd all do well to listen to Mandy Matney's superb pod.

The post Murdaugh Murders Podcast The Fascinating Meltdown 100 Years In The Making appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

The Murdaugh Murders Podcast is one of the most well researched Alex Murdaugh podcasts available.

Much like the enduring appeal of a classic Western, some stories retain their intrigue and impact, regardless of when you come across them. The Murdaugh Murders podcast is one such narrative, making it one of the best true crime podcasts out there. Though the real-life drama has unfolded in court, and the headlines may have faded, the twists and turns of this true crime saga continue to captivate audiences. It’s a reminder that certain stories never lose their allure, like timeless Westerns, Shakespearean dramas, or the Hollywood Golden Age.

For better or worse. But, then, tell me what’s happening with reality TV? We’re in the pocket of dramatized human tragedy. Too soon? Maybe. But timeless, almost certainly, yes.

In this article, we dive into the Murdaugh Murders podcast, a story that, while not breaking news, still holds immense value for true crime enthusiasts.

The riveting drama and complex narrative of the Murdaugh family saga gripped the public and journalists alike. It wasn’t one simple murder. No, it was a fraud, lawyers, money, and ultimately the unraveling of a seemingly untouchable empire.

Key episodes stand out in the series, offering a gateway into this compelling story—insights into why this podcast remains a must-listen, even after the gavel has fallen.

Join us as we explore why the Murdaugh Murders podcast is more than just a fleeting headline — it’s a gripping journey into the heart of true crime storytelling.

The Unfolding Corruption of the Murdaugh Family Saga

The Murdaugh family’s story is a complex web of intrigue, power, and unexpected tragedy. It’s straight out of Shakespeare. This intricate narrative forms the backbone of the Murdaugh Murders podcast. The podcast delves deep into the family’s history, marked by its prominent legal stature as attorneys in South Carolina, and leads listeners through a series of shocking events, including mysterious deaths and alleged financial crimes.

In fact, Murdaugh was recently sentenced for his two dozen financial crimes, apart from the murders themselves.

What sets this podcast apart is its ability to unravel the layers of the Murdaugh saga episode by episode. Like an onion. With all the tears.

Each installment sheds light on different facets of the case, revealing new twists that keep listeners eagerly anticipating the next development. Morbid? Yep, but we have to face reality.

The podcast navigates through the intricate details of the family’s legal and personal troubles, making each revelation more surprising than the last.

Highlighted episodes such as “The Boat Crash Settlement” and “Jellyfish and Moselle” are particularly enthralling. These episodes detail the events and provide context, exploring the societal and legal backdrop against which these events occurred. They offer a unique lens into the dynamics of a powerful family entangled in a series of tragedies and alleged crimes.

This focus on the Murdaugh family’s story captures the essence of what makes true crime podcasts so compelling: the blend of human drama, legal complexities, and the unending quest for truth. The Murdaugh Murders podcast, despite being a latecomer to the public’s attention, stands as a testament to the genre’s ability to transform real-life events into a narrative that resonates with a wide range of audiences.

Why the Murdaugh Murders Podcast Stands Out in True Crime

People often ask “what is the best Murdaugh podcast?” Because a number of them have popped up. It’s a gripping story. But this one stands out as one of the best Alex Murdaugh podcasts.

In the diverse landscape of true crime stories, the Murdaugh family saga emerges as a narrative steeped in history, power, and the stark reminder that no one is above the law.

The Murdaugh Murders podcast delves into the story of a family that has been a titan of the South Carolina legal and political communities for nearly a century, often referred to as South Carolina royalty. This historical prominence forms a compelling backdrop to the events unfolding in the podcast.

The podcast’s portrayal of the Murdaughs is not just about a high-profile family embroiled in crime; it’s an intricate depiction of how power and influence operate in society.

The Murdaughs, known for their century-long legacy in the legal realm, find their world unraveling dramatically, challenging the notion that their status places them above scrutiny. This aspect of the story adds a layer of depth to the podcast, making it a standout in the true crime genre.

Revisiting the story through the podcast allows listeners to delve into the complexities of a family that has shaped the legal landscape of South Carolina. The follow up episodes after the high profile trial provide a historical overview of the family’s influence and an intimate look at their eventual confrontation with the legal system they once dominated.

Each episode is a narrative journey that combines the grandeur of a family’s century-long influence with the universal truth of accountability. Pride comes before the fall.

This combination of historical depth, societal influence, and the unraveling of a legacy positions the Murdaugh Murders podcast as a unique and fascinating addition to true crime storytelling.

A Deep Dive into Key Episodes

It’s difficult to understate how important this story is to the entirety of South Carolina. It was something of an existential crisis that prosecutors would have to confront.

The Murdaugh Murders podcast is a rich tapestry of episodes, each unraveling a part of the complex Murdaugh family saga. Considering how many seasons of the show there are and the superb journalism on display, you are likely going to be drawn deeply down the rabbit hole at some point.

In the meantime, let’s delve into a few key episodes that are pivotal in understanding the full scope of the story and its significance in the true crime genre.

Alex Murdaugh’s Ground Zero

The fatal boat crash that killed Mallory Beach would prove to be the event that drew enough attention to Paul Murdaugh, as he was allegedly intoxicated when the boat crashed. Hosts Mandy Matney and co-host Liz Farrell walk us through how pulling on this thread leads to the family’s eventual downfall.

What Happened to the Money Part One

If you want to know where something has gone horribly off the rails… follow the money. And that’s no different here. In this episode, Matney’s Murdaugh Murders podcast walks us through when the court decided to seize the assets of Alex and Buster Murdaugh as something didn’t add up.

This is all eventually led to the SC Attorney General’s office indicting Alex Murdaugh for fraud. The fraud he was just sentenced for in November of 2023. Truly wild stuff.

Is the Justice System Broken: Our Whole System is on Trial

As mentioned before, the Murdaugh family were titans of both law and politics in the South Carolina Lowcountry for nearly a century. So, could they be touched, or were they truly above the law?

In this episode, the hosts look at why the prosecution seemed to lose steam and confidence in their case against Murdaugh.

How Many Lies Will the Jury Buy?

Episode 80 of the murder mystery finds our hosts going over the testimony of Murdaugh’s sister and finding that the criminal investigations focused on Alex are causing the defense to unravel. The systematic corruption of the powerful is on full display, and we, the listeners, by week four of the trial, are pretty sure who the killers are.

Alex Murdaugh’s Bond Set at $7 Million Dollars

There is something visceral about watching someone who thinks they are untouchable being backed into a corner in real time. It is a preview of what we are watching unfold now in the Donald Trump cases. Would Murdaugh be able to come up with the $7 million, considering a large part of the charges against him were regarding money and pilfered funds?

Very informative. Very telling.

How Many People Will Go Down for This

As the hosts mentioned many times on the show, this was the unraveling of the good old boys club of this area of South Carolina. The Murdaugh family and their associates were untouchable. But as soon as that boat wreck upset the status quo, everything began to fall apart.

Defense attorney Justin Bamberg points out that loyalty is an enormous part of the culture in this part of the country, but that doesn’t always stop charges of obstruction of justice, conspiracy, or tangential charges from being brought.

Again, one of the core issues the Murdaugh Murders Podcast covers in great detail, with unmatched insight, is just how intertwined this network of good old boys politics was. And if you pulled at a single thread, the tapestry would unwind.

How far does loyalty extend when prosecutors are looking at you?

The Big Problem With the Justice System and How to Fix It

Spoilers: Alex Murdaugh lost. But it was a high profile case, so I’m sure you knew that. This isn’t a new tale, but one that is informative of cases like this in the future. As the law should be.

In this episode from May of 2023, Matney and Farrell talk about victims’ rights and how to reform the justice system. Reform it in such a way that these good old boys cabals can’t act with impunity. How do you hold the powerful accountable within the confines of the legal system?

Alex Murdaugh’s Defense: The Other Side of the Story

Though he was found guilty, we’d be remiss if we didn’t at least give an overview of the defense Murdaugh raised and how transparently weak it really was. How the defense team thought this would work is baffling.

Granted, I’m not an attorney, but let’s take a look.

Alex Murdaugh’s defense was spearheaded by a team of seasoned lawyers, including Dick Harpootlian and Jim Griffin (not the editor of the site). These legal experts brought their extensive experience to craft a defense strategy that aimed to counter the damning accusations against Murdaugh. Quite the mission, indeed.

The defense’s narrative centered on presenting an alternative explanation for the events and casting doubt on the prosecution’s case. Namely, Murdaugh was visiting his mother at the time of the murders for a brief time.

As for the money, a botched suicide for hire job was undertaken that left Murdaugh calling an ambulance. This really was a complex web of ineptitude and is unspeakably tragic.

Despite the efforts of Harpootlian and Griffin, the jury found the defense’s story unconvincing. The podcast delves into the reasons behind this, exploring how the evidence presented by the prosecution effectively countered the arguments made by Murdaugh’s legal team.

Key factors included inconsistencies in Murdaugh’s account, compelling forensic evidence, and the prosecution’s ability to connect the dots in a way that left little room for an alternative interpretation. He did himself no favors on the stand in his own defense. He just came off as someone who lacked empathy about the death of his son and his son’s mother Maggie, his wife.

This part of the podcast gives listeners insight into the complexities of legal defense in high-profile cases. It lays bare the strategies employed by defense lawyers and how they can sometimes fall short in the face of overwhelming evidence. This section not only adds depth to the understanding of the Murdaugh case but also offers a glimpse into the inner workings of the criminal justice system.

Through this detailed examination of Alex Murdaugh’s defense, the podcast underscores the notion that in the realm of law, even those with significant influence and resources can (and must) face the ultimate test of accountability.

Why Alex Murdaugh Podcasts are So Enthralling and the Role of Journalism

In the ongoing narrative of the Murdaugh family, the public’s interest extends beyond the bounds of the courtroom drama to the current lives of the family members, especially Buster Murdaugh. The Murdaugh Murders podcast, while recounting the riveting past events, also touches upon the role of journalism in keeping these stories in the public eye, not merely for entertainment, but as a crucial act of accountability.

Award-winning journalist Mandy Matney, through her podcast, plays a pivotal role in this ongoing narrative. Matney’s dedication to the story is not just about captivating her audience. It’s about the larger purpose of journalism, holding those in power to account. The Murdaugh family was firmly entrenched in the Lowlands of South Carolina, and it took a combination of journalism and law enforcement to root them out.

Buster Murdaugh, as a key figure in this saga, continues to be a subject of public and media attention. There was a settlement, but was there justice?

Matney’s podcast is integral in holding a candle up to the powerful who think that the rules do not apply to them. It’s laudable, really.

This is one of those stories that, even though recent, we ought to keep coming back to. The former President is embroiled in 4 different cases as of the time of this writing and is the front-runner for the Republican nomination. Politics aside, you have to see the parallels here.

Sure, it’s entertaining. It even makes for good late-night fodder, but the superb work of Mandy Matney and co-host Liz Farrell on the Murdaugh Murders Podcast should jolt us all out of the stupor of a 15-minute bit. No matter how well written.

The long-form narrative format of the podcast helps explain just how intricate the web really was and, hopefully, will help us recognize it when we see it again because we will see it again.

One drunken boat ride by an underage heir to the throne and the whole house of cards came down.

Expanding the Narrative: The Emergence of “True Sunlight”

Mandy Matney’s journalistic endeavors extend far beyond the captivating twists of the Murdaugh Murders podcast. A shining example of her expansive work (under the same Luna Shark Productions umbrella) is the podcast “True Sunlight,” which emerged from the Murdaugh case but has since transcended it, delving into broader themes at the intersection of journalism and law.

The Natural Evolution of the Murdaugh Murders Podcast

But the DNA is there. It’s the new face of MMP. The name of the podcast isn’t all that important, is it? It’s the depth of the work that’s important. With all the nonsense on Facebook and social media, this work is more important than it has ever been.

This project reflects a deep commitment to social responsibility, highlighting journalists’ critical role in informing the public and holding power to account.

“True Sunlight” is a testament to Matney’s understanding that the issues raised in the Murdaugh case are not isolated incidents. It’s been described as the antithesis of true crime.

The podcast broadens the conversation, exploring how similar dynamics of power, influence, and justice play out in other contexts. This shift from a single case study to a wider exploration of societal issues marks a significant step in Matney’s career as a journalist. It showcases her ability to tell a compelling story and stimulate thoughtful discourse on the responsibilities and impacts of legal and journalistic practices.

In “True Sunlight,” listeners find a series that goes beyond the sensational aspects of true crime. It’s a deeper dive into how these stories affect communities and the justice system at large. This podcast serves as a platform for examining the ethical implications and societal consequences of legal battles involving influential figures.

The evolution from the Murdaugh Murders podcast to “True Sunlight” highlights Matney’s dedication to unearthing truths that resonate on a societal level. It’s a project that underscores the importance of responsible journalism in our understanding of law, power, and its effects on society.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I listen to the Murdaugh Murders Podcast?

The good news is that this is a very popular podcast available on almost any platform. You can find it on your favorite podcast app. If you listen on an Android phone, look at some Android app solutions. We do like the player.

What is the new name for the Murdaugh Murders Podcast?

True Sunlight is the evolution of the Murdaugh Murders podcast. It’s excellent and you should give it a listen after finishing the series.

What is the best Murdaugh Podcast?

The best podcast focusing on the Murdaugh family case is the “Murdaugh Murders Podcast,” created by award-winning journalist Mandy Matney. It has been widely recognized for its in-depth investigation into the powerful Murdaugh family of South Carolina​​. It was award-winning for a reason, people.

Which is the better Murdaugh documentary?

Netflix released a series titled “The Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal.” This series explores the shocking crimes and the downfall of Alex Murdaugh, providing a comprehensive look at the events that captivated the nation. It’s one of the most notable productions about the case, offering viewers a detailed account of the Murdaugh family’s history, the murders, and the subsequent investigations.

In Conclusion… I mean, Why?

Alex Murdaugh had it all. This was, and is, clearly a broken person who started to dig a hole and just kept digging until he was trapped. It always surprises me that people can live double lives when I have difficulty maintaining one.

Is there a lesson here? Probably. Stop digging. Get help.

The Murdaugh Murders Podcast was an excellent listen that anyone fascinated with true crime, the human condition, or psychology should listen to. It’s inherently compelling listening that you will likely end up bingeing, so make sure to set aside time for this.

The post Murdaugh Murders Podcast The Fascinating Meltdown 100 Years In The Making appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

The 52 Best Comedy Podcasts of All Time Fri, 16 Feb 2024 15:47:28 +0000 In recent years, the podcast landscape has experienced an unprecedented surge in popularity, with millions of listeners around the world tuning in to diverse genres for entertainment and knowledge. One significant contributor to this phenomenon is the remarkable growth of comedy podcasts, a genre that has witnessed an explosion of creativity and innovation. Comedians, once […]

The post The 52 Best Comedy Podcasts of All Time appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

In recent years, the podcast landscape has experienced an unprecedented surge in popularity, with millions of listeners around the world tuning in to diverse genres for entertainment and knowledge. One significant contributor to this phenomenon is the remarkable growth of comedy podcasts, a genre that has witnessed an explosion of creativity and innovation. Comedians, once confined to the stage, have ventured into the world of audio to deliver humor, discussions, and a unique fly-on-the-wall experience that resonates with audiences across the globe.

Notably, some of the best comedy podcasts have emerged from the minds of renowned comedians, leveraging the podcast platform to showcase their wit and engage with fans on a deeper level. Names like Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, and Will Arnett have joined forces for “SmartLess,” delivering laughter and insightful conversations with celebrity guests. The success of “How Did This Get Made” with Paul Scheer, Jason Mantzoukas, and June Diane Raphael reflects the audience’s appetite for humorous deep dives into the absurdities of the entertainment industry, making it a must-listen for pop culture enthusiasts.

Among the comedic offerings, “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend” stands out as a testament to the enduring appeal of beloved comedians transitioning into the podcast realm. Featuring the iconic late-night host, Conan O’Brien, engaging in candid and humorous conversations with celebrity guests, the show exemplifies the intimate and entertaining fly-on-the-wall experience that has become synonymous with the best comedy podcasts. As the podcast landscape continues to evolve, the delightful banter of “Office Ladies,” where Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey revisit their time on “The Office,” exemplifies the trend of bringing beloved sitcoms and iconic moments into the podcasting world.

Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

Conan O'Briend Needs a friend is a consistently one of the best comedy podcasts in the genre.

Conan O’Brien, the iconic stand-up comedian and TV show host, invites celebrity guests to dive deep into hilarious conversations, showcasing his wit and charm. With a fly-on-the-wall perspective, this podcast explores the world of Hollywood and pop culture, making it a must-listen for those craving a true crime podcast alternative with a comedic twist.

WTF with Marc Maron

How good was Marc Maron's work on GLOW?

Marc Maron, a seasoned stand-up comedian and former sitcom star, presents “WTF,” a weekly podcast featuring intimate interviews with celebrity guests. Maron’s probing questions reveal the true depths of his guests, offering a unique, fly-on-the-wall experience. While not a true crime podcast, its deep dives into personal stories make it a captivating alternative for true crime enthusiasts in search of authentic narratives.

How Did This Get Made

Join comedians Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, and Jason Mantzoukas as they take a hilarious deep dive into some of the worst movies ever made. While not a true crime podcast, “How Did This Get Made” provides a refreshing break, offering laughter and absurdity. Dive into the world of bad movies and enjoy the comedy these hosts bring to their dissection of cinematic failures.

Office Ladies

Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey, beloved co-stars from “The Office,” reunite to give fans a behind-the-scenes look at the hit sitcom. While not a true crime podcast, “Office Ladies” is a delightful fly-on-the-wall experience, revisiting favorite episodes with insider anecdotes. If you’re seeking a break from crime stories, enjoy the camaraderie of two friends reminiscing about the world of Dunder Mifflin.


The best comedy podcasts are starting to garner some of the biggest paychecks in 2024.

“SmartLess” features Hollywood stars Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, and Will Arnett engaging in comedic conversations with celebrity guests. Though not a true crime podcast, it offers an entertaining fly-on-the-wall experience with unexpected twists. This star-studded show provides a delightful diversion from crime stories, making it an excellent choice for those looking for the best comedy podcasts.

Fly on the Wall

“Fly on the Wall” promises a unique perspective into the lives of its hosts or guests. While not a true crime podcast, this show offers a behind-the-scenes, fly-on-the-wall experience that might appeal to those seeking a break from crime stories. With the potential for celebrity guests and candid conversations, it provides an entertaining alternative to typical true crime fare.

Why Won’t You Date Me?

Nicole Byer’s “Why Won’t You Date Me?” is a hilarious deep dive into the complexities of dating. As a stand-up comedian, Nicole brings her wit and charm, making it more than just a true crime podcast alternative. With episodes featuring celebrity guests and discussions on relationships, it’s an engaging listen for those looking for a laugh without the crime drama.

Off Menu

“Off Menu” offers a delightful escape with hosts James Acaster and Ed Gamble taking guests on a fantasy meal journey. While not a true crime podcast, the show’s comedic approach to discussing food and life provides a welcome diversion. With celebrity guests and humorous banter, it’s an excellent choice for those seeking a break from crime stories and looking for the best comedy podcasts.

All Fantasy Everything

“All Fantasy Everything (AFE)” brings together comedians Ian Karmel, Sean Jordan, and David Gborie for a hilarious podcast experience. In this unique show, the hosts and their expert guests conduct drafts, selecting pop culture items ranging from music and movies to unconventional categories like sandwiches. With drafts covering everything from Tom Hanks movies to dunk-worthy phrases, “AFE” offers a comedic fly-on-the-wall experience into the world of imaginative and amusing pop culture discussions.

Call Chelsea Peretti

“Call Chelsea Peretti” features the witty Chelsea Peretti taking calls from listeners. Although not a true crime podcast, Chelsea’s humor and unique take on life make it an entertaining choice. It’s a fly-on-the-wall experience as Chelsea engages with fans, offering a light-hearted alternative for those looking to step away from crime narratives and explore the best comedy podcasts.

Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness

Jonathan Van Ness invites listeners to join him on curious explorations of various topics. While not a true crime podcast, its deep dives into diverse subjects offer an engaging and informative experience. With celebrity guests and Jonathan’s infectious enthusiasm, it’s a refreshing alternative for those seeking a break from crime stories and looking for podcasts that mix humor and education.

My Dad Wrote a Porno

“My Dad Wrote a Porno” is a standout in the comedy podcast world, providing a unique and hilarious approach. This true crime podcast alternative, featuring Jamie Morton reading his father’s erotic novels, offers a fly-on-the-wall experience into the absurdity of the written world. With recurring themes and celebrity guests, it stands out among the best comedy podcasts for its unconventional yet side-splitting content.

Trashy Divorces

“Trashy Divorces” combines humor and true crime elements by delving into the messy divorces of celebrities. This engaging podcast, while not strictly a true crime podcast, provides a unique perspective on relationships gone awry. For those seeking a break from traditional crime stories, the show offers celebrity gossip, laughs, and a fly-on-the-wall experience into the lives of the rich and famous.

A Very Fatal Murder

“A Very Fatal Murder” is a satirical take on the true crime podcast genre. This fictional podcast, produced by The Onion, brilliantly parodies crime stories with humor and wit. A must-listen for comedy podcast enthusiasts, it cleverly incorporates elements of true crime while delivering laughs, making it an entertaining choice for those looking for a departure from traditional crime narratives.

No Such Thing As a Fish

The QI Elves’ podcast, “No Such Thing As a Fish,” stands out for its blend of comedy and deep dives into obscure facts. While not a true crime podcast, its witty banter and insightful discussions offer a refreshing alternative. Dive into the world of quirky trivia, celebrity guests, and humorous anecdotes for an engaging, fly-on-the-wall experience that’s perfect for those in search of the best comedy podcasts.

RHLSTP with Richard Herring

“RHLSTP with Richard Herring” is a comedic interview podcast where Richard Herring engages with a variety of guests. Though not a true crime podcast, its fly-on-the-wall approach provides intimate conversations with celebrities and comedians. With episodes featuring stand-up comedy and unique insights into the lives of the guests, it’s a compelling alternative for those looking to mix humor and entertainment.

Athletico Mince

“Athletico Mince” is a surreal and humorous podcast featuring Bob Mortimer and Andy Dawson. While not a true crime podcast, its unpredictable banter and absurd scenarios offer a delightful fly-on-the-wall experience. With celebrity impressions, quirky characters, and a touch of football talk, it’s a top choice for those seeking the best comedy podcasts with an offbeat flavor.

The Adam Buxton Podcast

“The Adam Buxton Podcast” showcases comedian Adam Buxton’s engaging interviews with various guests. Though not a true crime podcast, its fly-on-the-wall conversations cover a range of topics with a humorous touch. With celebrity guests, insightful discussions, and personal anecdotes, it’s an excellent choice for those looking to enjoy a more relaxed and humorous podcast experience.

Fake Doctors, Real Friends

“Fake Doctors, Real Friends” reunites “Scrubs” stars Zach Braff and Donald Faison for a comedic look back at the beloved sitcom. While not a true crime podcast, it offers fans a fly-on-the-wall experience into the behind-the-scenes stories of the show. With humor, nostalgia, and guest appearances, it’s a must-listen for “Scrubs” enthusiasts and those seeking the best comedy podcasts.

2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer

“2 Bears, 1 Cave” brings together comedians Tom Segura and Bert Kreischer for a hilarious look at their friendship. Though not a true crime podcast, its fly-on-the-wall conversations offer an intimate and funny perspective into their lives. With witty banter, celebrity guests, and unfiltered discussions, it stands out among the best comedy podcasts for those seeking an entertaining break from crime narratives.

Adam Carolla Show

The “Adam Carolla Show” features comedian Adam Carolla’s humorous take on current events and interviews. While not a true crime podcast, it offers a fly-on-the-wall experience into Carolla’s world of comedy and commentary. With celebrity guests and Carolla’s witty insights, it’s a compelling choice for those looking for the best comedy podcasts with a talk show format and a touch of humor.

Your Mom’s House with Christina P. and Tom Segura

“Your Mom’s House” with Tom Segura and Christina Pazsitzky is a comedic podcast offering a fly-on-the-wall experience into their marriage and family life. While not a true crime podcast, its humor, inside jokes, and entertaining banter make it a top choice for comedy podcast enthusiasts. With recurring segments and celebrity guests, it provides a delightful escape from true crime narratives.

The Breakfast Club

“The Breakfast Club” is a popular radio show featuring interviews with celebrities and discussions on current events. While not a true crime podcast, its fly-on-the-wall format allows listeners to experience candid conversations and celebrity interviews. With a mix of humor and serious discussions, it stands out among talk show formats, providing an engaging alternative for those looking beyond true crime stories.

Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald

“Heather McDonald’s Juicy Scoop” is a comedic podcast exploring celebrity gossip and pop culture. While not a true crime podcast, its humorous take on current events offers a light-hearted fly-on-the-wall experience. With juicy stories, celebrity interviews, and McDonald’s witty commentary, it’s a top choice for those seeking the best comedy podcasts with a focus on entertainment news.

Good For You

“Good For You” is comedian Whitney Cummings’ podcast where she engages in honest and insightful conversations. While not a true crime podcast, its fly-on-the-wall discussions with celebrity guests provide a unique perspective. With Cummings’ humor and unfiltered conversations, it’s an excellent choice for those interested in comedy podcasts that offer a mix of laughter and thought-provoking insights.

Help I Sexted My Boss

“Help I Sexted My Boss” is a comedic podcast featuring etiquette advice from hosts Jordan North and William Hanson. While not a true crime podcast, it provides a humorous fly-on-the-wall experience. With celebrity guests, the show offers a unique blend of comedy, pop culture, and helpful tips, making it an engaging choice for comedy podcast enthusiasts.

My Therapist Ghosted Me

“My Therapist Ghosted Me” is a podcast exploring mental health with comedians Joel Dommett and Melissa Broom. Though not a true crime podcast, it delves deep into personal stories with a comedic touch, offering a fly-on-the-wall experience into therapy discussions. With a focus on self-improvement and mental health, it provides a unique perspective for those interested in best comedy podcasts with substance.

Films To Be Buried With

“Films To Be Buried With” is hosted by Brett Goldstein, a comedian, and actor. While not a true crime podcast, it offers a deep dive into guests’ favorite films with a humorous twist. With discussions about life, death, and cinema, it’s a captivating alternative for those looking for the best comedy podcasts with a cinematic focus.

Nobody Panic

“Nobody Panic” is a comedy podcast hosted by Tessa Coates and Stevie Martin, providing practical advice with a comedic flair. While not a true crime podcast, it offers a fly-on-the-wall experience into discussions on adulting, making it a refreshing alternative for those seeking a break from crime stories.

The Office Deep Dive with Brian Baumgartner

“The Office Deep Dive” with Brian Baumgartner is a podcast where the actor, known for playing Kevin Malone on “The Office,” explores the show’s behind-the-scenes stories. While not a true crime podcast, it offers a fly-on-the-wall experience for fans of the sitcom, providing insights and laughs.

Also check out the new iteration of his podcast with “Off the Beat.

Storytime with Seth Rogen

“Storytime with Seth Rogen” offers a humorous and engaging podcast where Seth Rogen shares entertaining stories. While not a true crime podcast, it provides a fly-on-the-wall experience into Rogen’s life, featuring celebrity guests and anecdotes that captivate listeners seeking the best comedy podcasts.

Early Work with Rhys James

“Early Work with Rhys James” showcases comedians discussing their early creative efforts. While not a true crime podcast, it provides a fly-on-the-wall experience into the world of comedy, with guests sharing their early works and humorous anecdotes.

Good One

“Good One” is a podcast focusing on jokes and the creative process of comedians. While not a true crime podcast, it provides a deep dive into the world of stand-up comedy, making it a must-listen for those interested in the best comedy podcasts and the art of humor.


“Tailenders” is a cricket-themed podcast with Greg James, Jimmy Anderson, and Felix White. While not a true crime podcast, it offers a fly-on-the-wall experience into the world of cricket with humor, anecdotes, and celebrity guests.

The Dollop

“The Dollop” features comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds discussing historical events with humor. While not a true crime podcast, its fly-on-the-wall format provides a hilarious deep dive into intriguing and often absurd stories from the past.

Comedy Bang Bang

“Comedy Bang Bang,” hosted by Scott Aukerman, is a hilarious podcast featuring celebrity interviews and improv comedy. Broadcasting on Earwolf, the show stands out as one of the best comedy podcasts, offering a unique blend of humor, sketches, and guest appearances. With its roots in New York’s comedy scene, “Comedy Bang Bang” has become an iconic staple, delivering fresh and entertaining content to its listeners.

Doug Loves Movies

“Doug Loves Movies,” hosted by comedian Doug Benson, is a podcast where guests discuss movies and play entertaining games. While not an NPR production, it captures the essence of comedic banter and cinephile discussions. With new episodes regularly released, the podcast has become a go-to for movie enthusiasts looking for engaging and humorous content.

Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me

“Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me” is an NPR-produced comedy news quiz, combining humor and current events. Airing new episodes weekly, the show features panelists and celebrity guests who humorously dissect news stories. As one of NPR’s beloved offerings, it continues to be a reliable source of laughs for audiences seeking the best comedy podcasts with a news-oriented twist.

The Joe Rogan Experience

The Joe Rogan Experience” needs no introduction, as Joe Rogan’s long-form interviews have become synonymous with the podcasting world. Airing new episodes regularly, the show features in-depth conversations with a diverse range of guests. While not an NPR production, it has gained a massive following, making it one of the best comedy podcasts globally.

Call Her Daddy

Call Her Daddy,” hosted by Alexandra Cooper and Sofia Franklyn, is a podcast exploring dating and relationships with a humorous twist. Although not an NPR production, the show has achieved immense popularity, particularly among young adults. With its unabashed discussions and new episodes, it has secured its place among the best comedy podcasts in the relationship genre.


“Bertcast” is comedian Bert Kreischer’s podcast where he engages in candid conversations with guests. Airing new episodes regularly, the show captures the essence of Kreischer’s comedic style and storytelling. While not an NPR production, “Bertcast” stands out as one of the best comedy podcasts for those seeking unfiltered and entertaining discussions.

The Adventure Zone

“The Adventure Zone” is a highly acclaimed actual play Dungeons & Dragons podcast by the McElroy family. Airing new episodes regularly, the show is known for its engaging storytelling, humor, and unique characters. While not an NPR production, it has gained a massive fan base, becoming a standout in the best comedy podcasts within the realm of gaming and storytelling.

The Tiny Meat Gang Podcast

“The Tiny Meat Gang Podcast” features comedian duo Cody Ko and Noel Miller discussing a variety of topics. Airing new episodes regularly, the show has gained popularity for its humorous take on current events and internet culture. While not an NPR production, it has become a favorite among listeners seeking the best comedy podcasts for a fresh and irreverent perspective.

The Gus & Eddy Podcast

“The Gus & Eddy Podcast” showcases the comedic chemistry between Gus Johnson and Eddy Burback. Airing new episodes regularly, the show provides a humorous fly-on-the-wall experience into the hosts’ lives. While not an NPR production, it’s a delightful choice for those looking for the best comedy podcasts with a lighthearted and conversational tone.

Anna Faris is Unqualified

“Anna Faris is Unqualified” is a podcast where Anna Faris and her celebrity guests give unfiltered relationship advice. Airing new episodes regularly, the show combines humor with insightful discussions. While not an NPR production, it stands out among the best comedy podcasts for its candid conversations and entertaining take on love and relationships.

You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes

“You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes” features comedian Pete Holmes engaging in lengthy and humorous interviews with various guests. Airing new episodes regularly, the show is known for its deep dives into personal and comedic topics. While not an NPR production, it has become a staple in the best comedy podcasts for its unique blend of humor and introspection.


“Smodcast” is filmmaker Kevin Smith’s podcast featuring conversations with his longtime collaborator Scott Mosier. Airing new episodes regularly, the show is a relaxed and humorous exploration of various topics. While not an NPR production, it remains a favorite among listeners seeking the best comedy podcasts for its conversational and unscripted nature.

The Pete and Sebastian Show

“The Pete and Sebastian Show” features comedians Pete Correale and Sebastian Maniscalco discussing life and comedic anecdotes. Airing new episodes regularly, the show captures the chemistry between the co-hosts, providing a humorous fly-on-the-wall experience. While not an NPR production, it’s a delightful choice for those looking for the best comedy podcasts with a comedic slice-of-life approach.

The Pat McAfee Show

“The Pat McAfee Show” is a sports and comedy podcast hosted by former NFL player Pat McAfee. Airing new episodes regularly, the show features McAfee’s humorous take on sports and current events. While not an NPR production, it has gained popularity among sports and comedy enthusiasts, establishing itself among the best comedy podcasts in the sports genre.

Comedy Podcasts FAQ

What is the number one comedy podcast?

“The Joe Rogan Experience” is often considered one of the most popular comedy podcasts.

What is the funny podcast about reviews?

“How Did This Get Made?” is a hilarious podcast that reviews and discusses notoriously bad films.

Who is the LA-based comedian podcast host, TV, and film star?

One prominent LA-based comedian podcast host, TV, and film star is Marc Maron, known for “WTF with Marc Maron.”

What should I listen to if I like SmartLess?

If you enjoy “SmartLess,” you might also like “The Dollop” or “No Such Thing As A Fish” for their humorous and informative content.

What are some good comedy podcasts?

There are many good comedy podcasts, including “The Comedy Store Podcast,” “My Dad Wrote A Porno,” and “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend.”

What are the best comedy podcasts on iTunes?

Some of the best comedy podcasts on iTunes include “The Joe Rogan Experience,” “My Dad Wrote A Porno,” and “The Dollop.”

Can you recommend any hilarious improv comedy podcasts?

Sure! Check out “The Improv Punch Up,” “Hello from the Magic Tavern,” or “Spontaneanation with Paul F. Tompkins” for hilarious improv comedy.

Which comedy podcasts are popular for their improv sketches?

“Comedy Bang! Bang!” and “The Big Ones” are popular comedy podcasts known for their entertaining improv sketches.

Can you recommend a comedy podcast with improv elements?

“The Off Menu Podcast” and “The Adventure Zone” (Balance Arc) incorporate improv elements into their comedic storytelling.

Which comedy podcasts are best for a long road trip?

For a long road trip, consider podcasts with engaging storytelling and humor like “The Adventure Zone,” “My Dad Wrote A Porno,” or “The Last Podcast On The Left.”

What are the most popular comedy podcasts right now?

For the most current information, check podcast charts, but some popular comedy podcasts include “The Joe Rogan Experience,” “SmartLess,” and “The Dollop.”

What are the top-rated comedy podcasts for a good laugh?

Top-rated comedy podcasts often include “The Joe Rogan Experience,” “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend,” and “My Dad Wrote A Porno” for a good laugh.

Which comedy podcasts are recommended for a good laugh during my commute?

For a humorous commute, try “The Office Ladies,” “The Tiny Meat Gang Podcast,” or “The Comedy Store Podcast” for a good dose of laughter.

Which comedy podcasts are the most popular right now?

Popular comedy podcasts can change, but “The Joe Rogan Experience,” “SmartLess,” and “The Dollop” are widely recognized.

Can you recommend any comedy podcasts similar to “The Adventure Zone”?

If you enjoy “The Adventure Zone,” you might like “Critical Role” or “Not Another D&D Podcast” for more entertaining role-playing game adventures with a comedic twist.

The post The 52 Best Comedy Podcasts of All Time appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

How I Pod: Andy Cowan & The Neurotic Vaccine’s Wild Success Fri, 24 Feb 2023 17:55:39 +0000 The Neurotic Vaccine is the first in our series of "How I Pod" posts where we explore the creative process in making a podcast come to fruition.

The post How I Pod: Andy Cowan & The Neurotic Vaccine’s Wild Success appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

I had never really heard of Andy Cowan before a friend of mine who was working on Curb Your Enthusiasm vouched and said he was legit. I had stumbled across his podcast, “The Neurotic Vaccine,” and found the early episodes delightful.

Being something of a neurotic myself, I thought the format of the show was interesting, vulnerable, and ultimately engaging. As a staunch proponent of the benefits of therapy, the idea of hearing someone’s genuine therapy session play out was intoxicating.

So, for the inaugural edition of “How I Pod,” I wanted to reach out to Andy to see if he was game to tell us how the sausage gets made. Being a new show, I thought it would benefit our audience to see how a new show, with a rather unique premise, gets made.

We’ve gone through how cheap it is to get a podcast started, but that’s just the equipment. You have to have the premise, and execution. Those are a little harder to nail down right off the bat. So let’s dive into it a little bit.

But first a bit of background on Andy Cowan, the show’s focal point.

Andy Cowan – Award Winning Writer

I’m a bit embarrassed to say I didn’t know who Andy was, despite him writing for some of my favorite shows growing up.

Andy Cowan is an award winning writer of some of the best sitcoms of the past 35 years.

Primarily, he’s written for Cheers, Seinfeld, and 3rd Rock from the Sun. Those are three stellar sitcoms. And, yeah, the pun for the last one was completely intended. Sue me.

But as a writer, he’s written pilots that have gone nowhere, or worse, barely got off the ground. Like an early rocket scientist, building something to watch it explode three feet off the ground is going to sting a bit. Going to build some of that neurosis that makes the podcast so good.

Which isn’t to say he’s not without additional accolades that any aspiring writer would most likely kill for.

From his IMDB:

He’s a Who’s Who in America 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award-Winner, with multiple episode, staff and TV pilot writing credits reflecting over a dozen comedies and talk shows, the only writer collectively associated with CheersSeinfeld, and 3rd Rock from the Sun. He won a Best Short Form Programming Special CableAce Award for his 60 Minutes sendup for Showtime, and began his Hollywood career as a talent coordinator, writer and performer in the ’80s on The Merv Griffin Show.  His comedy memoir, Banging My Head Against the Wall: A Comedy Writer’s Guide to Seeing Stars, foreword by Jay Leno, was acquired by The National Comedy Center in 2019, one of the world’s 100 greatest places as cited by Time Magazine in 2019.

Andy Cowan IMDB

Formatting for The Neurotic Vaccine

Thus far, and new shows are always open to change in format (as we’ve discussed with Scott Galloway’s show for instance), the show begins with a therapy session with Andy Cowan and Dr. Scott Kopoian. Kopoian is more or less a co-host and is billed as such in the show’s title.

Andy Cowan The Neurotic

But not really a co-host, an actual therapist, who works out real life issues Andy Cowan is experiencing at any given time. It’s a fascinating and vulnerable look at someone who I’d consider a resounding success.

It just goes to show that everyone can benefit from a good bit of therapy.

The second and third acts have featured comedy departments followed by interviews with everyone from Jay Leno and Cathy comic creator Cathy Guisewite, to the final joint appearance by Jerry Mathers & Tony Dow (coupled with Andy’s vignettes depicting his own versions of Beaver, Wally, Ward, and June), Shark Tank‘s Mr. Wonderful, CNN’s Michael Smerconish, and actress Marilu Henner.

Andy Cowan The Interviewer

The interviews are fantastic. They are wide ranging in subject matter and he has a knack for getting the guest to loosen up a bit. He may not love the comparison to Joe Rogan (we haven’t discussed it), but there’s some similarity, not in technique, but in outcome.

Like, I fully expect Andy could get Elon to smoke a blunt on camera. Not that he would, or maybe Elon just likes the devil’s lettuce, but I could see it happening one way or the other.

The interviews are entertaining and cathartic. As much so as the therapy session that kicks off the episode. Listen to this interview with Jay Leno about being glad bad things happen.

And seeing as Jay’s had a string of car related mishaps lately, it sort of resonates. Despite what happened with Conan. That one still hurts.

It’s damned near Buddhist.

So, let’s talk about how Andy Cowan gets this podcast out to a ravenous listener base.

How I Pod: The Interview

I’m nowhere near the interviewer Andy is, but he was kind enough to help launch this new category on the site over email.

Why did you choose such an intimate, vulnerable, format? Obviously it’s engaging for the listener, but that type of vulnerability feels authentic as a frequent user of therapy.

I’ve long been drawn to psychology and human behavior as jumping off points for comedy. My undergraduate degree was in psychology. And I was an early fan of The Bob Newhart Show which tapped into those two worlds, as did Seinfeld in its own way, a show I wrote for.

In my early standup and original pilots, my goal had always been to share my personal take on life’s everyday challenges that people would hopefully connect with in their own ways. Therapy seemed like an honest way into that.  

How did the format come about? Was it collaborative, or your exclusive idea? I find it unique in the podcasting space because there are segments that are distinct. My favorite is the therapy, thus far, but that could easily change. The oblique comedy sketch is fantastic.

In 2000, I created a live two-hour weekly video show for the web called Up & Down Guys, partly written bullet points, partly extemporaneous.

I was the “down guy” who saw the glass half-empty. My co-host was a friend I’d met several years before, someone with whom I’d sensed an offbeat natural chemistry, psychologist Scott Kopoian, the “up guy” who saw the glass half-full.

Dr. Scott Kopoian is the yin to Andy's Yang.

And the opposites angle seemed like another natural – one of the themes in my 2018 comedy memoir, Banging My Head Against the Wall: A Comedy Writer’s Guide to Seeing Stars, that explores how fruitful the opposite can be in comedy, including George Costanza’s decision to follow the opposite of his instincts to gain success, a notion from my own life that turned into my Seinfeld script, “The Opposite.

As in The Neurotic Vaccine, Up & Down Guys also opened with therapy and dovetailed into later post-therapy distinct comedy departments, some of which have transitioned to The Neurotic Vaccine. Others I waited to do until The Neurotic Vaccine, like “Neurotica Theater.”

I thought it was offbeat to throw my therapist, a civilian, into occasional performing vehicles with me post-therapy. In another department on Up & Down as well as the podcast, we’ve featured “big gets” who don’t want to put their voices on the air, so you only hear my and Scott’s ends of the conversations. (A subtle nod to Bob Newhart’s one-sided phone conversations.) I used to go full tilt to really sell that I was talking to Bob Hope or Senator John McCain.

We’d also have a few actual guests in the old show like the late comedian Robert Schimmel, who talked about the up and down moment when he was called in to read for the part of George Costanza on Seinfeld but unknowingly trashed the pilot script in front of Larry David and lost his chance to audition!

We wound up doing fifty hours of Up & Down and I never worked harder to try to sell a creative project. Interest from a big radio station in L.A. led to an L.A. Times piece but the radio gig didn’t wind up panning out.

Lorne Michaels’ company even found Up & Down intriguing and floated the notion of a TV version. I later did Up & Down for a short time with another up guy/therapist on L.A.’s public radio station, KPFK.

Years later when my thoughts turned to a podcast, The Neurotic Vaccine seemed like a more interesting title not to mention evocative of the times. And Scott was again “up” for it, having moved by then to Portland.

Not being a strictly down guy, I could also now tap into other aspects of a slightly offbeat mindset under the “neurotic” umbrella.  Plus, I’d no longer have to explain that we’d christened Up & Down Guys years before SNL’s Debbie Downer!

How do you both produce the podcast. Are you in the same room, is it a zoom call (driving in the valley is a pain), so remote is great.

I produce The Neurotic Vaccine in my home office off my Windows desktop.

I constantly jot down the therapy notions to explore and comedy departments. I reach out to interesting guests through their agents, managers or publicists, and suffer through the usual non-responses or no’s. But with persistence, we’ve been able to nab some terrific ones, including Jay Leno on the first episode and Shark Tank’s Mr. Wonderful, Kevin O’Leary, whose director of publicity wrote back, “We get so many podcast requests.

But clearly yours is not a typical podcast : )

We’d be delighted to be a part of this.” And this was before The Neurotic Vaccine launched and started climbing the comedy interview podcast charts in America, Canada, and of all places, Denmark and Greece!

That show 5 with O’Leary is one of my favorite episodes where I get to recreate Shark Tank and pitch him all kinds of offbeat business propositions, complete with music and the sound effects of my rejected ideas getting “shot behind the barn.”

When it comes to fashioning decent interviews, I still often draw on what I learned pre-interviewing celebrity biggies like Orson Welles during my first Hollywood job in the ‘80s as a talent coordinator for The Merv Griffin Show.

The guest interviews as well as those with Scott are conducted over a video Zoom session. The pandemic was an ideal time for stockpiling the initial episodes and doing everything at home, but as I’ve explained in therapy to Dr. K, being kind of a homebody shut-in is my sweet spot in “normal” times!

What is your editing process like? Do you do it personally, or have someone else edit?

I edit everything myself on Hindenburg Journalist Pro, with an occasional assist on Audacity.

Can you give me an overview of the gear you’re both using? I assume the interviews are remote and over a piece of software?

I combine Scott’s and the guests’ separate Zoom audio files with my more pristine Hindenburg audio file and go from there, trimming, augmenting, adding music, stingers, special effects.  I work off an evo4 audio interface with a cardioid mike.

The therapy piece, is it done in one take, or is that somewhat scripted where it would need several takes. Because the back and forth is akin to an Olympic badminton event. I’m in awe.

Benztown+McVay Media Podcast Networks’ on-hold status for the podcast during much of the early stages of the pandemic gave me the luxury of time I wound up spending shaping, reshaping and nurturing our first season of shows.

Scott reads his lead-in, then leaves it open for me to dive into whatever general theme I’ll be personalizing on that episode and responds when he sees fit and/or when I suggest he add a comment. 

I discovered how to grab the best of what’s extemporaneous, the happy accidents I always hope to capitalize on, along with what I read from my notes and bullet points, and later clean up, trim – and also add – elements and pickups that aren’t extemporaneous, be they for the therapy or post-therapy departments or guest spots, towards the goal of making the end result organically flow in a way that I hope sets it apart from other podcasts.

There are so many moving parts!

Timing with comedy as well as music (another interest of mine) is crucial: Waiting a beat here, trimming a beat there; it starts to feel like laying out a tune. I could use a neurotic vaccine for my anal-retentiveness.

For season 2, I’ll need to find a middle ground and ease away from some of the rigors. I’m already anticipating that I’ll have Dr. K advise me – not everything has to be perfect! But after literally years and years in the making, this project has tapped into every creative muscle I have.

That feels good and empowering. But I’m also a little sore!

Go Listen to The Neurotic Vaccine

Andy Cowan is a great writer, and stand up podcaster. I personally thank him for getting this kickstarted which I’ve been meaning to do for quite some time. I hope seeing how other podcasters are creating their shows will inspire you to start your own.

Afterall, at this point, everyone should have a podcast. You just need to dial in the direction and focus.

The post How I Pod: Andy Cowan & The Neurotic Vaccine’s Wild Success appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

Buying Cheap XLR Cables? Here are 10 Ways to Make Sure You Aren’t Wasting Money Mon, 07 Nov 2022 18:13:00 +0000 Listen... cheap equipment, a cheap XLR cable is going to make your podcasting life difficult. Here's why after listening to some rough recordings.

The post Buying Cheap XLR Cables? Here are 10 Ways to Make Sure You Aren’t Wasting Money appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

We’re in process of reviewing episodes for the 6th annual podcast awards and we have to have a little chat. It is clear that some of us don’t understand the value of a good XLR cable. Especially an XLR cable to USB. We have to stress that quality audio is important and this is not somewhere to skimp.

When you’re in the studio and recording, the last thing you want to have happen is for your signal to get weak or distorted. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to the quality of your cables — especially if you’re using them for professional purposes such as live performances or studio work. That’s not for rock stars, that goes for us podcasters as well.

What is an XLR Cable Used For?

An XLR cable is used because it is able to carry a balanced signal. Whereas your standard 1/4″ or 1/8″ cable that you would see in something like a headphone jack carries an unbalanced signal. An unbalanced signal can pick up unwanted background electrical signals from the environment that creates an audible humming noise. Since an XLR cable can carry a balanced signal, it eliminates the possibility of that hum.

Usually. The success of eliminating that hum comes down to the quality of the audio equipment and the quality of the cables used.

Many people don’t realize that there are different grades of XLR cables out there from cheap ones made with bare copper wires (which can cause interference) all the way up to high-end options that use silver-coated copper wiring instead.

And while those kinds of expensive cables sound great when they’re working perfectly, they can also be prone to failure if they aren’t properly maintained! So what do you need to know about these types of cables? Let’s dive right in!

How do you know if an XLR cable is good quality?

The first thing you should look at is the cable’s shield. If you’re looking at a 3-pin male XLR, then it will have a braided shield over both pins 1 and 2. However, if you’re looking at 4-pin male XLR, then pin 1 will have a braided shield and pins 2 and 3 will be bare wire.

Another thing to look for is the number of strands in the cable’s conductors. The more strands there are in each conductor, the higher quality your cable will be. A good rule of thumb is that two or three stranded conductors tends to be adequate for many applications but going up to five or six strands can provide extra protection against interference from other sources like power lines or lighting cables (especially important if working with high-power devices).

Cheap XLR Cables tend to fall apart over time.
Do Yourself a Favor an Learn to Invest in Your Gear

Finally, make sure that any connectors are made out of silver-plated copper rather than plain copper which is much less durable than its precious counterpart — especially when handling large amounts of current over long periods of time!

There are also other factors such as capacitance between wires that we won’t go into here but suffice it say: use good quality XLR cables whenever possible!

XLR cables are made up of four primary parts the conductor, inner insulation, braided shield and outer insulation.

XLR cables are made up of four primary parts: the conductor, inner insulation, braided shield and outer insulation.

The conductor is the center of your cable that carries the signal. Typically made from copper or copper-clad steel, it can also be silver or gold plated for better sound quality in some circumstances. The more strands in a wire, the better it’s going to be at delivering that signal over long distances and through multiple devices before experiencing any deterioration.

Excellent breakdown (literally) of garbage XLR Cables

The inner insulation is what prevents shorting out your equipment when you’re plugging something into an XLR jack with bare wires on each end (which we do not recommend). It’s typically made from rubber or similar materials to protect against moisture exposure as well as abrasion damage caused by moving parts within other components like switches or buttons on machines where these connections are used frequently throughout their lifespan – such as musical instruments!

Ask any guitar player who gigs, and tries to go cheap. It doesn’t work out well. Ask any musician with a home recording set up, it’s worth the investment.

The braided shield protects against electromagnetic interference coming from outside sources like computers running nearby during recording sessions; even if they’re not on at this time but may have been recently turned off (or worse yet broken down completely), they could still cause problems due to residual energy still lingering inside their circuits even after powering down completely.”

The conductor is the center of your cable that carries the signal.

The conductor is the center of your cable that carries the signal. It’s made from either copper or silver and it’s this wire that creates an electrical current that ultimately powers your microphone.

The conductor has a huge impact on how good your cable sounds and how much energy it can carry across long distances without losing any quality. The problem with cheap XLR cables is that they use smaller conductors, making them less effective at carrying signals to and from equipment like microphones, mixers and other audio devices.

Copper is cheaper than silver because of its abundance but it also has more resistance when carrying a current than silver does; this means if you have a high-quality recording setup where everything needs to work perfectly together then copper will cause more problems than good ones! Silver is better suited for high-end applications because its unique properties allow it to transfer signals faster through thicker cables without causing any noise or distortion in sound quality

The more strands in a wire, the better it’s going to be at delivering that signal.

The more strands in a wire, the better it’s going to be at delivering that signal. In fact, if you want to deliver a really strong signal over long distances (like from a stage to the soundboard), then more is definitely better. So it makes sense that when you’re buying cable for your home recording studio or live sound setup, you’d want something with the most number of strands possible.

But how many strands are too few? What’s an acceptable minimum? And what’s too much? Let’s take a look at why these questions matter and how they’ll affect your music production workflow.

Cheap cables often use bare copper wires with not many strands.

The number of strands used in an XLR cable can range anywhere from 4 to 100, with the latter being the most expensive.

If you’re looking for something affordable and functional, then you’ll probably be satisfied with an 8-strand (8S) cable. These cables are made up of 2 copper conductors that run parallel to each other. The central conductor is usually thicker than its partner so as not to interfere with any signal coming through it.

The more strands in a cable, the better your sound quality will be because there’s less chance that interference will occur between them. This is particularly important when recording vocals or instruments such as guitar amps where signals need to remain pristine if they’re going into your DAW software later on for editing purposes

Expensive cables use silver coated or oxygen-free copper wires in multiple strands this helps to reduce interference and results in a better sound.

So why does a company like Belden, or Warm Audio, which is well known for making cables for the military and NASA, produce audio products that are so expensive? The answer lies in the materials used. Expensive cables use silver coated or oxygen-free copper wires in multiple strands this helps to reduce interference and results in a better sound. Every single wire is individually shielded against noise, ensuring that your signal is clear at all times. The outer jacket consists of steel braided armor which protects the cable from damage caused by crushing or abrasion.

They also have gold… ooooooh

This is not to say that cheap XLR cables do not have their place; we’ve used them ourselves during live shows when we’re not able to take our delicate equipment into the venue with us! Just make sure you pay attention to what type of material goes into making your cable before you buy one—you might be surprised by how much difference this makes!

You also have to look at the insulation around the conductor.

It’s important for the insulation to be of quality. Solid, foam and air are all common types of insulation. The main difference between them is their density; solid is the most dense and therefore offers the most protection against external elements. However, it may not be as flexible or lightweight as foam or air, which may make it more difficult to route through tight spaces.

The insulation should also be evenly wrapped around each conductor (what carries an electric signal). If one conductor has more insulation than another, they won’t balance out when you plug in your XLR cable into an input device (like a microphone). The result? A broken connection that could cause damage to either device or even start an electrical fire!

The next part of the cable is the braided shield, which is wrapped around the inner insulating layer to block out electromagnetic interference.

You know all that hum you hear in your headphones or speakers, and thus your podcast? That’s electrical magnetic interference messing with your cheap XLR cables.

Next, the braided shield is wrapped around the inner insulation. This layer of shielding provides a very effective barrier against electromagnetic interference and protects your audio from unwanted noise. Since it’s made with thinner wire than foil, it doesn’t add much weight or bulk to your cables either.

Close-up wires with visible exposed copper wires. Many cut wires.

In addition to providing excellent protection against outside interference, woven copper braids are better at keeping moisture out compared to foil shields. However, they do cost more money because they take longer to produce and require more labor by hand. If you need XLR cables that won’t let you down when you are in situations where there might be humidity (such as during outdoor performances), then this extra step could save you money in the long run by preventing damage caused by water damage over time

Higher quality cables will have a braided shield because it does a better job than foil shielding at keeping out interference but it’s also more expensive to produce.

You can get inexpensive XLR cables with foil shielding, but if you’re going to be using them in a pro environment or an environment where RF interference is an issue, it’s best to go with braided shields.

Braided shielding resists electromagnetic interference (EMI) better than foil shields. This is because the strands of copper that make up the braided shield are much more tightly woven than the wire used in most foil shields that simply have a thin layer of metal applied over a single strand of wire. This makes it more durable and less susceptible to being damaged if you accidentally step on it or run into something with it hanging from your mic stand (which happens more often than one might think).

On the outside of your XLR cable is another layer of insulation.

On the outside of your XLR cable is another layer of insulation. This serves a dual purpose: it protects the cable from damage and keeps out moisture and other harmful elements.

If you’re getting cheap cables, chances are they have a thick layer of outer insulation, which can be difficult to bend; this means it will take more time to run your cables through tight spaces, creating an extra hassle for yourself or someone else who has to install them for you. You don’t want that!

On top of that, look for a smooth outer layer as well—bumps or uneven cables point to poor insulation and won’t stand up over time

Make sure you spend money on high quality XLR cables!

If you’re in the market for XLR cables, it’s important to understand what makes them different from each other. It’s important to remember that even if your content is brilliant, a hum or crackle will turn people off. Use a good mic, and a good cable to create your, amazing content.

There are two main types of cable: shielded and unshielded. Shielded cables have a metal mesh wrapped around them that prevents interference from electrical signals, while unshielded ones do not have this protection and are therefore more susceptible to noise.

In addition to shielding, both types of cable come with different plug connectors (XLR-3 or BLX) and terminations (male or female). The most common type of connector is the XLR-3 because it allows for balanced audio connections using three wires—the shield wire carries ground; the center wire carries signal current; and the ring terminal acts as a ground reference point between equipment units.


So, what does all this mean for you? If you’re looking to buy an XLR cable, we suggest buying a high quality one. There are plenty of options out there but they won’t cost you much more than the cheap ones so why not spend the extra money and get something that will last longer?

The post Buying Cheap XLR Cables? Here are 10 Ways to Make Sure You Aren’t Wasting Money appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

Crap Quality XLR Microphone Cable Teardown nonadult
Podcast Spotlight: Direct Appeal Thu, 25 Jul 2019 15:51:04 +0000 Most podcast fans are familiar with the marquee true crime podcasts — Serial, Dr. Death, S-Town, Criminal, and handful of others. But — as this site will gladly attest — there are some excellent lesser-known true crime podcasts that deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as some of their staple counterparts. We’ve covered […]

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Most podcast fans are familiar with the marquee true crime podcastsSerial, Dr. Death, S-Town, Criminal, and handful of others. But — as this site will gladly attest — there are some excellent lesser-known true crime podcasts that deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as some of their staple counterparts. We’ve covered both Swindled and The Cleaning of John Doe before, but there’s another deserving candidate: Direct Appeal.

Direct Appeal discusses the case of Melanie McGuire, who’s been incarcerated the last 13 years for the murder and dismemberment of her husband. Along with hearing directly from McGuire, Direct Appeal is co-hosted by two criminologists, Meghan Sachs and Amy Shlosberg, who analyze the evidence and dissect the trial in retrospect. Through a 13-episode series, Sachs and Shlosberg weigh the evidence and walk through the supposed crime scene and ultimately weigh in on their thoughts on McGuire’s role in the crime.

We were fortunate to talk with Shlosberg about the podcast, how they differentiate from a crowded true crime field, and their future plans in podcasting. See below for our full Q&A.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Stitcher

DISCOVER PODS: How’d you get into podcasting?

Shlosberg: The idea for this podcast happened organically and was not something we sought out to do. My co-host Meghan asked me if I would be interested in working with her on examining the Melanie McGuire case. Melanie wanted to tell her story and was eager for a second look at her case from someone not involved in the original trial. When trying to decide what outlet would be best, a podcast seemed like the obvious choice.. We are also avid listener of podcasts, so had a natural interest in the medium.

DISCOVER PODS: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to Direct Appeal?

Shlosberg: This is a riveting case, regardless of whether you believe Melanie is guilty or innocent of the murder of her husband. Over the course of thirteen episodes we pick apart the evidence that was presented at trial, and that which was not (but perhaps should’ve been). We also include extensive interviews with Melanie McGuire herself from Edna Mahan Correctional Facility. At the conclusion of the podcast we will come to our own conclusions about whether we believe Melanie McGuire is innocent and whether or not she received a fair trial.

DISCOVER PODS: Obviously true crime has a strong presence within podcasting, how is Direct Appeal different?

Shlosberg: While there are other podcasts that question the outcome of a criminal trial in a serialized fashion, we are the first to do so as content matter experts. Both Meghan and I are Criminology professors and have worked with offenders in various capacities for over 15 years. In addition, we have over 25 hours of exclusive interviews with Melanie who is currently serving a life sentence for the murder and dismemberment of her husband. At the conclusion of season one of the podcast, listeners can submit their questions and Melanie will answer them. As far as we are aware, this has not been done before.

DISCOVER PODS: As criminologists, you’ve likely seen tons of cases. What stood out with Melanie’s case that led you to working on the podcast with her?

Shlosberg: As New Jersey residents we had knowledge of this case and were aware of some of the issues with her trial. However, it was only after Melanie’s family contacted Meghan that we decided to take a closer look. Once we started the investigation several interesting questions emerged and we felt that the story needed to be told. On the surface it seemed that Melanie got a fair trial and that she was guilty, but once we dug into this case, we could see that all of the pieces did not quite fit.  Many of the offenders we work with are honest about their crimes, however Melanie adamantly maintains her innocence. 

DISCOVER PODS: Describe your recording set up? What equipment are you using?

Shlosberg: We record at JC Studios in Jersey City, New Jersey. The studio has everything we need to record. Meghan uses a Zoom H4n recorder when she interviews in the field and records phone calls with Melanie. 

DISCOVER PODS: Where do you want to take your podcast?

Shlosberg: We are currently in the process of developing another podcast that will focus exclusively on women and crime. We are very excited for this new endeavor, however there is still a lot to be done before we conclude the Melanie McGuire investigation. At this point we are focusing on the follow-up episodes. However, we are also getting requests from people who want us to look at their cases, so we are considering taking on a new case in the future.

DISCOVER PODS: What other podcasts are you listening to now?

Shlosberg: We both listen to many podcasts, so rather than list them all; here are a few of our recent favorites: Casefile, Bear Brook, Armchair Expert, To Live and Die in L.A., Ear Hustle, Trace Evidence, Dr. Death, Big Savage and The Drop Out.

DISCOVER PODS: Anything else you’d like to add?

Shlosberg: This case is a real roller coaster with lots of ups and downs and so many pieces on both sides that just don’t fit.  We are on this ride with our audience and look forward to finding the truth in the end, or at least, getting as close to it as possible. 

The post Podcast Spotlight: Direct Appeal appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

Podcast Spotlight: Float or Founder Thu, 18 Jul 2019 19:11:03 +0000 As we’ve explored several times in the past, the inherent democratic nature of the medium allows for hyper-niche podcasts to not only exist, but thrive. It’s not all that surprising to learn people will tune into interesting podcasts, no matter how specific. One such example is Float or Founder, which I’ll peg as the How […]

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As we’ve explored several times in the past, the inherent democratic nature of the medium allows for hyper-niche podcasts to not only exist, but thrive. It’s not all that surprising to learn people will tune into interesting podcasts, no matter how specific. One such example is Float or Founder, which I’ll peg as the How I Built This … but Toronto specific.

Though it’s technically niche since it’s focused on a certain city, the conversations with entrepreneurs and other founders is compelling for a wide audience. I’m typically hesitant to recommend indie interview-based podcasts but Float or Founder is unique. They’re able to get not only high-caliber guests, but more importantly, they’re interesting with something valuable to say. Co-hosted by a husband and wife duo, Samantha Lloyd and Lisen Kaci, they have the rare blend of first hand experience combined with being talented interviewers to get the most out of their guests.

We were fortunate to swap emails with Lloyd to discuss the podcast, how they got started, and the common characteristics that make for successful entrepreneurs. See below for our full Q&A.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify

DISCOVER PODS: How’d you get into podcasting?

LLOYD: Earlier this year, I was trying to think of a way to handle my personal brand. As a marketer, I’m obviously very bias, but I believe in the power of what marketing, branding, thought leadership, and all that jazz can do for an individual. However, as I’m a digital marketer I tend to be a bit on the nerdier side and don’t love the idea of putting myself out there on Instagram or doing a YouTube channel. What are the options for putting out a public brand when you aren’t too keen on being… public? A podcast seemed the most sensible! From that, Float or Founder was born.

My co-host, Lisen Kaci, is my husband and consistent co-founder in all our ventures and businesses. We have a great balance of skills and thought this would be another exciting challenge to take on. Our goals with the podcast are to highlight what it takes to be a founder, feature some really interesting individuals leading companies, and show off all that the city of Toronto has to offer entrepreneurs and those looking to scale a company.

DISCOVER PODS: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to Float or Founder?

LLOYD: Float or Founder offers actionable advice and in-depth insights into what it’s like to be a founder. We host founders across all industries to provide diverse voices. Our founders also talk about some of their favourite spots in Toronto, which are often delicious restaurants and hole-in-the-wall style eateries. Torontonians love their food!

DISCOVER PODS: After interviewing so many successful entrepreneurs, have you noticed a similar trait or quality you think helps lead to success?

LLOYD: It takes drive and it takes a village. No founder has gotten to where they are entirely on their own. They have the help of family, friends, their professional network, investors, advisory board members, and so much more. That said, no one is going to push you or push themselves for your company. You need to do it. You don’t need to get up at 5AM and meditate (though some founders definitely do!) and you don’t need to only eat a healthy diet (though you should) or go to the gym regularly (again: should) or drink four cups of coffee (but you might). You do need to keep yourself motivated. You’ll have bad days, you’ll have good days, and you need to keep pushing through. I have yet to meet a founder that isn’t incredible motivated and surrounded by the emotional support they need to get through those good days and celebrate the amazing ones.

As Rachel Kelly, founder of Make Lemonade, said in a recent episode, the successful founders are the ones that can face any challenge with a good attitude and have the resilience to keep carrying on.

DISCOVER PODS: Who’s on your guest wish list?

LLOYD: I would love to host Allen Lau, the founder of Wattpad. Wattpad is a huge publishing/authoring company based out of Toronto. It continues to expand across the globe and has a goal of becoming the next Disney. Watching this company grow right out of Toronto is inspiring. Also, Tobias Lutke, the founder of Shopify and Michelle Romanow, an incredible person who is not only a founder, but an engineer, investor, and Dragon’s Den judge, too. I’d love to talk to Eva Wong, the COO and co-founder of Borrowell. I think my wishlist is never-ending, Toronto keeps producing incredible founders. Keep an eye on Montreal, too! They’re growing a huge AI/tech scene out there.

DISCOVER PODS: Describe your recording set up? What equipment are you using?

LLOYD: We are using three AT2020 microphones, they came highly recommended to us by a friend in the music industry. They’re relatively inexpensive, and have amazing sound quality and longevity. On those, we attached an inexpensive pop filter for all those “Bs” and “Ps”. We grabbed the mics and pop filters from Steve’s Music Store in Toronto. Our equipment is attached to some fairly inexpensive boom arm clamps from Amazon. From there, the three microphones plug into the UR44 interface, which translates the sound from analog to digital in high quality. Your interface will be the most expensive piece of equipment (unless you don’t have a laptop available!) and you will need to decide if you want to buy one that has two ports or four+ ports for microphones. We have started using Logic Pro to record and edit, but were initially using GarageBand. 

Each time we record, we are in a new space. That leads to some challenges, but we have had the fortune of getting to explore so many offices, co-working spaces, and really cool spots across the city of Toronto, as a result.

If you buy boom arm claps for your microphones, which we highly recommend for flexibility of seating position, the shape of a table will impact your life like you wouldn’t believe. We never realized how many tables had lips, dips, slants, dents, glass, wide edges, and whatever else you can imagine. You will always need a table that has a perfectly flat top and bottom and a one to three inch thickness to clamp the arms on. The $20 LACK table from Ikea is a great item to bring around to places that don’t have the type of table you need (lightweight, easy to take apart if needed, and inexpensive). If this seems like too much of a hassle, consider microphone stands or having your guests come to you.

DISCOVER PODS: What’s the biggest challenge you face as an indie podcaster?

LLOYD: There are many challenges! We are very much “bootstrap” people and didn’t want this to become an onerous project on our budget. As a result, we do editing, scheduling, and in-person interviews ourselves. We travel to different offices across the city, lugging our equipment with us. Since this is a “side hustle” our time constraint can make things a bit difficult too.

The fun of being an indie podcast is getting to control the content. It’s your own project. If you’re an indie podcaster, you’re still a legitimate operation, so incorporate your podcast and treat it as you would a real company. Make sure you share it on all the channels, such as Apple, Spotify, Google, Overcast – everything! As an indie podcast, it’s up to you to make sure you’re getting as much spread for your brand as possible.

DISCOVER PODS: Where do you want to take your podcast?

LLOYD: Though we take our podcast seriously, we want it to remain a project we do outside of work. It’s something that’s essential to my co-host’s and my personal and professional brands, and will hopefully evolve with us, no matter which path we decide to pursue. It’s a fun creative outlet and an exciting project to have. We want it to remain a weekly episode starring and focusing on incredible founders, with us more as the background interviewers. Our goal is to continue to put the spotlight on Toronto and all the awesome companies coming out of here!

DISCOVER PODS: What other podcasts are you listening to now?

LLOYD: We recommend The Business Leadership podcast, which highlights executives and other awesome Canadian businesspeople. We also love the Y Combinator podcast, which features in-depth interviews with their alumni. 

DISCOVER PODS: Anything else you’d like to add?

LLOYD: If you ever need advice or have questions, please reach out to us on Twitter! We could not have started the Float or Founder podcast as easily without advice and help from a lot of others in the industry and support from friends and colleagues. You don’t know what you don’t know – so never feel shy about asking.

The post Podcast Spotlight: Float or Founder appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

Podcast Spotlight: Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books Fri, 05 Jul 2019 22:15:36 +0000 Interview or talk-show type podcasts aren’t necessarily a rare commodity within the greater podcast landscape. What isn’t so common, however, are interview podcasts with engaging and interesting guests paired with a skilled interviewer to keep listeners engaged. I was pleasantly surprised when I was introduced to Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books, an interview […]

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Interview or talk-show type podcasts aren’t necessarily a rare commodity within the greater podcast landscape. What isn’t so common, however, are interview podcasts with engaging and interesting guests paired with a skilled interviewer to keep listeners engaged.

I was pleasantly surprised when I was introduced to Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books, an interview podcast focused on only the most essential books. As the name suggests, episodes are geared for the everyday moms who don’t have time to waste on sub-par books. Host, Zibby Owens, makes sure to only highlight books she vouches for and through the podcast and interview, she provides extra context around the book, story, characters, and more.

As a new parent myself, I can definitely attest to the accuracy of the title. Previously a daily reader, I can’t remember the last book I finished. I was fortunate to exchange emails with Owens and discuss the podcast, the greater podcasting trends, and what makes an intriguing guest. See below for our full Q&A.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Stitcher

DISCOVER PODS: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books?

ZIBBY OWENS: Moms don’t have a lot of time. As a mother of four kids under age 12, I know all too well how short we all are on time. (And how exhausted we all are at the end of the day!!) My podcast helps moms escape their own lives for just 30 minutes or less by inviting them into the world of books. I ask authors questions about their writing, their characters and sometimes their parenting. I only highlight books worth reading and try to summarize/distill each book so no one has to waste time on a bad book – the worst!! I help moms maintain their love of learning, their own intelligence and their interest in books and stories in a fun, easy-to-listen-to way!

DISCOVER PODS: How’d you get into podcasting?

OWENS: Accidentally! I was trying to compile a book of essays called “Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books,” but my agent suggested we work on a different book instead. A young adult author friend of mine, Sarah Mlynowski, told me I should really do a podcast. I’d never listened to a podcast! But I figured I could use that title for the podcast and help moms maintain their love of books without taking all the time to read them.

DISCOVER PODS: Have you noticed any trends that separate successful authors from the rest?

OWENS: Successful authors, unfortunately, have to work on their own PR/promotions/social media so they don’t get lost on the shelves! Content-wise, strong female protagonists seem to be center stage right now!

DISCOVER PODS: Who are some of your favorite guests you’ve had on?

OWENS: I loved interviewing Andre Agassi about his book OPEN. It was one of my first interviews and I was drenched in sweat talking to him over the phone! I adored his book and am a huge tennis fan. I loved interviewing Delia Owens about her #1 bestseller WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING. She couldn’t have been more real and personable. I just loved hearing her insights into human behavior and friendship and all the rest. I also really enjoyed interviewing John Kenney, author of LOVE POEMS (FOR MARRIED PEOPLE), TALK TO ME and TRUTH IN ADVERTISING. He is absolutely hilarious!!! I was laughing the whole time.

DISCOVER PODS: Describe your recording set up? What equipment are you using?

OWENS: I use a Mac, GarageBand and two Blue Yeti microphones. For Skypes I use Beats headphones that my husband gave me for my birthday. For Skype, I also use CallRecorder.

DISCOVER PODS: What’s the biggest challenge you face as an indie podcaster?

OWENS: Finding new listeners!!! I’m always trying to find the right people to listen. Where do you want to take your podcast? I’d love for it to be on one of the main networks or to be featured on Apple Podcasts. Perhaps partner with another literary website or publication. Even make it a TV show.

DISCOVER PODS: What other podcasts are you listening to now?

OWENS: I like Terrible, Thanks for Asking with Nora McInerny; Southern Lady Code with Helen Ellis; Family Secrets with Dani Shapiro, Committed with Jo Piazza… all former guests on my podcast!

DISCOVER PODS: Anything else you’d like to add?

OWENS: This podcast is a dream come true for me. Interviewing authors every week and sharing what makes them unique and awesome is just the best thing ever. When moms tell me that they read a book after listening to my podcast and loved it, that just makes my day!! Thanks to every author and every listener!!!

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Podcast Spotlight: A Skeptic’s Guide to Enlightenment Fri, 14 Jun 2019 18:01:59 +0000 I feel like we continue to say this at Discover Pods — but we continue being introduced to more creative and imaginative podcasts — the podcast medium enables some of the most innovative work of any medium. Today, we’re spotlighting A Skeptic’s Guide to Enlightenment, an audio documentary exploring and discussing an Ayahuasca experience through […]

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I feel like we continue to say this at Discover Pods — but we continue being introduced to more creative and imaginative podcasts — the podcast medium enables some of the most innovative work of any medium. Today, we’re spotlighting A Skeptic’s Guide to Enlightenment, an audio documentary exploring and discussing an Ayahuasca experience through Peru.

A Skeptic’s Guide to Enlightenment is an excellent podcast for me, someone who has never been to Peru nor had the urge to try Ayahuasca. It allows me to travel (albeit in my head) to a new place in a new state of mind. Host, David McNee, does an excellent job narrating and allowing the listener to put themselves in the situation.

We had a chance to discuss the podcast with McNee and how he thinks about the podcast, his recording set up, and future plans. Read below for the full interview.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | YouTube

Discover Pods: How’d you get into podcasting?

McNEE: It first started years ago by doing a lot of non fiction writing. At the same time I was also involved with recording bands and writing lyrics. With those combined experiences podcasting seemed like a natural next step for me. Little did I know of the work involved but ultimately I find the experience really rewarding. And really addictive.

DP: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to A Skeptic’s Guide to Enlightenment?

McNEE: I believe its a unique journey that I certainly wasn’t expecting,  I am still not sure how to process it all or even what to believe at this point. When I arrived in Peru I had no idea the extent of how it would change my perception of things. That being said I make no claims that these ceremonies are for everyone, I really just tried to document what I experienced and let the listener decide for themselves the validity of my experience.

DP: Your show straddles the line of podcast and documentary. How do you define and describe it?

McNEE: It believe it would fall under “documentary short” however I do plan on making a series out of the concept. Exploring new places and ideas in every episode.

DP: Obviously chronicling your Ayahuasca experience in Peru is going to pique a lot of interests. Is there a quick anecdote or lesson you learned from it?

McNEE: Ayahuasca ceremonies are all about learning lessons, For an example, during one of the ceremonies I felt like I was transported to an empty space where there were 1000 TV monitors floating in front of me. Each one showing moments from my life where i could have handled a situation better. The next evening, in a different ceremony I was shown scenes with an older future me interacting with people in a nicer more empathetic way. Showing me a path i could follow if i chose to. There is a saying,  Mother Ayahuasca shows you what you need, not what you want.

DP: Describe your recording set up? What equipment are you using? 

McNEE: I did quite a bit of field recording using a Tascam DR-05 and when I got back everything was imported to a Macbook Pro using Logic to put it all together. The voice over was recorded directly into Logic using a Blue Yeti USB Microphone.

DP: Where do you want to take your podcast?

McNEE: I’m really looking for people to experience what I went through without actually having to take part in it. And for those who are interested I believe that this documentary will answer a lot of questions regarding what goes on at these retreats.

DP: What other podcasts are you listening to now?

McNEE: I try and listen to a variety of podcasts, “The Joe Rogan Experience” There is always talk of Ayahuasca going on it at some point it seems,  “Blank Check with Griffin and David” a great behind the scenes look at the film industry, “The Third Wave” discussing modern day psychedelics, and “WTF with Mark Maron” and “This American Life” They both tend to put a smile on my face.

DP: Anything else you’d like to add?

McNEE: Thanks for Listening!

The post Podcast Spotlight: A Skeptic’s Guide to Enlightenment appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

Podcast Spotlight: Peace of Mind with Bhi Bhiman Fri, 07 Jun 2019 21:07:42 +0000 This isn’t a new concept and I won’t pretend to take credit for it, however, it’s worth repeating over and over. The democratic nature of podcast enables creative people to experiment with the medium and create some truly wonderful new things. Peace of Mind with Bhi Bhiman is just the latest example of this. It’s […]

The post Podcast Spotlight: Peace of Mind with Bhi Bhiman appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

This isn’t a new concept and I won’t pretend to take credit for it, however, it’s worth repeating over and over. The democratic nature of podcast enables creative people to experiment with the medium and create some truly wonderful new things. Peace of Mind with Bhi Bhiman is just the latest example of this. It’s part protest album, part podcast, all innovative.

Peace of Mind delves into the societal, political, and philosophical issues currently facing many people. Though the themes may not necessarily be new, the format certainly is.

Bhiman clearly has the creative chops to deliver on the promise of such a unique podcast premise. Come for the interesting format, stay for the engaging podcast.

We were fortunate enough to share emails with Bhiman and discuss the podcast, how it got started, and the plans for the future. See below for our full Q&A.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Stitcher

DISCOVER PODS: How’d you get into podcasting?

BHIMAN: It was a new and interesting way for me to release my album. It’s a political album, and I have been known to be a political artist a time or two, but often things get misunderstood or, worse, not understood at all. And this was a way to really control the narrative in my own words.

DP: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to Peace of Mind?

BHIMAN: The news right now is very reactive and moves minute to minute; rarely do they kind of step back from the controversy, and really look at what’s at play. And I think with Peace of Mind we do that. It’s a mix of storytelling, political activism, political science, and social science. [Take episode 1 “Brother, Can You Spare Some Peace of Mind” for example. The song is about madness in the Trump era. We have Glynn Washington, who is at an impasse with his Mom, over Donald Trump. They have trouble speaking to each other because they are oceans apart. And that rings true for me, and for millions of other Americans, I suspect. And I talk to author Dave Eggers about his experiences meeting pastors at Trump rallies and undocumented immigrants living in sanctuary in churches. And we wrap with social psychologist Lee Ross about why people (and animals) develop deep connections as a community based largely on our appearance.] It’s deep, but it’s fun at the same time. The featured song, and the “stems” (individual tracks, such as guitar or percussion) serve as the soundtrack to each episode. I think it’s a wholly unique experience.

DP: How’d the idea of producing a joint album and podcast come about?

BHIMAN: I’ve been kicking the idea of doing a podcast around for a while now. I’ve actually had 2 other podcast ideas over the years. But last year, my podcast-obsessed wife and manager, Katie, brought up the idea of releasing my album as a pod. I had just wrapped production on this new record, and it was very political. And sonically adventurous, in a great way. And the popularity of podcasts, and political and society&culture podcasts in particular, really cemented the idea as viable to me.

DP: The podcast obviously tackles a lot of key issues in society today. How do you and your guests stay focused? 

BHIMAN: The interviews are generally focused on a particular theme, but we definitely stretch out. Sometimes you just have to have a longer chat with someone to get to the best parts. We often end up using just 5-10 minutes of a 1 hour interview. Radio story producers will be none too surprised about that, I’m sure! We do a TON of post production work to make everyone succinct, and to make me sound like I’ve done this before.

DP: Describe your recording set up? What equipment are you using?

BHIMAN: I have a Macbook Pro, a UAD Apollo Twin Mki, Yamaha HS8s, and a couple of SM58 mics. Pretty simple. Zero analog gear other than guitars and amps. ITB plugins are so good now. Who has the time/space/$ anymore for analog?

DP: Where do you want to take your podcast?

BHIMAN: I am having fun seeing where this takes me. I am meeting people from all fields of work doing our country a great service. I feel privileged and humbled to speak with all my guests. They are all doing selfless work in one way or another. Believe it or not, when you’re on tour, playing late night shows in clubs, you don’t always meet those types of people!

DP: What other podcasts are you listening to now?

BHIMAN: I love Snap Judgment. One of the best produced shows out there. I’m a bit obsessed with Conan O’Brien, and his Conan Needs a Friend is really great. And Drilled, which is about the creation of climate denial. 

The post Podcast Spotlight: Peace of Mind with Bhi Bhiman appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

Podcast Spotlight: Nerd On! Thu, 09 May 2019 14:29:12 +0000 With the MCU entering it’s next phase, Game of Thrones wrapping up, and general nerd culture at a fever pitch, it’s difficult to stay atop the latest news and conversations. I was fortunate to be introduced to Nerd On! a podcast that hits on the general pop culture notes in a truly engaging and entertaining […]

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With the MCU entering it’s next phase, Game of Thrones wrapping up, and general nerd culture at a fever pitch, it’s difficult to stay atop the latest news and conversations. I was fortunate to be introduced to Nerd On! a podcast that hits on the general pop culture notes in a truly engaging and entertaining format.

Typically a light, conversational podcast, Nerd On! is the perfect podcast during a commute or while walking the dog. They’ve record episodes on topics you’d expect (Avengers Endgame, Hellboy, Shazam, etc.) but also do unique retrospective episodes delving into older movies like The Matrix, Elf, and the Harry Potter franchise.

In addition to the co-hosts tight-knit rapport, they’re also joined to high caliber guests such as Billy West (voice of several Futurama characters), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker in Star Trek), and Kevin Conroy the current voice of Batman.

I was fortunate enough to pass emails with Josh Manley, co-host and producer for Nerd On!, and discuss his origin story with podcasts, challenges they face as indie podcasters, and general trends in the nerd fandom. See below for our full Q&A.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Stitcher

DISCOVER PODS: How’d you get into podcasting?

MANLEY: Me, personally, I got into podcasting several years ago when a friend asked if I would be interested in editing and mixing his podcast. I was attending audio school at the time and so I jumped at the opportunity to get some experience. Since then, I have been involved with several podcasts from the production side and my own podcast a few years ago.

Our co-host, Tom, was involved in a comic book focused podcast, called Capeless Crusaders, for several years before he moved to Los Angeles.

Nerd On! started because 4 of us worked together at a retail store and would find ourselves having conversations much like what our show is structured as now and one day, we thought, “We should record this!”

DP: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to Nerd On!?

MANLEY: Nerd On! is a show you can just tune in while you’re cooking, driving, or working. It’s the kind of show where you can partake in the discussion of pop culture from nostalgia, to deep fandom, and pop culture, lax and stimulating!

DP: What are some ongoing pop culture trends or fads that you and the other hosts disagree on?

MANLEY: Within Nerd On! we disagree on what most people disagree on, what makes something good. Whether it’s a show, movie, or book. Is it the story, the characters, the historical reverence, we may disagree but we come to the table to share and understand each other.

We see disagreement as an opportunity to learn and keep things interesting. Our motto is “All Levels Of Nerd Are Welcome” and that applies to our hosts as well. Mostly we aim to listen to learn from each other, but sometimes it’s fun to hear Tom and Corey duke it out on something like “Marvel vs DC” or which Spider-Man was best.

DP: I feel like in the last decade or so the “nerd” classification swung to become cool. Have you noticed this too?

MANLEY: Absolutely. I believe, culturally speaking, people have realized there’s no shame in being passionate about something. We define “nerd” as a broad label. You can be a nerd about games and comics as well as books, baseball, politics, or architecture. Everyone nerds out on something.

DP: Describe your recording set up? What equipment are you using?

MANLEY: Outside of Nerd On! I am a post production audio engineer professionally and so we use my home studio for recording. It’s a good size room that fits all of us including guests sometimes. From a gear standpoint, our setup consist of Rode NT1As and Shure SM7bs. #notsponsored…yet.  The goal is to get to all SM7bs but this Jedi must have patience. The audio interface I use is an Apogee Element 88 (love the sound and simplicity of it) and we record into Pro Tools.

DP: What’s the biggest challenge you face as an indie podcaster?

MANLEY: The biggest challenge we have found is reaching a larger audience. With marketing, topic selection, major guests, and social media engagement, sometimes it is hard to find that sorcery that reaches more earholes. In the meantime, we will continue to produce high quality content and remember, “If you build it, they will come.”

DP: Where do you want to take your podcast?

MANLEY: We’d love to be at a place where we are a recognized name in the industry and able to do this full time. We’d also love to get to a place where live audience shows are a possibility and maybe even panels at conventions.

DP: What other podcasts are you listening to now?

MANLEY: Because I work so much, my time for listening isn’t ample and so sadly I have to be choosy. That being said, I tend to put that time towards supporting friends of Nerd On! like Capeless Crusaders, Life’s A Binge, Film Forecast and Trope Time. There are SO MANY to choose from nowadays, which is awesome.

DP: Anything else you’d like to add?

MANLEY: For a semi-new show, we have had some pretty amazing successes but at the end of the day and as cliche as it may be, I am most grateful for our audience. We would not be where we are today with out the support of our listeners and our patrons on Patreon.

Thank you to everyone that listens, shares and engages with us on the interwebs. As always, Nerd On!

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