Welcome to Discover Pods!

Last updated on April 12th, 2017
Hi and welcome to Discover Pods!
My goal is for the site is to help podcasts listeners, and more importantly future fans, discover new podcasts they might not find through the traditional methods. I wrote about the problems with the current podcast discovery channels here and I encourage you to read (and share if you agree).
Why this site exists
I love podcasts, you love podcasts. You wouldn’t be here if you don’t. The problem, however, is around discoverability. Chances are you listen to a small number of podcasts during your workout or commute which you discovered in one of two ways:
- You found it on the top of the podcast charts
- Your friend recommended it
The problem with the charts/ranking system is they self-perpetuating — the top podcasts get more new users from searching the charts which then keep it on the top of the charts. Word of mouth is great, it just doesn’t occur nearly enough and it’s likely your group of friends’ interest fall in a narrow category.
That’s where Discover Pods comes in.
My goal is to create an unbiased medium to discuss established and popular podcasts, new upcoming podcasts, podcast news, and anything else I think might interest you.
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