Podcast Spotlight: Get Wrecked

Get Wrecked is a wild faux game show for the podcasting age. Each episode hosts Koko Bell and Eric Myrick welcome two teams of friends to submit them to a battery of questions all designed to reveal embarrassing and crude truths about each contestant. Like a 21st century video call version of The Newlywed Game, each team member must answer questions with what they think their friend’s answer would’ve been. Both questions and answers are unafraid to veer into dangerously honest and horny territory, causing the podcast to dissolve into stretches of pure laughter.
In the first episode Myrick, attempting to be nice, offers up full points if the contestant gets two out of three possible options in an altered version of fuck/marry/kill, not realizing he’s offering a mathematical impossibility. If the contestant were to get two right answers they automatically get the third right as there is then only one option remaining. In this way, Get Wrecked is very much a game show in the same way Whose Line is it Anyway is a game show, where the points are more of a motivation for contestants to continue playing than genuinely trying to go for the win.
We were fortunate to talk with Myrick and Bell about the podcast, how they differentiate from other podcasts, and their future plans in podcasting. See below for our full Q&A.
DISCOVER PODS: How’d you get into podcasting?
MYRICK: We are both big podcast listeners, and we both work in entertainment! It only took us so long to put the pieces together that Podcasting already leant itself to our skill sets. Once we started experimenting with ideas, the gold just started flowing out which is when we realized, not only were we individually predisposed to this medium, but we also had some really kick-ass chemistry and content to bring to the table.
DISCOVER PODS: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to Get Wrecked?
BELL: Why should listeners listen to Get Wrecked? I mean, do you want to laugh? Eric and I spent a good 8 months creating, filming, trashing multiple different ideas until we finally landed on this game show theme. Our whole goal is just to bring a good time to people. Anyone can be on the show as well so the more you listen, the easier it is to get a spot on air with you and a couple of friends. We are just looking for cool kids to play with.
DISCOVER PODS: What kind of feedback have you heard from your listeners?
BELL: I have ONLY received glowing reviews about the pod. I figured maybe a friend would repost and secretly think it was terrible and never speak to us again… but every person has been so supportive. They follow, they let us know they’ve listened to every episode. Our new listeners keep coming back. It’s an amazing feeling to know we made something people want to listen to.
DISCOVER PODS: Describe your recording set up? What equipment are you using?
MYRICK: We went at this with ZERO budget and a dream. We are recording from different apartments, with identical Maono Podcasting mics from Amazon and we record HD video with our phones! We edit and record with Audacity. All of our guests use simple earbud mics and we record their audio locally to their computers with Audacity as well! That’s right, all 27 guests we’ve had in our first month have willingly downloaded Audacity to their computers just for our two hour recording sessions! We have the best guests EVER!
Read more: 30 of the Best Podcast Microphones (For Any Budget)
DISCOVER PODS: What’s the biggest challenge you face as an indie podcaster?
BELL: The biggest challenge we face is building a network on our own without any help but my partner Eric has dedicated his heart and soul into getting our name within reach to other people. We have lovely friends who repost our work and… thank god for Tik Tok.
DISCOVER PODS: Where do you want to take Get Wrecked?
BELL: We want to take this podcast as far as it can go. We have learned so much about pre-production, guest building, editing.. Basically all of the grueling behind the scenes work to make the show run seamlessly and it’s just a hell of a good time. Why would I put an end date on that?
DISCOVER PODS: What other podcasts are you listening to now?
MYRICK: I’m personally a big nerd and am absolutely obsessed with Science Vs… although my guilty pleasure has been comedy podcasts of late. Stiff Socks Podcast and Ladies and Tangents are both big inspirations for how they’ve built their brands through social media.
DISCOVER PODS: Anything else you’d like to add?
MYRICK: We think our show is wholly unique in the podcasting space right now. The sheer production that goes into every episode, starting nearly from SCRATCH to create a brand new game and find 6 brand new guests every single week is just something no one else is doing and we are SO proud of that. We just hope to make as many people laugh as possible. That’s our job right now and we hope to do it well!
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