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Are you fascinated by history and eager to explore the intriguing stories of the past? Are you curious how the past fits into and explains the present? Are you looking for context?

If so, then you’re in luck! In this article, we will delve into podcasting to uncover the best shows that bring history to life. The best podcast about history will help us understand what came before so we can hopefully avoid some of our prior mistakes. So, making a call on the best podcast about history is a tall task.

From ancient civilizations to iconic events and remarkable individuals, these podcasts offer a captivating journey through time.

Immerse yourself in the riveting tales of ancient Egypt, the whispers of lost civilizations, and the untold stories of historical figures who shaped the world we live in today. Whether you’re a history enthusiast or intrigued by the stories of the past, these podcasts will transport you to different eras, sparking your imagination and broadening your knowledge.

Discover the hidden secrets of the past as experts and enthusiasts delve into historical records, unearthing forgotten events and providing fresh perspectives on familiar narratives. Let us embark on an adventure where each episode becomes a time machine, taking you back to witness history’s triumphs, tragedies, and transformative moments.

Unlock the doors of the past and tune in to the best history podcasts for an immersive and enlightening experience that will leave you yearning for more.

The Popularity of Podcasts about History

Podcasts have experienced a surge in popularity over the past decade, and the genre of history podcasts has been no exception. History podcasts have become a go-to source of information and entertainment for history buffs and casual listeners with their ability to engage listeners through storytelling and in-depth analysis. Whether you’re a daily commuter, a gym-goer, or simply looking for a new way to expand your knowledge, history podcasts offer a convenient and engaging option.

Podcasts about history provide a unique platform for historians, scholars, and enthusiasts to share their expertise and passion with a wider audience. The audio format allows for a more personal and intimate connection with the subject matter, as listeners can immerse themselves in the stories, voices, and soundscapes that bring history to life. This accessibility has contributed to the growing popularity of history podcasts, making them a valuable resource for both education and entertainment.

The wide variety of history podcasts available ensures that there is something for everyone. Whether you’re interested in ancient civilizations, World War II, or the lives of lesser-known historical figures, some podcasts cater to these specific interests. As the demand for quality history podcasts continues to grow, so does the number of shows and episodes being produced, allowing listeners to explore various topics and periods.

Benefits of Listening to Podcasts about History

Listening to podcasts about history offers a multitude of benefits beyond being entertained. Here are a few reasons why you should consider adding history podcasts to your listening lineup:

1. Learning in an Engaging Format

History podcasts provide a unique opportunity to learn about the past in an engaging and accessible format. Through storytelling, interviews, and expert analysis, these podcasts make historical events and figures come alive, capturing the imagination and curiosity of listeners. By presenting history in a narrative form, podcasts create a more immersive learning experience that can be entertaining and educational.

And unlike television, podcasts can delve deeper into the subject. This gives the listener more context and a more fleshed-out understanding of the subject.

2. Deepening Your Understanding of the World

History podcasts offer a deeper understanding of the world we live in today by exploring the events and decisions that have shaped our society. By delving into the past, these podcasts provide valuable insights into the origins of cultural, political, and social phenomena, allowing listeners to gain a broader perspective on contemporary issues. Understanding historical context can help us make sense of the present and make more informed decisions about the future.

3. Access to Expert Knowledge

When you’re universally broke, one of the cheapest forms of entertainment in college was sitting in on large lectures in classes I wasn’t taking. Free information from expert professors. Can’t beat that.

Podcasts are bringing that experience to those who don’t want to drive to the local university. The global network of experts is available to each listener.

Many history podcasts feature interviews with historians, scholars, and experts in their respective fields. These conversations give listeners access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise that may not be easily accessible elsewhere. By hearing directly from those who have dedicated their lives to studying history, listeners can gain valuable insights and unique perspectives that enhance their understanding of the subject matter.

4. Flexibility and Convenience

One of the greatest advantages of podcasts is their flexibility and convenience. Whether you’re on a long commute, doing household chores, or simply relaxing, you can listen to podcasts at your own pace and on your own schedule. History podcasts allow you to turn idle moments into valuable learning opportunities, making it easy to incorporate history into your daily routine.

5. Sparking Curiosity and Inspiring Further Exploration

There’s something special about listening deeply to a podcast with headphones. It’s immersive. Like learning in a sensory deprivation tank.

Listening to history podcasts can spark curiosity and inspire further exploration of the subject matter. You may want to dig deeper and learn more as you learn about different periods, events, and historical figures. History podcasts serve as a gateway to further exploration, encouraging listeners to read books, visit museums, or discuss history with others.

In the next sections, we will explore some of the top podcasts about ancient history, modern history, specific historical events, and lesser-known podcasts about history and provide tips on finding the best history podcasts.

The Best Podcast About History – Ancient Edition

1. The History of Rome

The best podcast about history doesn't have to be constantly producing. This archive of roman history is still a great 200 episode dive into the republic and later, empire.

Hosted by Mike Duncan, this podcast takes you on a journey through the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. With over 200 episodes, Duncan meticulously chronicles the events, figures, and culture of ancient Rome, offering a comprehensive and engaging narrative that will leave you captivated.

This podcast wrapped a while ago, but with a deep archive of episodes, it does feel as though the pod naturally ran it’s course.

2. Hardcore History

Hosted by Dan Carlin, this podcast explores a wide range of historical topics, including ancient civilizations. Carlin’s unique storytelling style and in-depth research make each episode a gripping and immersive experience. Check out the “Death Throes of the Republic” series to delve into the fascinating history of ancient Rome.

3. The British History Podcast

Jamie Jeffers takes you on a journey through the history of Britain, from its earliest days to the present. While not exclusively focused on ancient history, this podcast offers a wealth of episodes dedicated to the early periods of British history, including the Roman occupation and the Anglo-Saxon era.

Top Podcast About History – Modern History Edition

1. Revolutions

From the creator of “The History of Rome,” Mike Duncan brings us another captivating podcast that explores the revolutions that have shaped the modern world. From the American Revolution to the Haitian Revolution and beyond, Duncan delves into the causes, events, and consequences of these transformative moments in history.

2. The Cold War: What We Saw

Hosted by Bill Whittle, this podcast takes a deep dive into the Cold War, examining its origins, key events, and the people who shaped this era. Through interviews, archival footage, and expert analysis, Whittle provides a comprehensive and thought-provoking exploration of this pivotal period in modern history.

This is a Daily Wire associated podcast, so be aware that there is going to be some interpretations that reflect the worldview that we have come to associate with the Daily Wire.

It’s not my cup of tea, personally, but it’s an interesting look at what motivates those who you don’t necessarily agree with. We have two ears consuming podcasts. Open minds, people. It’s a virtue.

3. Hardcore History: Blueprint for Armageddon

In this epic six-part series, Dan Carlin takes listeners on a journey through World War I. Carlin’s meticulous research, vivid storytelling, and attention to detail make this series a must-listen for anyone interested in the history of the 20th century.

Dan Carlin is more of an amateur historian, but as you can tell from his discussion with Joe Rogan, he’s worth a listen.

4. Iraq: Legacy of War

If there was a theme that dominated my early adulthood in America, it was the “War on Terror,” that culminated with the second Iraq war. It lasted for decades and was only eclipsed in length by the Afghan war.

With every powder keg on the planet as of this writing, it’s more important than ever to truly understand this recent part of American history.

Podcasts that Explore Specific Historical Events

1. Stuff You Missed in History Class

Hosted by Holly Frey and Tracy V. Wilson, this podcast uncovers lesser-known stories and events from history. From the mysterious disappearance of Amelia Earhart to the forgotten female astronomers of the Harvard Observatory, each episode offers a fascinating glimpse into the hidden corners of history.

2. The History of Byzantium

Robin Pierson continues where “The History of Rome” left off, exploring the Byzantine Empire from the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople. This podcast provides a comprehensive and detailed account of this often-overlooked period of history.

3. Hardcore History: Wrath of the Khans

In this four-part series, Dan Carlin delves into the history of the Mongol Empire and its infamous leader, Genghis Khan. Carlin’s gripping storytelling and vivid descriptions bring this era to life, exploring one of history’s most formidable and ruthless empires.

Lesser-Known Podcasts about History Worth Checking Out

1. The History of England

Hosted by David Crowther, this podcast offers a chronological journey through the history of England, from its earliest days to the present. Crowther’s engaging storytelling and passion for the subject make each episode a delightful and informative experience.

2. The British Museum Podcast

For better or worse, worse by the way, the British Museum ended up with quite a bit of the plunder from the British Empire. But let’s set the ethics aside for a moment.

This podcast takes listeners behind the scenes of the British Museum, exploring its vast collection and the stories behind the artifacts. From ancient civilizations to modern art, each episode offers a fascinating glimpse into the history and culture preserved within the museum’s walls.

3. Revolutions Podcast

You can learn a lot about human history when you study society’s breaking points, when the societal Rubicon is crossed.

In this podcast, Mike Duncan explores various revolutions throughout history, including those that are often overshadowed by more well-known events. From the Haitian Revolution to the European revolutions of 1848, Duncan provides a comprehensive and engaging account of these pivotal moments in history.

4. History that Doesn’t Suck

Greg Jackson brings his unique flair to what may be the best podcast about history.

Professor Greg Jackson hosts this podcast on American history. From before the founding, through all the trials and tribulations this nation has faced before the myriad of trials and tribulations this nation is currently facing. Past is prelude. Right? That’s what they say? Listening to this bi-weekly podcast will make you feel better and less hopeless about the current divide. History that doesn’t suck is certainly in the running for the best podcast about history. At least in American history.

5. Revisionist History

Revisionist History with Malcom Gladwell isn’t exactly an “unknown” or even “lesser known” podcast, but it is focused on historical events that are often overlooked. Events that have outsized impacts on what came after.

Once those events are identified, Gladwell looks at what may have happened if the events had unfolded slightly differently. It turns out to be a very entertaining way to, one, understand the actual historical event and, two, how that event impacted the timeline.

Dr. Strange would love this.

What are some indie podcasts that you enjoy? Well-researched ones. We don’t want to promote too many conspiracy timelines.

Tips for Finding the Best History Podcasts

1. Read Reviews and Recommendations

Look for reviews and recommendations from trusted sources, such as history websites, podcasts directories, or online communities dedicated to history. These resources can help you discover new podcasts and provide insights into the quality and content of each show.

2. Explore Podcast Directories

Browse through podcast directories, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher, and use filters or search keywords related to history to find podcasts that match your interests.

3. Follow Historians and Experts

Many historians and experts have their own podcasts or regularly appear as guests on other history podcasts. Follow them on social media or subscribe to their newsletters to stay updated on their latest projects and recommendations.

4. Join Online History Communities

Engage with online communities dedicated to history, such as Reddit’s r/HistoryPodcasting, where enthusiasts share recommendations, discuss episodes, and provide valuable insights into the world of history podcasts.

5. Experiment and Explore

Don’t be afraid to try out different podcasts and explore various topics and time periods. The beauty of podcasts is that you can easily switch between shows and find the ones that resonate with your interests and preferences.

Yeah, you’ll hit some stinkers, but it’s a wonderful feeling when you find something you love by accident. It’s like picking a topic at random from a set of encyclopedias.

Podcasts that Feature Interviews with Historians

1. The History Hour

This podcast from the BBC features interviews with historians and eyewitnesses to significant historical events. Each episode offers a unique perspective on various historical moments, providing valuable insights and personal accounts that enhance our understanding of the past.

2. The British Museum Podcast

In addition to exploring the museum’s collection, this podcast often features interviews with historians, curators, and experts who provide in-depth analysis and context for the artifacts on display. Again, we’re side-stepping the issue of the actual plunder and focusing on the work the academics have done.

It does bring up an interesting ethical question. Can you separate the art from the artist? The work from the technician? Are we all morally complicit in Imperial plunder when we listen to podcasts like this?

Food for thought.

3. The History Extra Podcast

Produced by BBC History Magazine, this podcast features interviews with leading historians, authors, and experts who discuss a wide range of historical topics, from ancient civilizations to modern events.

4. Dan Snow’s History Hit

Dan Snow is an historian who covers a wide range of historical topics. Any historian worth their weight will tell you they don’t know enough about history to cover the number of topics Dan does. That’s why his show is based around interviewing expert historians about the story the episode is telling.

His show pits Dan as a knowledgeable and engaging host who draws the best out of these subject matter experts to make this history pop.

Podcasts that Focus on Lesser-Known Historical Figures

1. The Lesser Bonapartes

Hosted by Kate and Josh Hetherington, this podcast shines a spotlight on the lesser-known members of the Bonaparte family. From siblings and cousins to distant relatives, each episode explores the lives and contributions of these often overshadowed historical figures.

A weird uncle at Thanksgiving dinner can derail a family’s direction. What makes the Lesser Bonapartes a candidate for the best podcast about history is how deep it dives into the smaller family players with outsized influence. Fascinating stuff.

2. The History of England

While covering the broader history of England, this podcast also delves into the lives of lesser-known historical figures who played significant roles in shaping the nation’s history. David Crowther’s passion for storytelling brings these figures to life, offering a fresh perspective on familiar narratives.

3. The Almost Forgotten

Hosted by Patrick Wyman, this podcast explores the lives and stories of historical figures who have been largely forgotten or overshadowed by more well-known individuals. From ancient philosophers to forgotten artists, each episode sheds light on the often overlooked contributions of these individuals.

4. Finding James Baldwin: The Magpie Years

James Baldwin is a fascinating figure that you may not be aware of. You certainly didn’t learn about him in school. That’s what makes browsing the history directories of your favorite podcast app so enthralling and exciting. You never know what you’re going to find.

This podcast blends interviews with experts on James Baldwin and never-before-heard performances from Baldwin. It feels like living the history of an American treasure you might not know.

Conclusion: The Power of Podcasts in Uncovering the Past

Contenders for the best podcast about history have all revolutionized the way we learn about the past, offering an immersive and accessible platform that brings history to life. Serials, mini-series, and more long form podcast formats have allowed more nuance and depth into the conversation.

Through storytelling, expert analysis, and interviews with historians, these podcasts provide a unique and engaging learning experience that sparks curiosity and deepens our understanding of the world. So much of history, since it’s “written by the victor,” lacks critical details. Learning new facts and stories about historical events you thought were black and white is exciting. Living in that shade of gray humanizes these historical titans.

Whether your interest lies in ancient civilizations, modern history, specific events, or lesser-known figures, there is a history podcast out there waiting to transport you to different eras and broaden your knowledge. So, grab your headphones, tune in to the best history podcasts, and embark on an adventure through time.

Uncover the secrets of the past, explore the triumphs and tragedies of history, and let the power of podcasts transport you to a world of endless fascination. The past awaits – are you ready to listen?

The post Exploring the Best Podcast About History While Unearthing the Past appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

How Dan Carlin became a staple in the podcasting world Mon, 21 May 2018 13:45:53 +0000 If someone suggested to you, 20 or so years ago, before podcasts existed, that a radio show should be on the internet what would you have said? At the time, an idea like that would’ve sounded pretty out-there, right? Well in 1995 that happened to Dan Carlin, who is now a principal figure in the […]

The post How Dan Carlin became a staple in the podcasting world appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

If someone suggested to you, 20 or so years ago, before podcasts existed, that a radio show should be on the internet what would you have said? At the time, an idea like that would’ve sounded pretty out-there, right?

Well in 1995 that happened to Dan Carlin, who is now a principal figure in the podcast world.

Carlin, host of the popular podcasts Common Sense with Dan Carlin and Hardcore History, was approached by one of his listeners, a computer programmer, about putting his show on the internet.

“His idea was to create some form of internet radio and have me as his poster child–for lack of a better phrase,” said Carlin. “It never panned out, but it planted the thought in my head that this was possible at some point in the future.”

In the late ‘90s Carlin started a company with some friends that was centered around amateur content creation and the idea rose again. For a while, he produced the podcast as a part of that company– then he left, and with him came the podcast. That happened in 2005.

Now, Carlin is one of the most renowned hosts in the space. Podcasting has become his full time occupation with his two shows: Common Sense with Dan Carlin and Hardcore History.

The two, he said, are completely different to produce.

“They are not comparable in any way. I can get a Common Sense out in a single sitting if everything goes well,” said Carlin. “I can’t get a Hardcore History out in less than four and a half months under any circumstances– and that would be a quick turnaround at that! That should demonstrate the magnitude of the difference right there.”

Common Sense, which he started first, is essentially the same show he was doing when he was on the radio, restructured to better fit the podcast medium. Carlin said the concept and approach were familiar, only the delivery mechanism was new. Podcasting gave him the opportunity to speak without constraints previously placed on him by the format taken by commercial radio.

Hardcore History though, was something new.

“My mother-in-law suggested I talk about history in a podcast,” said Carlin.

She brought up this idea because he was endlessly reading and speaking about history to family and friends and had already begun doing a podcast on current events. His response was that it wouldn’t be possible since he didn’t have the academic qualifications to teach history.

“She said ‘I didn’t realize that you needed a PhD to tell stories’. It was a bit of a light bulb-over-your-head moment,” he said. “It also dictated to me how such a show would have to be done. It wasn’t going to be designed as a history lesson. It was going to be ‘stories and concepts and ideas from history that Dan loves…for people who love history’.”

Carlin has always loved history. He received his Bachelor of Arts in the subject at the University of Colorado.

“According to my mom, I have been interested in history from the time I first could speak,” said Carlin. “I got my first history book when I was about 4. Lots of pictures! I still have it.”

It’s a good thing he has a ceaseless passion for the subject– as each show takes an enormous amount of work to produce. Since that is the case, he makes sure to choose topics that he has a little bit of background on.

“I need to know a decent amount about it,” said Carlin. “I can’t educate myself on a topic from a ground zero base of previous knowledge in the time-span between releases.”

He takes however long necessary to prepare for each episode, studying and reading, depending on what he is planning to cover.

“The more momentous the event–and the more vantage points there are, The First World War, for example, has histories printed from the perspective of every major participant… That right there adds to the research load– the more material there is to digest and incorporate,” explained Carlin.

The work is strenuous and takes all of Carlin’s effort to complete an episode– each time he approaches a new one.

“I always joke that I use every last brain cell on the latest release, and then need to exceed the previous standard with the next effort,” he said. “The marathon, as opposed to sprint, aspect of the content-creation challenge is something that must be dealt with. How do you give your all continually, while maintaining your ability to do it well again and again? It’s hardly my own concern though. Everyone who deals with making a living creatively has this same issue.”

Yet he continues to do it over and over– and has not stopped since beginning the show in 2006. At the rate they’ve been working currently, they have been producing about two Hardcore History shows each year.

“So…it’s taking forever basically,” said Carlin. “Hopefully we end up with a better final version after all that work.”

The team that’s working on the podcast is extremely small. Carlin likes to keep a small team on the show. He said he’d rather not run a firm with employees to manage and prefers to focus on the work itself.

This focus makes it a full time occupation, which is something not too many independent podcasters can say about their show– and monetarily, Carlin has a specific structure to keep it this way. His shows, some of which are as long as six hours which makes them a little different than other podcasts that usually span a time of around 15 minutes to an hour, so the monetization process is a little different as well.

“Well, other shows often charge money to gain access to their past content in aggregate behind a paywall,” he said. “This is a logical system or model for content that is akin to a magazine or newspaper in terms of how it is consumed. But these Hardcore History shows are more like books, or record albums in terms of the model that best works for them. They all have a stand-alone, evergreen aspect to them and so we treat them more like books.”

To do that, they keep the episodes available for free for several years after their initial release and then send them to the archives. Each episode is treated as an individual property rather than an episode to a larger whole unless it is a part of one of their larger series’. Selling the older shows, Carlin said, is their most profitable source of income. They do however, do some ads on the show– though that’s not enough since they don’t release shows regularly.

The podcasting space has changed a great deal since Carlin started working in it more than a decade ago.

“I did (broadly) predict/foresee the way it has evolved up to now back in the late 1990s/early 2000s when I was pushing the amateur content idea on very skeptical venture capitalists,” he said. “This modern reality was sort of what I was trying to sell them on. But where it will go from here is not at all obvious to me.”

Carlin, regardless of how the podcasting world continues to develop, will surely remain a staple in the podcasting world as fans clamor to listen to his latest release and are willing to pay for his archived content. 

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Pods Review Pods: The Joe Rogan Experience, Hardcore History, S-Town Fri, 20 Apr 2018 13:30:20 +0000 Pods Review Pods is a weekly segment where podcasters review fellow podcasts. My name is Alex Gajewski and I am the host of the Worth Your Time Podcast. My podcast is designed for you to get the knowledge of a book…without having to read it. Usually in 20 minutes or less. I’m a nerd who […]

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Pods Review Pods is a weekly segment where podcasters review fellow podcasts.

My name is Alex Gajewski and I am the host of the Worth Your Time Podcast. My podcast is designed for you to get the knowledge of a book…without having to read it. Usually in 20 minutes or less. I’m a nerd who has plenty of interests so there is something for everyone. I love to learn…which makes me a sucker for podcasts. Below are 3 podcasts that you will learn something from. And when you get done listening to these 3…head over to my page and learn some more.

The Joe Rogan Experience

Recommended episode: #958 — Jordan Peterson

I’ve never felt dumber while listening…but smarter after the fact than listening to these two guys talk. Jordan Peterson is as polarizing as it gets in the intellectual world. Some see him as the smartest person they’ve ever heard speak and others think he is a cancer to society. Also, if you’ve never listened to the Joe Rogan Experience before you are in for for a treat. I got hooked to it a few months ago and I legitimately think it changed my life. It changed the way I look at the world. I tend to think with more of an open mind and I am much more disciplined than I was before. I highly recommend this one…especially if you plan on listening with an open mind.

Hardcore History

Recommended episode: Show 48 — Prophets of Doom
Synopsis of Prophets of Doom: “Murderous millennial preachers and prophets take over the German city of Munster after Martin Luther unleashes a Pandora’s Box of religious anarchy with the Protestant Reformation.”
LONG….but so worth it. Dan Carlin is the best history teacher you’ll ever have. His delivery is impeccable..and his knowledge is unmatched. He tells true stories from the bookshelves of history…that seem completely fictional. And if you’re able to make it to the end of this podcast, you’ll hear about one of the most tumultuous torture acts ever committed. It is stomach churning.


Incredibly popular…and you’ve probably listened to it…but I really liked it. It’s a story about a small town in Alabama. The podcast makes you fall in and out of love with the characters (real people) and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Here is the description from the host website:
John despises his Alabama town and decides to do something about it. He asks a reporter to investigate the son of a wealthy family who’s allegedly been bragging that he got away with murder. But then someone else ends up dead, sparking a nasty feud, a hunt for hidden treasure, and an unearthing of the mysteries of one man’s life.

The post Pods Review Pods: The Joe Rogan Experience, Hardcore History, S-Town appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.
