Highly Recommended Stonercasts

Last updated on November 14th, 2022
Hello there, stoners, weed heads, growers, cannabis investors, and everyone in-between! I’ve gone on the grind looking for 20 podcasts that are perfect to listen to while high or if you like to get high. Some of these podcasts are actively about weed, getting high, or even have smoking as a part of the show, but a few are more about the activism and the business side of cannabis.
What I tried to do with this list is bring together a wide range of weed podcasts for stoners. As a stoner myself, I already had a few podcasts rattling around my brain that I wanted to recommend, but in my search, I’ve found more than I could imagine. That’s why I’m so excited to share this list because I know your next favorite podcast to listen to while high is on here.
The Sword and The Stoner
A blend of Arthurian tales and bong rips, The Sword and The Stoner brings King Arthur to the present day. Swap out the medieval courts and chivalrous nature for Las Vegas reality TV magicians and stoners and you’ll get the sometimes funny, sometimes confusing, stories featured on the podcast. From Tandon Productions and released in 2019, the show has since wrapped up, but listeners can hear the entire series wherever they get their podcasts. Personally, I wasn’t a huge fan of the audio drama’s, or audio fiction’s, typical spacy stoner characters and general dynamic between them. And since I’m not a big Arthur and Merlin fan, I wasn’t super impressed or pulled in by the way they adapted the tales. I do, however, love the concept and found certain moments of the series pretty funny.
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A Voice From Darkness
This is one of the shows on the list that aren’t exactly stoner shows in the sense that they don’t talk about weed or smoke it. No, A Voice From Darkness is just a great show to listen to while high. Mainly because it’s one of those audio dramas that is set in our world, featuring one of audios famous formats—the call show. Listen as Dr. Malcolm Ryder, parapsychologist and radio broadcaster, takes listeners calls and helps them through their bizarre, sometimes terrifying, life predicaments, like a spooky Love Line. His aim is to inform, and his purpose is to help. Sometimes he does, but sometimes he’s just too late. I listened to this while playing Fallout 4, and it added an extra layer to both the podcast and the game. A fun and interesting new show that’s a perfect complement to an evening smoke sesh.
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Hey Riddle Riddle
What I love about doing these roundup lists is that I get to find creators that are making shows about topics in ways that I’d never imagine. Like Hey Riddle Riddle a podcast about riddles, puzzles, brainteasers, and all types of mental twisters and logic problems. Some stoners aren’t into testing their mental capabilities while smoking, but I love a good sativa and some brain work, so Hey Riddle Riddle was the perfect show to listen to while “relaxing” after work. The hosts make the show funny and enjoyable, and out of the podcasts that I recommend on this list, theirs made me laugh the most. There’s over 100 hour long episodes and filled with numerous riddles. Best part, the hosts give the answers to the riddles on the show. So, listeners can solve along while listening without having to hunt down the answers.
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Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!
Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me is NPR’s weekly hour-long quiz-talk show featuring celebrities and notable people answering questions about current events to test if they can tell the difference between real and fake news. Like the ones preceding this podcast, Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me isn’t about weed. The reason that I think it’s a great show for stoners, though, is because it gamifies current events, highlights important but oftentimes un-talked about news, and interviews interesting people. Hosted by Peter Sagal, guests include Tyra Banks, Owen Wilson, and more. It has the feeling of a morning news broadcast where the energy pulls listeners in and keeps them entertained. All and all, it’s a highly entertaining show that’s great for laughs, news, and high ideas for a stoner’s early morning routine as they get ready to tackle their day.
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Getting Doug With High
Doug Benson—yeah, Super High Me, Doug Benson—had a weed podcast that ran from 2013 to 2019 where he invited guests over to, well, smoke weed and hang out. That’s it! Some of the guests are other comedians or they work in entertainment, but the one thing they all have in common is they’re huge stoners. Which is why every episode has A LOT of smoking in it. There’s no real topics because the host and guests tend to veer off and go on lots of tangents. Each of the episodes are hilarious and sticky with Doug Benson’s signature comedic style that blends dry humor with weed humor. This isn’t a podcast that I’d listen to for hours on end like Hey Riddle Riddle or A Call From Darkness due to the amount of directionless talking, but I do enjoy listening to an episode here and there when smoking because it feels like getting high with friends.
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Hello From the Magic Tavern
One of the more stoned audio drama podcast concepts out there is Hello From the Magic Tavern. In the fantasy audio drama podcast, the main character hosts a talk show in a fantasy realm after falling through a dimensional portal behind a Burger King. I’ve talked about Hello From the Magic Tavern before in my monthly roundup series Radio at the End of the World. A hilarious podcast with a lot of characters and stories. It’s got major dungeons and dragons vibes and puts me back in the headspace to get buck wild in a fantasy realm. Weed doesn’t have a major presence on the show, so this falls into the category of podcasts that are fun to listen to while high but not directly about weed. Like A Voice From Darkness, I found this to be an easy listen and wound up falling through several episodes while playing video games.
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Stuff to Blow Your Mind
This is another great podcast for the stoner who likes to learn and think and have their mind warped while stoned. Stuff to Blow Your Mind is a research podcast that focuses on discussing and exploring everything from myths to mysteries to the future. What makes this a real stonercast for me is the discussion between Robert and Joe at the beginning. They don’t just dive right into research and theories and facts. No. They talk. They ground the listener into why these questions are important to us. Oftentimes, it’s beyond the simple fact that they are cool and interesting. It’s because we have deeper and greater connections to these oddities of human history and experience. This pairs really well with Hey Riddle Riddle. Together they offer a mind meld of brain teasers and information.
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Hidden Brain
Like Stuff to Blow Your Mind and Hey Riddle Riddle, Hidden Brain invites listeners to open up their wildest imaginations and dare to look inward at what makes them who they are and how that connects with other people around them. A sativa stonercast, for sure. The host, Shankar Vedantam, explores everything from the in’s and out’s of why and how we lie to ourselves and how we all contribute to the creation of God. Very heady stuff, good for an afternoon listen and a joint. Each episode is packed with tons of information that it can get overwhelming at times. My brain went off on many o’ tangents while listening. I could only do one or two episodes before I had to give myself a break to digest everything and mull it over properly. But that’s just me!
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Wine and Weed
News podcast meets a talk show and hang out between friends is the best way to describe Wine and Weed. Except the news is usually of the outrageous variety, and they happen to drink a bottle of wine and smoke one joint during the episode, so the conversation tends to ramp up as the episode goes on. It feels very “did you hear about that one dude?” where Sterling and Chris, the hosts, tend to go back and forth with odd news and trending topics sipping and smoking the whole while. Great for chill indica sessions when you just want to listen to some funny ass people talk about some wild ass things. Another podcasts great for stoners that you can easily fall into for hours while relaxing after work.
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I’ve written about Storybound before because it’s one of my favorite new audio drama/fiction (sorta) podcasts. So, when I knew I was going to write a list specifically for podcasts that are great to listen to high, Storybound was one of the first podcasts to pop into my head. Each episode features an author reading an excerpt from their latest work. While the author reads the work, the experience of the telling is enhanced and deepened by musical soundscapes, scores, and vocal remixes. The podcasts blend of music, sound effects, scores, and readings by the authors creates a unique experience of story. The textures not only add another layer to the story, but it adds new meaning and creates new images in the listeners minds. After their reading, the authors are interviewed about their work and their career. Together, Storybound creates a distinctly unique experience for the listener.
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Weed and Grub
If you happen to be a stoner who also loves the different ways we can use cannabis and love hearing about it, Weed and Grub is THE talk show to add to your list. Similar to Weed and Wine the hosts blaze up and eat up while talking about whatever they want, usually cannabis related, while cracking jokes and hanging out. It’s informative and fun, a blend between a comedy show and a cannabis news program where listeners can find out what’s happening in the cannabis world, meet people working in the industry, and perhaps find a new weed product or business to check out. I also found it easy to listen to several episodes of this podcast all at once without getting burned out with the content.
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Great Moments in Weed History
Have you ever wanted a weed version of Drunk History? You know, instead of getting super drunk and retelling history, they smoke blunts and retell weed history? Well, want no more. Great Moments in Weed History is exactly that. Hosts, Abdullah and Bean, dive into copious amounts of weed and trip backwards through time to shine light on how weed has influenced history, celebrities, and culture. Like Bill and Ted’s Adventures, Great Moments in Weed History is a raucous ride through a hilarious past. I’m one of those people who thinks history shows like this are fun to listen to because they remind me that history—the one we are fed—is mostly bastardized versions of the truth. Adding weed and comedy to the mix only heightens the level of distance.
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WeedWeek a show about weed that doesn’t involve smoking it. The cannabis podcast delivers news and journalism on weed culture, prohibition, science, health, and everything in-between. Though the show ended last year, there’re over 100 episodes to listen through and learn about certain aspects of the cannabis industry that aren’t widely known. It’s always interesting to hear about this side of the weed world. If you’re a stoner who only smokes without actually engaging in the discourse, culture, or reformation of cannabis, you should probably put a stop to that. WeedWeek is a great place to start to wrap your mind around all the different branches of cannabis besides simply getting high. My favorite part of the podcast is how accessible the information is. I didn’t feel like I needed to do extra research just to understand what they were talking.
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Rollin’ With Ngaio
A much older show than the others featured on this list, Rollin’ With Ngaio ran for a year back in 2016 and 2017 as a weed traveling show with comedian and activist Ngaio Bealum. I couldn’t write an article about weed without including him, though, and this one is a great quarantine podcast to listen to, as well as a great stonercast. This was definitely a weed show about weed that involved smoking a lot of it. That’s what Ngaio did. He traveled around and hosted his podcast from various locations where he’d smoke and talk about the local culture and flavor from music to food to art and whatever really. A unique show on this list with a top name in cannabis culture and reform, Rollin’ With Ngaio is a great older podcast to check out if you haven’t listened to it yet.
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Hosted by Matthew Kind of CannaInsider, this podcast is the audio interview side of the cannabis, CBD, and hemp industry news site. CannaInsider is all about interviewing experts within the field about where cannabis is going and where it is now. These are info packed episodes that, I personally, could not do while super stoned but enjoyed listening to them in the morning before I began my day. CannaInsider is for more than the stoner and reaches out to the person who is invested in the cannabis industry or interested in understanding it past its commonly used function. Though not a top contender or favorite, each episode gave me information and insight I didn’t have before.
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Leaf Life Podcast
Readers familiar with The Leaf Magazines, a regional weed magazine that showcases stories about cannabis with the aim to educate people about the culture, politics, and world of weed, may have heard that the magazine has a podcast side. Ricker and the Bearded Lorax offer a talk show version of the magazine where the two interview and discuss all things cannabis from business practices, how it can help people emotionally and spiritually, and more. Some of the podcasts on here tend to cover similar territory, but Leaf Life Podcast has a plethora of episodes that are unlike many of the podcasts out there on weed. Though there are a few cringy moments where the hosts say things that make me gag, Leaf Life Podcast is a podcast that I know a lot of stoners will vibe with and get a lot out of.
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One podcast on this list of podcasts for stoners was sorta hard to track down. In the end, I ended up stumbling on it through other searches. Cannaviews, sometimes spelled as Canna Views, is a cannabis prohibition podcast put out by the Creative Care Beacon Ohio Chapter of The Human Solution International organization. They specifically focus on cannabis activism centered around decriminalizing and often times bring on law makers, previously incarcerated people, and an open call segment that allows for listeners to contribute to the conversation. Their interviews with people who have been convicted and sentenced for weed related charges really brings home the fact that cannabis should not be illegal in any state and people serving time are being held unjustly while the government and celebrities rake in the cash. A sobering show for the stoner who wants to do more than simply get high.
When it came to picking a show about growing weed—because I know that there are many stoners out there who are also growers, wannabe growers, or just love hearing about the plant—it was sorta hard to find one. I’m not the type of stoner who’s into the growing side of cannabis, so many of the podcasts I found talked way over my head about things that only growers and their enthusiasts would understand. Which isn’t always a bad thing. Sometimes when things are hard for us to grasp, it’s because we don’t have the necessary knowledge to bridge the gap. That’s why I liked the cannabis growing podcast GrowCast. It reminded me of listening to my scientist friends talk about science … stuff. But after a couple of episodes and some research, I was able to understand the complex world of nutrients and so much more.
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The Cannabis Enigma
The Cannabis Enigma was one of my favorite podcasts for stoners that I found while compiling this list. I was afraid that this show would be over my head, and it was, but in the best way possible. Bringing on cannabis professionals in the medical, scientific, and personal fields, hosts Elana and Michael present readers with an informative and well-rounded view on weed. Whether you’re a consumer of the plant, a doctor curious on its benefits for your patients, or a concerned and curious parent, The Cannabis Enigma really gives listeners the information they need to know when it comes to cannabis. A lot of the information shared, I didn’t know, and The Cannabis Enigma pointed me in the right direction to continue my learning.
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Let’s Be Blunt with Montel
I feel like I’m coming late to the party, but did y’all know that Montel is like really into cannabis culture and products? Like he has his own hemp CBD products and has a podcast, Let’s Be Blunt with Montel? At first, I thought it was funny and really silly that the person I grew up watching on trashy TV now has a cannabis podcast. Then I listened to it. Holy smokes is it everything that was great about Montel with none of the bad. Celebrities, doctors, and other cannabis experts are invited onto the show to speak, well, bluntly about their experience with cannabis, delivering informative and serious commentary on cannabis culture and activism. I’d say that this, like The Cannabis Enigma, are shows not just for stoners but for people who want to understand the history, future, and current climate surrounding cannabis.
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I don’t think I’ve ever compiled a list this long for podcasts, and I only grazed the tip of the cannabis podcasts out there. This list could go on for another few pages, highlighting great podcasts out there for stoner listeners. But 20 feels like an appropriate number to stop on.
If you find a current podcast on this list that you love, support it by sharing it, donating to it, or subscribing as a listener. Your support means that these podcasts can keep educating and entertaining listeners. But more importantly, you’ll be supporting people doing something they love.
Featured image courtesy of Bloom
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