Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods Find your next favorite podcast Thu, 29 Feb 2024 12:51:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods Find your next favorite podcast clean Murdaugh Murders Podcast The Fascinating Meltdown 100 Years In The Making Thu, 29 Feb 2024 12:51:15 +0000 The trial is over, the sentence meted out, but the impacts linger. We'd all do well to listen to Mandy Matney's superb pod.

The post Murdaugh Murders Podcast The Fascinating Meltdown 100 Years In The Making appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

The Murdaugh Murders Podcast is one of the most well researched Alex Murdaugh podcasts available.

Much like the enduring appeal of a classic Western, some stories retain their intrigue and impact, regardless of when you come across them. The Murdaugh Murders podcast is one such narrative, making it one of the best true crime podcasts out there. Though the real-life drama has unfolded in court, and the headlines may have faded, the twists and turns of this true crime saga continue to captivate audiences. It’s a reminder that certain stories never lose their allure, like timeless Westerns, Shakespearean dramas, or the Hollywood Golden Age.

For better or worse. But, then, tell me what’s happening with reality TV? We’re in the pocket of dramatized human tragedy. Too soon? Maybe. But timeless, almost certainly, yes.

In this article, we dive into the Murdaugh Murders podcast, a story that, while not breaking news, still holds immense value for true crime enthusiasts.

The riveting drama and complex narrative of the Murdaugh family saga gripped the public and journalists alike. It wasn’t one simple murder. No, it was a fraud, lawyers, money, and ultimately the unraveling of a seemingly untouchable empire.

Key episodes stand out in the series, offering a gateway into this compelling story—insights into why this podcast remains a must-listen, even after the gavel has fallen.

Join us as we explore why the Murdaugh Murders podcast is more than just a fleeting headline — it’s a gripping journey into the heart of true crime storytelling.

The Unfolding Corruption of the Murdaugh Family Saga

The Murdaugh family’s story is a complex web of intrigue, power, and unexpected tragedy. It’s straight out of Shakespeare. This intricate narrative forms the backbone of the Murdaugh Murders podcast. The podcast delves deep into the family’s history, marked by its prominent legal stature as attorneys in South Carolina, and leads listeners through a series of shocking events, including mysterious deaths and alleged financial crimes.

In fact, Murdaugh was recently sentenced for his two dozen financial crimes, apart from the murders themselves.

What sets this podcast apart is its ability to unravel the layers of the Murdaugh saga episode by episode. Like an onion. With all the tears.

Each installment sheds light on different facets of the case, revealing new twists that keep listeners eagerly anticipating the next development. Morbid? Yep, but we have to face reality.

The podcast navigates through the intricate details of the family’s legal and personal troubles, making each revelation more surprising than the last.

Highlighted episodes such as “The Boat Crash Settlement” and “Jellyfish and Moselle” are particularly enthralling. These episodes detail the events and provide context, exploring the societal and legal backdrop against which these events occurred. They offer a unique lens into the dynamics of a powerful family entangled in a series of tragedies and alleged crimes.

This focus on the Murdaugh family’s story captures the essence of what makes true crime podcasts so compelling: the blend of human drama, legal complexities, and the unending quest for truth. The Murdaugh Murders podcast, despite being a latecomer to the public’s attention, stands as a testament to the genre’s ability to transform real-life events into a narrative that resonates with a wide range of audiences.

Why the Murdaugh Murders Podcast Stands Out in True Crime

People often ask “what is the best Murdaugh podcast?” Because a number of them have popped up. It’s a gripping story. But this one stands out as one of the best Alex Murdaugh podcasts.

In the diverse landscape of true crime stories, the Murdaugh family saga emerges as a narrative steeped in history, power, and the stark reminder that no one is above the law.

The Murdaugh Murders podcast delves into the story of a family that has been a titan of the South Carolina legal and political communities for nearly a century, often referred to as South Carolina royalty. This historical prominence forms a compelling backdrop to the events unfolding in the podcast.

The podcast’s portrayal of the Murdaughs is not just about a high-profile family embroiled in crime; it’s an intricate depiction of how power and influence operate in society.

The Murdaughs, known for their century-long legacy in the legal realm, find their world unraveling dramatically, challenging the notion that their status places them above scrutiny. This aspect of the story adds a layer of depth to the podcast, making it a standout in the true crime genre.

Revisiting the story through the podcast allows listeners to delve into the complexities of a family that has shaped the legal landscape of South Carolina. The follow up episodes after the high profile trial provide a historical overview of the family’s influence and an intimate look at their eventual confrontation with the legal system they once dominated.

Each episode is a narrative journey that combines the grandeur of a family’s century-long influence with the universal truth of accountability. Pride comes before the fall.

This combination of historical depth, societal influence, and the unraveling of a legacy positions the Murdaugh Murders podcast as a unique and fascinating addition to true crime storytelling.

A Deep Dive into Key Episodes

It’s difficult to understate how important this story is to the entirety of South Carolina. It was something of an existential crisis that prosecutors would have to confront.

The Murdaugh Murders podcast is a rich tapestry of episodes, each unraveling a part of the complex Murdaugh family saga. Considering how many seasons of the show there are and the superb journalism on display, you are likely going to be drawn deeply down the rabbit hole at some point.

In the meantime, let’s delve into a few key episodes that are pivotal in understanding the full scope of the story and its significance in the true crime genre.

Alex Murdaugh’s Ground Zero

The fatal boat crash that killed Mallory Beach would prove to be the event that drew enough attention to Paul Murdaugh, as he was allegedly intoxicated when the boat crashed. Hosts Mandy Matney and co-host Liz Farrell walk us through how pulling on this thread leads to the family’s eventual downfall.

What Happened to the Money Part One

If you want to know where something has gone horribly off the rails… follow the money. And that’s no different here. In this episode, Matney’s Murdaugh Murders podcast walks us through when the court decided to seize the assets of Alex and Buster Murdaugh as something didn’t add up.

This is all eventually led to the SC Attorney General’s office indicting Alex Murdaugh for fraud. The fraud he was just sentenced for in November of 2023. Truly wild stuff.

Is the Justice System Broken: Our Whole System is on Trial

As mentioned before, the Murdaugh family were titans of both law and politics in the South Carolina Lowcountry for nearly a century. So, could they be touched, or were they truly above the law?

In this episode, the hosts look at why the prosecution seemed to lose steam and confidence in their case against Murdaugh.

How Many Lies Will the Jury Buy?

Episode 80 of the murder mystery finds our hosts going over the testimony of Murdaugh’s sister and finding that the criminal investigations focused on Alex are causing the defense to unravel. The systematic corruption of the powerful is on full display, and we, the listeners, by week four of the trial, are pretty sure who the killers are.

Alex Murdaugh’s Bond Set at $7 Million Dollars

There is something visceral about watching someone who thinks they are untouchable being backed into a corner in real time. It is a preview of what we are watching unfold now in the Donald Trump cases. Would Murdaugh be able to come up with the $7 million, considering a large part of the charges against him were regarding money and pilfered funds?

Very informative. Very telling.

How Many People Will Go Down for This

As the hosts mentioned many times on the show, this was the unraveling of the good old boys club of this area of South Carolina. The Murdaugh family and their associates were untouchable. But as soon as that boat wreck upset the status quo, everything began to fall apart.

Defense attorney Justin Bamberg points out that loyalty is an enormous part of the culture in this part of the country, but that doesn’t always stop charges of obstruction of justice, conspiracy, or tangential charges from being brought.

Again, one of the core issues the Murdaugh Murders Podcast covers in great detail, with unmatched insight, is just how intertwined this network of good old boys politics was. And if you pulled at a single thread, the tapestry would unwind.

How far does loyalty extend when prosecutors are looking at you?

The Big Problem With the Justice System and How to Fix It

Spoilers: Alex Murdaugh lost. But it was a high profile case, so I’m sure you knew that. This isn’t a new tale, but one that is informative of cases like this in the future. As the law should be.

In this episode from May of 2023, Matney and Farrell talk about victims’ rights and how to reform the justice system. Reform it in such a way that these good old boys cabals can’t act with impunity. How do you hold the powerful accountable within the confines of the legal system?

Alex Murdaugh’s Defense: The Other Side of the Story

Though he was found guilty, we’d be remiss if we didn’t at least give an overview of the defense Murdaugh raised and how transparently weak it really was. How the defense team thought this would work is baffling.

Granted, I’m not an attorney, but let’s take a look.

Alex Murdaugh’s defense was spearheaded by a team of seasoned lawyers, including Dick Harpootlian and Jim Griffin (not the editor of the site). These legal experts brought their extensive experience to craft a defense strategy that aimed to counter the damning accusations against Murdaugh. Quite the mission, indeed.

The defense’s narrative centered on presenting an alternative explanation for the events and casting doubt on the prosecution’s case. Namely, Murdaugh was visiting his mother at the time of the murders for a brief time.

As for the money, a botched suicide for hire job was undertaken that left Murdaugh calling an ambulance. This really was a complex web of ineptitude and is unspeakably tragic.

Despite the efforts of Harpootlian and Griffin, the jury found the defense’s story unconvincing. The podcast delves into the reasons behind this, exploring how the evidence presented by the prosecution effectively countered the arguments made by Murdaugh’s legal team.

Key factors included inconsistencies in Murdaugh’s account, compelling forensic evidence, and the prosecution’s ability to connect the dots in a way that left little room for an alternative interpretation. He did himself no favors on the stand in his own defense. He just came off as someone who lacked empathy about the death of his son and his son’s mother Maggie, his wife.

This part of the podcast gives listeners insight into the complexities of legal defense in high-profile cases. It lays bare the strategies employed by defense lawyers and how they can sometimes fall short in the face of overwhelming evidence. This section not only adds depth to the understanding of the Murdaugh case but also offers a glimpse into the inner workings of the criminal justice system.

Through this detailed examination of Alex Murdaugh’s defense, the podcast underscores the notion that in the realm of law, even those with significant influence and resources can (and must) face the ultimate test of accountability.

Why Alex Murdaugh Podcasts are So Enthralling and the Role of Journalism

In the ongoing narrative of the Murdaugh family, the public’s interest extends beyond the bounds of the courtroom drama to the current lives of the family members, especially Buster Murdaugh. The Murdaugh Murders podcast, while recounting the riveting past events, also touches upon the role of journalism in keeping these stories in the public eye, not merely for entertainment, but as a crucial act of accountability.

Award-winning journalist Mandy Matney, through her podcast, plays a pivotal role in this ongoing narrative. Matney’s dedication to the story is not just about captivating her audience. It’s about the larger purpose of journalism, holding those in power to account. The Murdaugh family was firmly entrenched in the Lowlands of South Carolina, and it took a combination of journalism and law enforcement to root them out.

Buster Murdaugh, as a key figure in this saga, continues to be a subject of public and media attention. There was a settlement, but was there justice?

Matney’s podcast is integral in holding a candle up to the powerful who think that the rules do not apply to them. It’s laudable, really.

This is one of those stories that, even though recent, we ought to keep coming back to. The former President is embroiled in 4 different cases as of the time of this writing and is the front-runner for the Republican nomination. Politics aside, you have to see the parallels here.

Sure, it’s entertaining. It even makes for good late-night fodder, but the superb work of Mandy Matney and co-host Liz Farrell on the Murdaugh Murders Podcast should jolt us all out of the stupor of a 15-minute bit. No matter how well written.

The long-form narrative format of the podcast helps explain just how intricate the web really was and, hopefully, will help us recognize it when we see it again because we will see it again.

One drunken boat ride by an underage heir to the throne and the whole house of cards came down.

Expanding the Narrative: The Emergence of “True Sunlight”

Mandy Matney’s journalistic endeavors extend far beyond the captivating twists of the Murdaugh Murders podcast. A shining example of her expansive work (under the same Luna Shark Productions umbrella) is the podcast “True Sunlight,” which emerged from the Murdaugh case but has since transcended it, delving into broader themes at the intersection of journalism and law.

The Natural Evolution of the Murdaugh Murders Podcast

But the DNA is there. It’s the new face of MMP. The name of the podcast isn’t all that important, is it? It’s the depth of the work that’s important. With all the nonsense on Facebook and social media, this work is more important than it has ever been.

This project reflects a deep commitment to social responsibility, highlighting journalists’ critical role in informing the public and holding power to account.

“True Sunlight” is a testament to Matney’s understanding that the issues raised in the Murdaugh case are not isolated incidents. It’s been described as the antithesis of true crime.

The podcast broadens the conversation, exploring how similar dynamics of power, influence, and justice play out in other contexts. This shift from a single case study to a wider exploration of societal issues marks a significant step in Matney’s career as a journalist. It showcases her ability to tell a compelling story and stimulate thoughtful discourse on the responsibilities and impacts of legal and journalistic practices.

In “True Sunlight,” listeners find a series that goes beyond the sensational aspects of true crime. It’s a deeper dive into how these stories affect communities and the justice system at large. This podcast serves as a platform for examining the ethical implications and societal consequences of legal battles involving influential figures.

The evolution from the Murdaugh Murders podcast to “True Sunlight” highlights Matney’s dedication to unearthing truths that resonate on a societal level. It’s a project that underscores the importance of responsible journalism in our understanding of law, power, and its effects on society.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I listen to the Murdaugh Murders Podcast?

The good news is that this is a very popular podcast available on almost any platform. You can find it on your favorite podcast app. If you listen on an Android phone, look at some Android app solutions. We do like the player.

What is the new name for the Murdaugh Murders Podcast?

True Sunlight is the evolution of the Murdaugh Murders podcast. It’s excellent and you should give it a listen after finishing the series.

What is the best Murdaugh Podcast?

The best podcast focusing on the Murdaugh family case is the “Murdaugh Murders Podcast,” created by award-winning journalist Mandy Matney. It has been widely recognized for its in-depth investigation into the powerful Murdaugh family of South Carolina​​. It was award-winning for a reason, people.

Which is the better Murdaugh documentary?

Netflix released a series titled “The Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal.” This series explores the shocking crimes and the downfall of Alex Murdaugh, providing a comprehensive look at the events that captivated the nation. It’s one of the most notable productions about the case, offering viewers a detailed account of the Murdaugh family’s history, the murders, and the subsequent investigations.

In Conclusion… I mean, Why?

Alex Murdaugh had it all. This was, and is, clearly a broken person who started to dig a hole and just kept digging until he was trapped. It always surprises me that people can live double lives when I have difficulty maintaining one.

Is there a lesson here? Probably. Stop digging. Get help.

The Murdaugh Murders Podcast was an excellent listen that anyone fascinated with true crime, the human condition, or psychology should listen to. It’s inherently compelling listening that you will likely end up bingeing, so make sure to set aside time for this.

The post Murdaugh Murders Podcast The Fascinating Meltdown 100 Years In The Making appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

The 52 Best Comedy Podcasts of All Time Fri, 16 Feb 2024 15:47:28 +0000 In recent years, the podcast landscape has experienced an unprecedented surge in popularity, with millions of listeners around the world tuning in to diverse genres for entertainment and knowledge. One significant contributor to this phenomenon is the remarkable growth of comedy podcasts, a genre that has witnessed an explosion of creativity and innovation. Comedians, once […]

The post The 52 Best Comedy Podcasts of All Time appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

In recent years, the podcast landscape has experienced an unprecedented surge in popularity, with millions of listeners around the world tuning in to diverse genres for entertainment and knowledge. One significant contributor to this phenomenon is the remarkable growth of comedy podcasts, a genre that has witnessed an explosion of creativity and innovation. Comedians, once confined to the stage, have ventured into the world of audio to deliver humor, discussions, and a unique fly-on-the-wall experience that resonates with audiences across the globe.

Notably, some of the best comedy podcasts have emerged from the minds of renowned comedians, leveraging the podcast platform to showcase their wit and engage with fans on a deeper level. Names like Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, and Will Arnett have joined forces for “SmartLess,” delivering laughter and insightful conversations with celebrity guests. The success of “How Did This Get Made” with Paul Scheer, Jason Mantzoukas, and June Diane Raphael reflects the audience’s appetite for humorous deep dives into the absurdities of the entertainment industry, making it a must-listen for pop culture enthusiasts.

Among the comedic offerings, “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend” stands out as a testament to the enduring appeal of beloved comedians transitioning into the podcast realm. Featuring the iconic late-night host, Conan O’Brien, engaging in candid and humorous conversations with celebrity guests, the show exemplifies the intimate and entertaining fly-on-the-wall experience that has become synonymous with the best comedy podcasts. As the podcast landscape continues to evolve, the delightful banter of “Office Ladies,” where Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey revisit their time on “The Office,” exemplifies the trend of bringing beloved sitcoms and iconic moments into the podcasting world.

Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

Conan O'Briend Needs a friend is a consistently one of the best comedy podcasts in the genre.

Conan O’Brien, the iconic stand-up comedian and TV show host, invites celebrity guests to dive deep into hilarious conversations, showcasing his wit and charm. With a fly-on-the-wall perspective, this podcast explores the world of Hollywood and pop culture, making it a must-listen for those craving a true crime podcast alternative with a comedic twist.

WTF with Marc Maron

How good was Marc Maron's work on GLOW?

Marc Maron, a seasoned stand-up comedian and former sitcom star, presents “WTF,” a weekly podcast featuring intimate interviews with celebrity guests. Maron’s probing questions reveal the true depths of his guests, offering a unique, fly-on-the-wall experience. While not a true crime podcast, its deep dives into personal stories make it a captivating alternative for true crime enthusiasts in search of authentic narratives.

How Did This Get Made

Join comedians Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, and Jason Mantzoukas as they take a hilarious deep dive into some of the worst movies ever made. While not a true crime podcast, “How Did This Get Made” provides a refreshing break, offering laughter and absurdity. Dive into the world of bad movies and enjoy the comedy these hosts bring to their dissection of cinematic failures.

Office Ladies

Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey, beloved co-stars from “The Office,” reunite to give fans a behind-the-scenes look at the hit sitcom. While not a true crime podcast, “Office Ladies” is a delightful fly-on-the-wall experience, revisiting favorite episodes with insider anecdotes. If you’re seeking a break from crime stories, enjoy the camaraderie of two friends reminiscing about the world of Dunder Mifflin.


The best comedy podcasts are starting to garner some of the biggest paychecks in 2024.

“SmartLess” features Hollywood stars Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, and Will Arnett engaging in comedic conversations with celebrity guests. Though not a true crime podcast, it offers an entertaining fly-on-the-wall experience with unexpected twists. This star-studded show provides a delightful diversion from crime stories, making it an excellent choice for those looking for the best comedy podcasts.

Fly on the Wall

“Fly on the Wall” promises a unique perspective into the lives of its hosts or guests. While not a true crime podcast, this show offers a behind-the-scenes, fly-on-the-wall experience that might appeal to those seeking a break from crime stories. With the potential for celebrity guests and candid conversations, it provides an entertaining alternative to typical true crime fare.

Why Won’t You Date Me?

Nicole Byer’s “Why Won’t You Date Me?” is a hilarious deep dive into the complexities of dating. As a stand-up comedian, Nicole brings her wit and charm, making it more than just a true crime podcast alternative. With episodes featuring celebrity guests and discussions on relationships, it’s an engaging listen for those looking for a laugh without the crime drama.

Off Menu

“Off Menu” offers a delightful escape with hosts James Acaster and Ed Gamble taking guests on a fantasy meal journey. While not a true crime podcast, the show’s comedic approach to discussing food and life provides a welcome diversion. With celebrity guests and humorous banter, it’s an excellent choice for those seeking a break from crime stories and looking for the best comedy podcasts.

All Fantasy Everything

“All Fantasy Everything (AFE)” brings together comedians Ian Karmel, Sean Jordan, and David Gborie for a hilarious podcast experience. In this unique show, the hosts and their expert guests conduct drafts, selecting pop culture items ranging from music and movies to unconventional categories like sandwiches. With drafts covering everything from Tom Hanks movies to dunk-worthy phrases, “AFE” offers a comedic fly-on-the-wall experience into the world of imaginative and amusing pop culture discussions.

Call Chelsea Peretti

“Call Chelsea Peretti” features the witty Chelsea Peretti taking calls from listeners. Although not a true crime podcast, Chelsea’s humor and unique take on life make it an entertaining choice. It’s a fly-on-the-wall experience as Chelsea engages with fans, offering a light-hearted alternative for those looking to step away from crime narratives and explore the best comedy podcasts.

Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness

Jonathan Van Ness invites listeners to join him on curious explorations of various topics. While not a true crime podcast, its deep dives into diverse subjects offer an engaging and informative experience. With celebrity guests and Jonathan’s infectious enthusiasm, it’s a refreshing alternative for those seeking a break from crime stories and looking for podcasts that mix humor and education.

My Dad Wrote a Porno

“My Dad Wrote a Porno” is a standout in the comedy podcast world, providing a unique and hilarious approach. This true crime podcast alternative, featuring Jamie Morton reading his father’s erotic novels, offers a fly-on-the-wall experience into the absurdity of the written world. With recurring themes and celebrity guests, it stands out among the best comedy podcasts for its unconventional yet side-splitting content.

Trashy Divorces

“Trashy Divorces” combines humor and true crime elements by delving into the messy divorces of celebrities. This engaging podcast, while not strictly a true crime podcast, provides a unique perspective on relationships gone awry. For those seeking a break from traditional crime stories, the show offers celebrity gossip, laughs, and a fly-on-the-wall experience into the lives of the rich and famous.

A Very Fatal Murder

“A Very Fatal Murder” is a satirical take on the true crime podcast genre. This fictional podcast, produced by The Onion, brilliantly parodies crime stories with humor and wit. A must-listen for comedy podcast enthusiasts, it cleverly incorporates elements of true crime while delivering laughs, making it an entertaining choice for those looking for a departure from traditional crime narratives.

No Such Thing As a Fish

The QI Elves’ podcast, “No Such Thing As a Fish,” stands out for its blend of comedy and deep dives into obscure facts. While not a true crime podcast, its witty banter and insightful discussions offer a refreshing alternative. Dive into the world of quirky trivia, celebrity guests, and humorous anecdotes for an engaging, fly-on-the-wall experience that’s perfect for those in search of the best comedy podcasts.

RHLSTP with Richard Herring

“RHLSTP with Richard Herring” is a comedic interview podcast where Richard Herring engages with a variety of guests. Though not a true crime podcast, its fly-on-the-wall approach provides intimate conversations with celebrities and comedians. With episodes featuring stand-up comedy and unique insights into the lives of the guests, it’s a compelling alternative for those looking to mix humor and entertainment.

Athletico Mince

“Athletico Mince” is a surreal and humorous podcast featuring Bob Mortimer and Andy Dawson. While not a true crime podcast, its unpredictable banter and absurd scenarios offer a delightful fly-on-the-wall experience. With celebrity impressions, quirky characters, and a touch of football talk, it’s a top choice for those seeking the best comedy podcasts with an offbeat flavor.

The Adam Buxton Podcast

“The Adam Buxton Podcast” showcases comedian Adam Buxton’s engaging interviews with various guests. Though not a true crime podcast, its fly-on-the-wall conversations cover a range of topics with a humorous touch. With celebrity guests, insightful discussions, and personal anecdotes, it’s an excellent choice for those looking to enjoy a more relaxed and humorous podcast experience.

Fake Doctors, Real Friends

“Fake Doctors, Real Friends” reunites “Scrubs” stars Zach Braff and Donald Faison for a comedic look back at the beloved sitcom. While not a true crime podcast, it offers fans a fly-on-the-wall experience into the behind-the-scenes stories of the show. With humor, nostalgia, and guest appearances, it’s a must-listen for “Scrubs” enthusiasts and those seeking the best comedy podcasts.

2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer

“2 Bears, 1 Cave” brings together comedians Tom Segura and Bert Kreischer for a hilarious look at their friendship. Though not a true crime podcast, its fly-on-the-wall conversations offer an intimate and funny perspective into their lives. With witty banter, celebrity guests, and unfiltered discussions, it stands out among the best comedy podcasts for those seeking an entertaining break from crime narratives.

Adam Carolla Show

The “Adam Carolla Show” features comedian Adam Carolla’s humorous take on current events and interviews. While not a true crime podcast, it offers a fly-on-the-wall experience into Carolla’s world of comedy and commentary. With celebrity guests and Carolla’s witty insights, it’s a compelling choice for those looking for the best comedy podcasts with a talk show format and a touch of humor.

Your Mom’s House with Christina P. and Tom Segura

“Your Mom’s House” with Tom Segura and Christina Pazsitzky is a comedic podcast offering a fly-on-the-wall experience into their marriage and family life. While not a true crime podcast, its humor, inside jokes, and entertaining banter make it a top choice for comedy podcast enthusiasts. With recurring segments and celebrity guests, it provides a delightful escape from true crime narratives.

The Breakfast Club

“The Breakfast Club” is a popular radio show featuring interviews with celebrities and discussions on current events. While not a true crime podcast, its fly-on-the-wall format allows listeners to experience candid conversations and celebrity interviews. With a mix of humor and serious discussions, it stands out among talk show formats, providing an engaging alternative for those looking beyond true crime stories.

Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald

“Heather McDonald’s Juicy Scoop” is a comedic podcast exploring celebrity gossip and pop culture. While not a true crime podcast, its humorous take on current events offers a light-hearted fly-on-the-wall experience. With juicy stories, celebrity interviews, and McDonald’s witty commentary, it’s a top choice for those seeking the best comedy podcasts with a focus on entertainment news.

Good For You

“Good For You” is comedian Whitney Cummings’ podcast where she engages in honest and insightful conversations. While not a true crime podcast, its fly-on-the-wall discussions with celebrity guests provide a unique perspective. With Cummings’ humor and unfiltered conversations, it’s an excellent choice for those interested in comedy podcasts that offer a mix of laughter and thought-provoking insights.

Help I Sexted My Boss

“Help I Sexted My Boss” is a comedic podcast featuring etiquette advice from hosts Jordan North and William Hanson. While not a true crime podcast, it provides a humorous fly-on-the-wall experience. With celebrity guests, the show offers a unique blend of comedy, pop culture, and helpful tips, making it an engaging choice for comedy podcast enthusiasts.

My Therapist Ghosted Me

“My Therapist Ghosted Me” is a podcast exploring mental health with comedians Joel Dommett and Melissa Broom. Though not a true crime podcast, it delves deep into personal stories with a comedic touch, offering a fly-on-the-wall experience into therapy discussions. With a focus on self-improvement and mental health, it provides a unique perspective for those interested in best comedy podcasts with substance.

Films To Be Buried With

“Films To Be Buried With” is hosted by Brett Goldstein, a comedian, and actor. While not a true crime podcast, it offers a deep dive into guests’ favorite films with a humorous twist. With discussions about life, death, and cinema, it’s a captivating alternative for those looking for the best comedy podcasts with a cinematic focus.

Nobody Panic

“Nobody Panic” is a comedy podcast hosted by Tessa Coates and Stevie Martin, providing practical advice with a comedic flair. While not a true crime podcast, it offers a fly-on-the-wall experience into discussions on adulting, making it a refreshing alternative for those seeking a break from crime stories.

The Office Deep Dive with Brian Baumgartner

“The Office Deep Dive” with Brian Baumgartner is a podcast where the actor, known for playing Kevin Malone on “The Office,” explores the show’s behind-the-scenes stories. While not a true crime podcast, it offers a fly-on-the-wall experience for fans of the sitcom, providing insights and laughs.

Also check out the new iteration of his podcast with “Off the Beat.

Storytime with Seth Rogen

“Storytime with Seth Rogen” offers a humorous and engaging podcast where Seth Rogen shares entertaining stories. While not a true crime podcast, it provides a fly-on-the-wall experience into Rogen’s life, featuring celebrity guests and anecdotes that captivate listeners seeking the best comedy podcasts.

Early Work with Rhys James

“Early Work with Rhys James” showcases comedians discussing their early creative efforts. While not a true crime podcast, it provides a fly-on-the-wall experience into the world of comedy, with guests sharing their early works and humorous anecdotes.

Good One

“Good One” is a podcast focusing on jokes and the creative process of comedians. While not a true crime podcast, it provides a deep dive into the world of stand-up comedy, making it a must-listen for those interested in the best comedy podcasts and the art of humor.


“Tailenders” is a cricket-themed podcast with Greg James, Jimmy Anderson, and Felix White. While not a true crime podcast, it offers a fly-on-the-wall experience into the world of cricket with humor, anecdotes, and celebrity guests.

The Dollop

“The Dollop” features comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds discussing historical events with humor. While not a true crime podcast, its fly-on-the-wall format provides a hilarious deep dive into intriguing and often absurd stories from the past.

Comedy Bang Bang

“Comedy Bang Bang,” hosted by Scott Aukerman, is a hilarious podcast featuring celebrity interviews and improv comedy. Broadcasting on Earwolf, the show stands out as one of the best comedy podcasts, offering a unique blend of humor, sketches, and guest appearances. With its roots in New York’s comedy scene, “Comedy Bang Bang” has become an iconic staple, delivering fresh and entertaining content to its listeners.

Doug Loves Movies

“Doug Loves Movies,” hosted by comedian Doug Benson, is a podcast where guests discuss movies and play entertaining games. While not an NPR production, it captures the essence of comedic banter and cinephile discussions. With new episodes regularly released, the podcast has become a go-to for movie enthusiasts looking for engaging and humorous content.

Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me

“Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me” is an NPR-produced comedy news quiz, combining humor and current events. Airing new episodes weekly, the show features panelists and celebrity guests who humorously dissect news stories. As one of NPR’s beloved offerings, it continues to be a reliable source of laughs for audiences seeking the best comedy podcasts with a news-oriented twist.

The Joe Rogan Experience

The Joe Rogan Experience” needs no introduction, as Joe Rogan’s long-form interviews have become synonymous with the podcasting world. Airing new episodes regularly, the show features in-depth conversations with a diverse range of guests. While not an NPR production, it has gained a massive following, making it one of the best comedy podcasts globally.

Call Her Daddy

Call Her Daddy,” hosted by Alexandra Cooper and Sofia Franklyn, is a podcast exploring dating and relationships with a humorous twist. Although not an NPR production, the show has achieved immense popularity, particularly among young adults. With its unabashed discussions and new episodes, it has secured its place among the best comedy podcasts in the relationship genre.


“Bertcast” is comedian Bert Kreischer’s podcast where he engages in candid conversations with guests. Airing new episodes regularly, the show captures the essence of Kreischer’s comedic style and storytelling. While not an NPR production, “Bertcast” stands out as one of the best comedy podcasts for those seeking unfiltered and entertaining discussions.

The Adventure Zone

“The Adventure Zone” is a highly acclaimed actual play Dungeons & Dragons podcast by the McElroy family. Airing new episodes regularly, the show is known for its engaging storytelling, humor, and unique characters. While not an NPR production, it has gained a massive fan base, becoming a standout in the best comedy podcasts within the realm of gaming and storytelling.

The Tiny Meat Gang Podcast

“The Tiny Meat Gang Podcast” features comedian duo Cody Ko and Noel Miller discussing a variety of topics. Airing new episodes regularly, the show has gained popularity for its humorous take on current events and internet culture. While not an NPR production, it has become a favorite among listeners seeking the best comedy podcasts for a fresh and irreverent perspective.

The Gus & Eddy Podcast

“The Gus & Eddy Podcast” showcases the comedic chemistry between Gus Johnson and Eddy Burback. Airing new episodes regularly, the show provides a humorous fly-on-the-wall experience into the hosts’ lives. While not an NPR production, it’s a delightful choice for those looking for the best comedy podcasts with a lighthearted and conversational tone.

Anna Faris is Unqualified

“Anna Faris is Unqualified” is a podcast where Anna Faris and her celebrity guests give unfiltered relationship advice. Airing new episodes regularly, the show combines humor with insightful discussions. While not an NPR production, it stands out among the best comedy podcasts for its candid conversations and entertaining take on love and relationships.

You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes

“You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes” features comedian Pete Holmes engaging in lengthy and humorous interviews with various guests. Airing new episodes regularly, the show is known for its deep dives into personal and comedic topics. While not an NPR production, it has become a staple in the best comedy podcasts for its unique blend of humor and introspection.


“Smodcast” is filmmaker Kevin Smith’s podcast featuring conversations with his longtime collaborator Scott Mosier. Airing new episodes regularly, the show is a relaxed and humorous exploration of various topics. While not an NPR production, it remains a favorite among listeners seeking the best comedy podcasts for its conversational and unscripted nature.

The Pete and Sebastian Show

“The Pete and Sebastian Show” features comedians Pete Correale and Sebastian Maniscalco discussing life and comedic anecdotes. Airing new episodes regularly, the show captures the chemistry between the co-hosts, providing a humorous fly-on-the-wall experience. While not an NPR production, it’s a delightful choice for those looking for the best comedy podcasts with a comedic slice-of-life approach.

The Pat McAfee Show

“The Pat McAfee Show” is a sports and comedy podcast hosted by former NFL player Pat McAfee. Airing new episodes regularly, the show features McAfee’s humorous take on sports and current events. While not an NPR production, it has gained popularity among sports and comedy enthusiasts, establishing itself among the best comedy podcasts in the sports genre.

Comedy Podcasts FAQ

What is the number one comedy podcast?

“The Joe Rogan Experience” is often considered one of the most popular comedy podcasts.

What is the funny podcast about reviews?

“How Did This Get Made?” is a hilarious podcast that reviews and discusses notoriously bad films.

Who is the LA-based comedian podcast host, TV, and film star?

One prominent LA-based comedian podcast host, TV, and film star is Marc Maron, known for “WTF with Marc Maron.”

What should I listen to if I like SmartLess?

If you enjoy “SmartLess,” you might also like “The Dollop” or “No Such Thing As A Fish” for their humorous and informative content.

What are some good comedy podcasts?

There are many good comedy podcasts, including “The Comedy Store Podcast,” “My Dad Wrote A Porno,” and “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend.”

What are the best comedy podcasts on iTunes?

Some of the best comedy podcasts on iTunes include “The Joe Rogan Experience,” “My Dad Wrote A Porno,” and “The Dollop.”

Can you recommend any hilarious improv comedy podcasts?

Sure! Check out “The Improv Punch Up,” “Hello from the Magic Tavern,” or “Spontaneanation with Paul F. Tompkins” for hilarious improv comedy.

Which comedy podcasts are popular for their improv sketches?

“Comedy Bang! Bang!” and “The Big Ones” are popular comedy podcasts known for their entertaining improv sketches.

Can you recommend a comedy podcast with improv elements?

“The Off Menu Podcast” and “The Adventure Zone” (Balance Arc) incorporate improv elements into their comedic storytelling.

Which comedy podcasts are best for a long road trip?

For a long road trip, consider podcasts with engaging storytelling and humor like “The Adventure Zone,” “My Dad Wrote A Porno,” or “The Last Podcast On The Left.”

What are the most popular comedy podcasts right now?

For the most current information, check podcast charts, but some popular comedy podcasts include “The Joe Rogan Experience,” “SmartLess,” and “The Dollop.”

What are the top-rated comedy podcasts for a good laugh?

Top-rated comedy podcasts often include “The Joe Rogan Experience,” “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend,” and “My Dad Wrote A Porno” for a good laugh.

Which comedy podcasts are recommended for a good laugh during my commute?

For a humorous commute, try “The Office Ladies,” “The Tiny Meat Gang Podcast,” or “The Comedy Store Podcast” for a good dose of laughter.

Which comedy podcasts are the most popular right now?

Popular comedy podcasts can change, but “The Joe Rogan Experience,” “SmartLess,” and “The Dollop” are widely recognized.

Can you recommend any comedy podcasts similar to “The Adventure Zone”?

If you enjoy “The Adventure Zone,” you might like “Critical Role” or “Not Another D&D Podcast” for more entertaining role-playing game adventures with a comedic twist.

The post The 52 Best Comedy Podcasts of All Time appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

Podcast Spotlight: Undesign Wed, 05 Jan 2022 19:27:59 +0000 Undesign: A Social Change Podcast is an engrossing podcast that feels tailor-made for those who find the popular segment-based approach to discussing bigger topics (e.g. 99% Invisible) to be more of a tease and satisfactory coverage. Hosted by researcher Kosta Lucas, Undesign interviews guests “Dedicated to tackling big social challenges” for an hour per episode. […]

The post Podcast Spotlight: Undesign appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

Undesign: A Social Change Podcast is an engrossing podcast that feels tailor-made for those who find the popular segment-based approach to discussing bigger topics (e.g. 99% Invisible) to be more of a tease and satisfactory coverage. Hosted by researcher Kosta Lucas, Undesign interviews guests “Dedicated to tackling big social challenges” for an hour per episode. The mission statement of the podcast isn’t a particularly important personal goal of Lucas, either, it’s synergetic with the show’s producer DrawHistory, a strategy and design consultant firm with a specific focus on coaching client companies in approaching “the crises and injustices” of the modern world. With clients like the UN and Wikimedia they’re definitely a step above your average startup with a splashy website. 

Episode 11 is an excellent starting point for new listeners as Lucas talks to Google’s Garen Checkley about the company’s efforts to anticipate and implement inclusivity in new technology. Their conversation about the intricacies of unlearning assumptions of common knowledge about technology to make modern tech accessible to those who’ve never used a computer, let alone a smartphone, scratches podcast-learning itches one might not have had scratched in quite some time. Undesign is as insightful as it is fascinating.

We were fortunate to talk with Jeffrey Effendi, Founder and Chief of Innovation at DrawHistory about the podcast, how they differentiate from other podcasts, and their future plans in podcasting. See below for our full Q&A.

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DISCOVER PODS: How’d you get into podcasting?

EFFENDI: As a consultancy working in the social change sector, we often connect with people doing impactful work and get to hold interesting conversations with them. This year, we wanted to share what we were learning from them to the world, especially for those pursuing to make an impact in their own field of work. By exposing people to these conversations, we hope they will be able to better engage with social issues in a way that is authentic for them and see how they fit best. 

It was also great to have Kosta Lucas, our Head of Community Practice, as our host. Kosta is someone who had spent so much time listening to podcasts, that it was only a matter of time before he would become inspired. It’s a medium that fits perfectly with his own love of the art of conversation, and the fact that podcasting lets you be both teacher and student in any given conversation.

DISCOVER PODS: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to Undesign?

EFFENDI: Today, we’re facing a set of incredibly complex issues without clear answers — global health, racism, nationalism, violent extremism, climate change, inequality. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and say there’s nothing we can do. But if there’s anything we’ve learned from our work, it’s that we can always do something. 

Undesign takes on these big, challenging discussions while staying accessible and grounded in real insights and actions. We’re not looking to bore or intimidate listeners. We’re looking to learn, together, how we can take on today’s wicked problems. Our hope is that anyone who cares about change can listen to Undesign to get inspired and informed to work on the issues that are most meaningful to them. 

The other thing that makes Undesign unique is the people we interview. Season 1 featured a range of amazing guests — from global organizations like the United Nations, Wikipedia, and Google to grassroots organizations like IndigenousX — many of whom you may not have heard from before. And just like our team, our guests are global and diverse, speaking to us from the US, Australia, Japan, UK, and everywhere in between.

DISCOVER PODS: What kind of feedback have you heard from your listeners?

EFFENDI: We’re thrilled by the feedback we’re hearing from folks around the world — mainly that it’s getting them to make sense of social issues in different ways, and that it’s sparked ideas for them to create change in their own world. However, the funnest part has been having friends and respected peers in industry reach out to let us know which episode resonated with them most — and us being surprised at which ones they connected with!

Read more: 99% Invisible: the podcast where design meets curiosity

DISCOVER PODS: Describe your recording set up? What equipment are you using?

EFFENDI: Our set up is really simple – we rely heavily on our amazing producer, Jimmie Linville! But in order to get him what he needs we use a Blue Yeti X and a Zoom H2n mic and try to record in a good, insulated room. When we started out we had more guests in person, but as we continue to grow, we’re finding ourselves doing remote interviews, which means a virtual recording setup becomes more important (as does a stable internet connection)! For this, we’ve been using

DISCOVER PODS: What’s the biggest challenge you face as an indie podcaster?

EFFENDI: The last couple of years have been tough for everyone, but they’ve reminded us how important it is to make change happen now rather than later. Though creating a podcast isn’t typically seen as “agency work”, and it takes juggling to fit that in, we know that there’s value in putting out these conversations for the community.

DISCOVER PODS: Where do you want to take your podcast?

EFFENDI: We are excited about the insights, themes and through-lines people will uncover for themselves with Undesign to inform their work better. Our intention is to continue these conversations with more guests to explore topics such as the role of AI, ethics, and technology, so that these insights can continue to be accessed and applied to redesign a better, more inclusive society. 

The other thing we’re looking forward to is evolving what Undesign’s conversations can look like. Season 1 featured 1:1 interviews between Kosta and our guests. For Season 2, we’re looking to build on this with new formats as well. For example, we have plans for episodes with two guests, mainly to share different insights and perspectives on the same topic. We can share that Season 2 will continue to feature leaders, thinkers and doers from some of the most important organizations and research shaping our world today. 

DISCOVER PODS: What other podcasts are you listening to now?

EFFENDI: We love Ologies with Alie Ward, Factually! with Adam Conocer, and Secretly Incredibly Fascinating with Alex Schmidt. A big shoutout to all of them.

DISCOVER PODS: Anything else you’d like to add? 

EFFENDI: Undesign is all about untangling complex issues without obvious answers. And if there’s one thing we’ve learned through our first season, it’s that solving these wicked problems will be a group effort. Often, as strategists, we’re the ones connecting the dots with clients, but we genuinely believe that everyone can be a designer in our world’s future. That’s what drove us to create Undesign — to democratise important conversations about tough topics, make the issues that intimidate us feel more accessible and understandable, and help bring more people into the conversation. We’d love to hear from anyone who listened to Undesign. What insights did you learn? What conversations stuck with you? We’re starting to develop Season 2 now, and we’re making some changes based on what we think worked or didn’t work. If you have any ideas or feedback, drop us a note at!

The post Podcast Spotlight: Undesign appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

Podcast Spotlight: No F*cking Way Fri, 08 Oct 2021 20:42:36 +0000 No F*cking Way has the same energy as a high-energy MTV show from the heyday of Jackass and Pimp My Ride. If it existed in video form one can just feel it would involve a lot of whip-pans and fucky camera angles during otherwise uneventful interview footage to keep energy high. Hosts Matt Stillo and […]

The post Podcast Spotlight: No F*cking Way appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

No F*cking Way has the same energy as a high-energy MTV show from the heyday of Jackass and Pimp My Ride. If it existed in video form one can just feel it would involve a lot of whip-pans and fucky camera angles during otherwise uneventful interview footage to keep energy high. Hosts Matt Stillo and James Foster dedicate each episode to taking a person’s larger-than-life, a time that would make one say “no fucking way” in response, and elevate it with “immersive sound design.”

Taking a page out of the storied history of audio drama, No F*cking Way layers sound design over gently-edited recordings of various people telling their bonkers stories. Think less the reserved NPR-styled soundscapes of something like 99% Invisible and more morning radio DJ onomatopoeia approach old MTV series like Blind Date would take. For every subdued background atmosphere there’s something like the cartoon spring boing used to punctuate someone whipping their penis out in episode six (fitting, given the episode’s subject is a frat himbo who gets blasted on shrooms from a stranger on a beach). Ridiculous, lighthearted, and oddly nostalgic, No F*cking Way is a perfect 30 minute addition to your commute.

We were fortunate to talk with Stillo and Foster about the podcast, how they differentiate from other podcasts, and their future plans in podcasting. See below for our full Q&A.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify

DISCOVER PODS: How’d you get into podcasting?

STILLO: Before I rose in the ranks as a sound designer at a boutique audio post studio in Manhattan (where James and I met), I graduated from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and was an actor for over ten years. I performed off-Broadway under the tutelage of Elizabeth Swados and had the chance to work with actors who became podcast greats in their own right (Las Culturistas’ Matt Rogers). But after coming close to a few broadway opportunities and never booking, I grew discouraged and started focusing on audio. A few internships became jobs, which led to working alongside Wes Anderson, Greta Gerwig, and companies like Spotify and HBO. I became a heavy podcast listener in 2015, and by the time the pandemic hit in 2020, two cosmic events happened simultaneously: James and I began work on what would eventually become No F*cking Way, and iHeartRadio asked me to come work in their custom podcast division full-time. Between my formal training in performance and career experience in audio, making NFW feels like the culmination of all the facets in my life. Nothing else has clicked quite like this show, and I’m incredibly proud of it.

FOSTER: After several years of working in a post facility mixing TV and film, I stepped away to start freelancing in hopes of having more say over what I worked on. As I started interacting with people outside the TV world, podcasting kept coming up over and over again. I was fortunate to have connections with people at Freakonomics Radio and iHeartMedia, where my first real podcasting experience started. And once I got a taste for it, I fell in love. 

DISCOVER PODS: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to No F*cking Way?

STILLO: Podcasting is a democratic space, and that’s what makes it beautiful. The bar for entry is low, and the sheer volume of opinions, ideas, and creativity is astounding. However, the bar for production value is also low. So, as professional audio engineers and storytellers, our mission was to fill this void with a show that included the sonic polish audiences are accustomed to in the golden age of streaming TV (although QCODE has seriously elevated the game). I mean, “Hey, let’s get our friends together and tell a bunch of crazy stories” sounds like the most idiotic way to start a podcast. But when combined with immersive storytelling, we knew we could heighten this incredibly simple idea to a cinematic plane. 

No F*cking Way combines the catharsis of re-telling an insane story in the company of friends with the exhilaration of experiencing it in the first place. 

Through intensive editing, scoring, and sound design, we cut to the captivating heart of every interview: imbuing and revealing the joy, terror, and awe wrapped up in each moment. 

While most storytelling podcasts clock in around an hour and change, we believe our audiences deserve better and keep episodes to the most engaging 30 minutes.

Whether thrilling, hilarious, mysterious, bizarre, or chaotic, it is our belief at NFW that we all have these stories. And that any good story well told, edited, and put through our scoring and sound design process can be a great story. Headphones required—no celebrities needed.

Listen to the first 30 seconds of any episode and tell us you don’t want to hear more!

FOSTER: People should listen to NFW because it’s the all-in-one storytelling package. First, the stories are great. Second, it’s layered with sound design and music to create this world where the story is actually happening while you listen. And third, it’s fun. The whole point of the show is to bring people to the ‘table’ and hang out while our friends share the craziest stories of their lives.

Read more: These Fiction Podcasts Want Your Stories

DISCOVER PODS: What kind of feedback have you heard from your listeners?

STILLO: As two people who have basically zero presence on social media—the response has been unbelievable. Last week, the show made Apple Podcasts’ “New & Noteworthy” section in Canada (hello to our Canadian brothers!), which has been the goal (aside from making ‘N&N’ in the US). Our download numbers have picked up significantly, and there’s been an outpouring of incredible comments.

Here are my two favorites: “Get lost in an engrossing world of madcap mayhem that will leave you muttering the show’s title under your breath at least twice an episode.” And “after listening to your podcast, all other podcasts are boring and terrible” — that last one really got me.

One response neither of us expected was legal—a powerful entertainment figure put enough pressure on the show that we had to take down our season finale. Listen to ‘The Lost Episode’ for a recap! Certainly learned a few lessons there.

But what I’ve been surprised by the most are the demographics. I assumed the show would resonate with the male under 40s crowd. But the number of women over 50 that have gone out of their way to reach out has been astounding. But then again, who doesn’t love a good story?

FOSTER: The feedback has been amazing. I’ve heard everything from “I strangely find this show relaxing,” which is hilarious, to “Shit is fire!” Mostly though, people seem to have genuinely connected with the show. They get what we’re doing with NFW, and they love it. But hands down, the best feedback from listeners is when they say, “As soon as the episode finished, I sent it to…” Of course, you invite your friend to a good time! 

DISCOVER PODS: Describe your recording setup? What equipment are you using?

STILLO: James and I have pretty similar setups, but I record an AKG C414 through a Neve 5032 Portico into the UA Apollo x8, compressing slightly with their digital 1176 emulation on a 2018 Mac mini. We record, edit, score, sound design, and mix everything in Pro Tools Ultimate with the help of Izotope’s PP Suite and a few favorite plugins, namely: FabFilter, Waves, and Sound Toys. We source most of our music through the Free Music Archive, and each of us have fairly extensive libraries with which we assemble and produce our sound design. We’ve had great results recording remotely with, ship dynamic USB mics to our guests to ensure quality recordings, and publish to most platforms through Buzzsprout.

FOSTER: The pandemic has been an interesting time in terms of recording other people, but I feel like everyone has gotten over that hurdle. My studio setup includes iMac, ProTools, Izotope PP Suite, Soundminer, a slew of other plugins, Senn 416, RodeNTG3, FocusriteLS56, and of course, a ton of misc items. 

DISCOVER PODS: What’s the biggest challenge you face as an indie podcaster?

STILLO: Time. 

FOSTER: It’s promotion, marketing, and getting ears on target. We’re in a unique position where the ability to create the show is not a hurdle; it’s what we do for a living. But what’s the point if no one listens? 

DISCOVER PODS: Where do you want to take your podcast?

STILLO: Ultimately, I want NFW to be a continuous weekly show, and I fully believe there are millions of completely mind-blowing stories out there. Scaling the show in a way that allows us to find those stories and share them with our listeners is the dream.

FOSTER: The show is as big as the stories we can tell. So I want to take the podcast to new heights by finding and sharing the craziest stories in the world! And those stories come from anyone. Some of the most unassuming people will have had the most insane moments in life; you just need to give them a chance to share. The ultimate goal is to create a community. A community of people who come and hang out with us every week to be entertained and regaled by unbelievable stories. 

DISCOVER PODS: What other podcasts are you listening to now?

STILLO: My favorite podcast, hands down, is Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History. But also in the current rotation is: Dissect, NPR’s Up First, The Home Improvement Association, Carrier, This American Life, Las Culturistas, Pod Save America, The Bowery Boys, Lovett or Leave It, Mike Birbiglia’s Working It Out, 99% Invisible, Oh, Hello: The P’dcast, Music Exists, and Bear Brook. Justin Long’s interview on Armchair Expert was one of the inspirations for our show, and I’m starting to dive into Swindled and Exit Scam this week.

FOSTER: My most recent listen today has been Armchair Expert

DISCOVER PODS: Anything else you’d like to add?

STILLO: I genuinely believe there’s nothing better in this world than sitting down with close friends, having a few drinks, and getting into it. If this show brings you a fraction of that joy—all of our hard work will have been worth it.

FOSTER: I think the only thing to add is that podcasting is still at the start of a massive journey in terms of how we communicate, spread ideas, share stories, and it’s really exciting to be part of that. 

The post Podcast Spotlight: No F*cking Way appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

Podcast Spotlight: Franchise Killer Thu, 07 Oct 2021 22:36:09 +0000 Franchise Killer’s initial premise is simple: a group of friends pick a film franchise (or something that could be argued is almost a franchise) and dedicate a miniseries of episodes to covering each entry, searching for the potential titular killer of said franchise. By virtue of a franchise usually existing due to popularity of the […]

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Franchise Killer’s initial premise is simple: a group of friends pick a film franchise (or something that could be argued is almost a franchise) and dedicate a miniseries of episodes to covering each entry, searching for the potential titular killer of said franchise. By virtue of a franchise usually existing due to popularity of the initial film, Franchise Killer walks a dangerous tightrope every movie podcasts must negotiate from time to time: covering extremely popular movies that every YouTuber, Twitch streamer, and podcaster has picked clean for content years prior. While not as focused on the directorial side of filmmaking as Blank Check with Griffin and David, fans of that podcast will feel right at home with this show’s general love of movies and creative negotiation of “franchises.”

The podcast manages to keep the proceedings fresh with fun miniseries that are more esoteric in scope (e.g. the movies of Robin Williams) to space out more traditional series. As fans of Blank Check or We Hate Movies can attest, committing to the slog that is going through every movie in a series like Transformers or Pirates of the Caribbean can suck the soul out of even the most upbeat podcast.

We were fortunate to talk with Schmitzer about the podcast, how they differentiate from other podcasts, and their future plans in podcasting. See below for our full Q&A.

Apple Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify | Podchaser

DISCOVER PODS: How’d you get into podcasting?

SCHMIZER: I have always been a film enthusiast and even debated going into filmmaking. There is just something about film that caught my attention. A few years ago I was encouraged to start my own podcast, which I did with some friends of mine. We recorded about 10 episodes but they were never launched. Not too long after I decided to give it another go with my family. We started with a Yeti mic and just riffed on movie franchises. It was very choppy and the audio wasn’t great. But as we progressed we studied up, got better mics, and had more involvement from members of the podcast. Now we have a good system going. It really is crazy to think that 2 years ago I knew next to nothing about audio recording and podcasting, and now I’ve edited hundreds of hours of audio.

DISCOVER PODS: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to Franchise Killer?

SCHMIZER: We are a group of friends who have an easy chemistry with one-another. The structure of our weekly podcast allows for extensive in-depth information about the featured film we are discussing each week; including plot breakdowns, individual reviews, box office analysis and ultimately why the film was beneficial or detrimental to its respective franchise. In addition to this, audiences can enjoy pristine audio quality due to the equipment we use.

DISCOVER PODS: What kind of feedback have you heard from your listeners?

SCHMIZER: We have heard mostly positive feedback about our podcast. The most significant feedback we hear is that we have great chemistry and our audio quality is good. The biggest negative notes we get are that our episodes can go on for a little too long. However, we’ve also received positive feedback for our longer episodes as well.

DISCOVER PODS: Describe your recording set up? What equipment are you using?

SCHMIZER: We have 4 of us in a living room surrounding the TV where we have the movie on silent in the background.

Our equipment: We each have a Rode NT-1 that sits on table mic stands that then run into a Tascam Model 12 Mixer. One of our members is remote, so we have him call in via cellphone, which runs through the mixer and back out to headphones that we wear.

DISCOVER PODS: What’s the biggest challenge you face as an indie podcaster?

SCHMIZER: The biggest challenge we face as an indie podcaster is growth. We have learned how to enhance the quality of our audio, we’ve learned how to be better hosts and create a more informative and engaging show. Unfortunately, podcasts don’t become popular overnight. We’ve been releasing episode for almost two years now, and we don’t want to get lost in the void.

DISCOVER PODS: Where do you want to take your podcast?

SCHMIZER: The goal is to see consistent growth in listeners, and launch a Patreon with even more content. We would also like to someday be recognized as one of the best movie review podcasts out there.

DISCOVER PODS: What other podcasts are you listening to now?

SCHMIZER: We listen to many different podcasts. We listen primarily to film podcasts such as School of Movies – A super informative movie review podcast that was the only reputable podcast to give us a chance and let us be guests on their show. We also listen to Blank Check which tends to be more loose and off-the-cuff, Screen Drafts which has long and engaging content with a different crew every episode, and /Film Daily.

Aside from film podcasts, many of us are into True Crime, so we listen to shows like Last Podcast on the Left and True Crime Garage.

DISCOVER PODS: Anything else you’d like to add?

SCHMIZER: We really enjoy doing what we do, and hope that people hear that in our show

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Podcast Spotlight: The Colon Health Podcast Mon, 13 Sep 2021 18:08:59 +0000 Hosted by Dr. Dac Teoli and presented by, The Colon Health Podcast wastes no time communicating a mission statement and subject matter. Presented in a polished, relaxing format, the podcast makes good use of Teoli’s Roman Mars-adjacent deep voice as the spoonful of sugar to make medicinal information go down smoother. Save for the […]

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Hosted by Dr. Dac Teoli and presented by, The Colon Health Podcast wastes no time communicating a mission statement and subject matter. Presented in a polished, relaxing format, the podcast makes good use of Teoli’s Roman Mars-adjacent deep voice as the spoonful of sugar to make medicinal information go down smoother. Save for the introductory episode in which Teoli introduces himself, Colon Health operates primarily as an interview podcast with various professionals speak on their particular area of expertise while Teoli (firmly in his “Doctor Dac” branding) acts as patient advocate for the audience as they learn about a not-often-discussed corner of medicine. “This show isn’t about rendering diagnosis or prescribing treatments… rather it’s about the journey in which our aim is exploration.”

The primary goal of Colon Health is education and it is wholly successful on that front. One has to engage with the podcast bearing an open mind to the fact the mission statement doesn’t leave much room for interrogating systemic issues in the medical industry that differently-formatted podcast like, say, Maintenance Phase could. The Colon Health Podcast is primarily focused on using the current sum total of medical knowledge to address just that: colon health.

We were fortunate to talk with Teoli about the podcast, how they differentiate from other podcasts, and their future plans in podcasting. See below for our full Q&A.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify

DISCOVER PODS: How’d you get into podcasting?

TEOLI: I’ve wanted to do podcasting in some capacity for years but never really had an opportunity that seemed to fit. When I was approached with the opportunity to host the Colon Health podcast, for it seemed like a perfect fit. My medical practice involves referring and treating patients with a wide variety of colon health issues, and in addition, as a lifelong learner I really appreciate the opportunity to interview and speak with other medical practitioners, researchers, thought leaders, and technology developers who are shaping our understanding of and approaches to treating colon health.

DISCOVER PODS: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to The Colon Health Podcast?

TEOLI: For the general public, Colon health is one of the most overlooked aspects of our health, and because it is so overlooked, learning even just a few simple things can dramatically lower your risk of colon cancer for instance, or help you get to the root cause of some chronic ailment that you’ve previously been unable to resolve. For health practitioners, The Colon Health Podcast provides a leading source of cutting edge information, in an easily digestible (no pun intended) format, in an area of health and medicine where there simply aren’t a lot of resources to find out about new technologies, developments, approaches, etc.

DISCOVER PODS: What kind of feedback have you heard from your listeners?

TEOLI: We don’t currently solicit feedback from listeners, so truthfully no large scale feedback. Anecdotally, the few listeners I have spoken with have enjoyed how easily accessible the show is, even for non-medical folks. We try to be a balance between bringing sophisticated interviews but also distilling the information down in a way that even a curious layperson can understand the information and get something out of it. And the feedback I’ve gotten back, has been that people have really appreciated that balance, we don’t talk down to people, but we also don’t use so much medical jargon that they cannot follow along. 

DISCOVER PODS: Describe your recording set up? What equipment are you using?

TEOLI: It’s a pretty simple setup really. We use Uber Calls to record interviews, and as for equipment I use a Yeti USB microphone into my laptop. 

DISCOVER PODS: What’s the biggest challenge you face as an indie podcaster?

TEOLI: We’re still in early days, but as of today, the biggest challenge is getting the word out about the show. It’s a niche topic that appeals to a relatively small slice of our potential listeners, and so because of that, mainstream advertising for the show doesn’t make much sense. So we’re relying on word of mouth primarily, and while that’s going well, it’s been slow going.

DISCOVER PODS: Where do you want to take your podcast?

TEOLI: Professionally, I would like to continue to build the audience, and have the Colon Health Podcast be considered the leading authority on providing colon health information to the public. And on a more personal level, I’d like for this show to have enough reach that we made a positive and substantial difference in the lives of our listeners, either through educating other professionals about developments in the field that enable them to improve their practices, and for the public at large, by providing them with some basic information that they can actually use to prevent cancer, and improve their colon and overall health.

DISCOVER PODS: What other podcasts are you listening to now?

TEOLI: Weirdly, I’m not a big podcast listener. I’ll jump around from time to time based on people’s recommendations, but with my practice and running The Colon Health Podcast, I don’t have a ton of professional free time, and what I do, I generally spend on keeping up to date on the fields and conditions that impact my patients.

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Podcast Spotlight: Video Games Real Talk Tue, 07 Sep 2021 23:09:53 +0000 Thanks to a decade of keyboard warriors’ attempts to simultaneously undermine and deify the concept of “games journalism,” it’s more difficult than one might think to find deep-dive insightful interview podcasts about the video game industry. Video Games Real Talk, while not explicitly sold as such, fills a niche of podcasting-about-the-industry. Hosts Alexander Fernandez and […]

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Thanks to a decade of keyboard warriors’ attempts to simultaneously undermine and deify the concept of “games journalism,” it’s more difficult than one might think to find deep-dive insightful interview podcasts about the video game industry. Video Games Real Talk, while not explicitly sold as such, fills a niche of podcasting-about-the-industry. Hosts Alexander Fernandez and Stefan Baier interview boots-on-the-ground experts from across the spectrum of positions and careers that work together to create the amorphous entity that is “the industry.” 

Video Games Real Talk bucks expectations set up by the title and the joystick-sporting logo. It is very much a podcast about video games, but without the talk show-esque vibe of a discussion podcast that has experts on to share curated, fun anecdotes in exchange for an opportunity to promote whatever project they’re currently working on. VGRT offers a more formal, business-minded alternative. One won’t find extended discussions about how Mrs. Pac-Man was the first game to have a cutscene or other minutiae, but they will find longform discussions with industry veterans like Jay Wilber and deep dives on normally dry topics like branding, marketing, all business that goes into video games. A must-listen for upcoming devs and superfans alike.

We were fortunate to talk with Fernandez about the podcast, how they differentiate from other podcasts, and their future plans in podcasting. See below for our full Q&A.

Apple Podcasts | Spotify

DISCOVER PODS: How’d you get into podcasting?

Fernandez: We started Streamline from the ground up and bootstrapped our way into the business. We’ve always felt it important to share knowledge so anyone who wants to get in can learn from our mistakes. We’ve always been open to talking about the business of video games. Usually we go to events and share our insights, but the pandemic restricted that connectivity so we looked for other ways to continue to share our 20-year industry knowledge. The podcast is it. We can reach everyone who is interested in the games industry, discuss all sides of the business behind the products, and the business that is driving huge economic and social changes in the world. 

DISCOVER PODS: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to Video Games Real Talk? What kind of feedback have you heard from your listeners?

Fernandez: VGRT (Video Games Real Talk) is about real-talk not marketing jargon. We know how to make games and understand the business of game development, which allows us to ask real questions and have informed discussions with our guests. In many ways it’s like eavesdropping on an exciting conversation between people who love video games.The format allows for all perspectives to be heard, and the feedback we’ve received says as much. People are finding the material relatable because the hosts and guests range from 20-60 years old, they entered the games industry from all walks of life, geographies, and backgrounds (both professionally and personally), and video games is the common ground.

DISCOVER PODS: Describe your recording set up? What equipment are you using?

Fernandez: Right now we use Rig, a Mac-Pro loaded that utilizes Zencastr to record. It creates a clear recording for each participant, and makes it easier to edit in post. I personally have a Neumann TLM 103 microphone plugged into an Apollo Twin, and use Logic editing suite, Rx8 for sound tuning, and mix on a Neumann set of cans. 

DISCOVER PODS: What’s the biggest challenge you face as an indie podcaster?

Fernandez: Time is the hardest thing. Finding adequate time to schedule, record, and edit podcasts. 

DISCOVER PODS: Where do you want to take your podcast?

Fernandez: There’s a sweet spot between education, practical application, and guidance. Having more opportunities to interact with our community while also connecting other influencing factors like macro finance and economy is a goal.

DISCOVER PODS: What other podcasts are you listening to now?

Fernandez: Harvard Idea Cast, Real Vision, and Hidden Forces.

DISCOVER PODS: Anything else you’d like to add?

Fernandez: Compounding knowledge is how one goes from good to great and for anyone who wants to be in video games understanding how things work from a macro and micro perspective is extremely important. It’s important to feed the mind on all levels not just development.

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Podcast Spotlight: Tipsy Exchange Sat, 28 Aug 2021 22:42:33 +0000 The Tipsy Exchange is another in a long line of podcasts in which friends use the facade of scheduling something productive to hang out. Mimicking the ever-popular My Favorite Murder format of one person reading articles to another, Tipsy Exchange features hosts Berly and LA choosing a concept or general topic, one of them researches […]

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The Tipsy Exchange is another in a long line of podcasts in which friends use the facade of scheduling something productive to hang out. Mimicking the ever-popular My Favorite Murder format of one person reading articles to another, Tipsy Exchange features hosts Berly and LA choosing a concept or general topic, one of them researches the topic, then they drink booze and talk about it.

Berly and LA are nice-sounding people. It’s very much a podcast one listens to in the background as a conversation-simulator rather than something with the intent of genuinely learning something any given week. The duo attempts to tackle online gaming with their sole experience being a single session of Among Us and LA overhearing her child being toxic. An article claiming Jimmy Fallon popularized gaming is treated as gospel. If one expects thoroughly-researched and insightful discussion, they’re going to be disappointed. Tipsy Exchange is more about chatting for fun than sharing facts. One must want and embrace the sloppiness to have a good time with moments like LA exclaiming “I bet those are worth a lot of money now” about E.T. for the Atari 2600, a famously bad game that sells for under $10.

We were fortunate to talk with co-host Berly about the podcast, how they differentiate from other podcasts, and their future plans in podcasting. See below for our full Q&A.

Listen: Stitcher | Spotify | Podchaser

DISCOVER PODS: How’d you get into podcasting?

BERLY: Berly and LA have known each other for roughly 20 years and always wanted to do something creative together. We discussed several ideas but never followed through. During the pandemic, we decided to finally move forward with something, and the Tipsy Exchange was born!

DISCOVER PODS: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to Tipsy Exchange?

BERLY: We candidly discuss topics from genres like pop culture, self care, history, mystery, true crime and sci fi. If you like variety (and don’t mind thirst comments from two singles who haven’t gotten back out there post-pandemic), then you will likely enjoy the Tipsy Exchange!

DISCOVER PODS: What kind of feedback have you heard from your listeners?

BERLY: Listeners have told us that we keep the conversation flowing organically, and that we have great chemistry. We are a chat show but we pull listeners into the conversation. We’ve also been told we have great voices and could open a phone sex line if the podcast fails. Always good to have a backup plan!

DISCOVER PODS: Describe your recording set up? What equipment are you using?

BERLY: Since LA has three dogs, we typically meet in person at Berly’s home and setup an HP laptop with a couple of Samson microphones. Since Berly’s home was damaged in the Texas winter storms, the setup has been pretty cozy in her small office, which actually seems to have helped with background noise and reverb so silver lining. We primarily use Hindenburg for recording and editing but have outsourced through Fiverr from time to time. We’ve also used Zoom and Riverside for a couple of interviews.

DISCOVER PODS: What’s the biggest challenge you face as an indie podcaster?

BERLY: We try to focus on quality content and audio, which has certainly been a learning experience (to say the least). With no training, mentors or a significant budget for outsourcing, Google and Buzzsprout support have been our best friends. However, by far, growing and engaging our audience has been the biggest struggle. We did not have a blog or another platform with existing followers prior to our launch. There are several other podcasts out there, which can make it difficult to stand out and grow from scratch. On the plus side, our interactions with other podcasters have been positive, and we look forward to collaborating more often soon.

Read more: Podcast Hosts Compared: Buzzsprout vs. Libsyn vs. Podbean

DISCOVER PODS: Where do you want to take your podcast?

BERLY: At the moment, we are focusing on our audience. We want to grow our listener base and receive feedback. Tell us what you like about the show and how we can make it better!

DISCOVER PODS: What other podcasts are you listening to now?

BERLY: Astonishing Legends, Crime Junkie, Bitch Sesh, Comic Bookkeepers, What We Do in the Meadow, Dear Chelsea, and Smartless… plus the too-many-to-name true crime podcasts LA has on her list

DISCOVER PODS: Anything else you’d like to add?

BERLY: We’re friendly! Please connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Patreon or Tiktok.

The post Podcast Spotlight: Tipsy Exchange appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

Podcast Spotlight: The First Michael Tue, 24 Aug 2021 20:31:50 +0000 The First Michael is evidence storytelling podcasts live and die on the skills of the host. On its face, its host Michael Buonocore reciting scripted vignettes from his life that relate to an overarching story of his recently being introduced to his remaining biological family, all the while accompanied by friend Lanie Hoyo. Buonocore is […]

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The First Michael is evidence storytelling podcasts live and die on the skills of the host. On its face, its host Michael Buonocore reciting scripted vignettes from his life that relate to an overarching story of his recently being introduced to his remaining biological family, all the while accompanied by friend Lanie Hoyo. Buonocore is a charming host who takes full advantage of his close rapport with Hoyo in every episode, knowing exactly when to twist a story or lean in on a comedic detail for a laugh break. 

In the end it’s a story of mild interest told with the intensity and performance of a one-man show, Buonocore belting jokes to the cheap seats as he incrementally works his way through larger themes of queerness and religion woven into a relatively bog-standard story of meeting biological family. The true twist is Buonocore’s ability to take a concept that could be wrapped up in a 20 minutes and expand it out into an entertaining full miniseries. No ads, minimal segments. It’s a lightweight storytelling podcast that only truly comes up lacking in editing (Buonocore tends to re-read scripted segments if distracted and leaves in the repeated audio) and no transcripts. 

We were fortunate to talk with Buonocore about the podcast, how they differentiate from other podcasts, and their future plans in podcasting. See below for our full Q&A.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify

DISCOVER PODS: How’d you get into podcasting?

BUONOCORE: I love the format and, a couple of years ago, my podcasting partner, Lanie Hoyo and I created a podcast together that had some good elements to it, but overall didn’t work. It helped us understand our strengths as hosts and as a duo, and to create something now that people really enjoy listening to and that we enjoy making. I suspect for a lot of podcasters, it’s important to feel really creatively inspired by your show, because there’s so much other work that goes into it beyond the parts you find fun. It was a gift to have our first effort kind of flop, because it confirmed we love doing it, but we took some great lessons away that helped in the creation of The First Michael.

Read more: These Fiction Podcasts Want Your Stories

DISCOVER PODS: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to The First Michael podcast?

BUONOCORE: Foremost, in my opinion, is that there are really great laughs and it’s just a fun, engaging listen. My story is very specific to me, but there are so many threads of shared humanity in it that all kinds of people find themselves in the stories. It could be that you were adopted, you’re queer, you’re the child of an alcoholic, you grew up feeling like a weirdo, you discovered family secrets… I say in the podcast that we connect to each other and to ourselves through stories. If you love that feeling of sitting around and laughing while you trade stories about crazy things that have happened in your life, you get that in our podcast and you’ll feel like you’re part of what’s happening. It’s also got a fantastic cliffhanger to it.

DISCOVER PODS: What kind of feedback have you heard from your listeners?

BUONOCORE: We were incredibly fortunate that The Moth used a story I told at a live event for their June 8th Pride podcast episode, which came out two days after The First Michael debuted. They encouraged people to go find our show and we heard from a lot of listeners who discovered us because of that. It was pretty magical, because it was amazing publicity, but it also helped us gauge that we were on the right track from the beginning. Indie shows often build their base from their own network of family and friends and it can be harder to get a candid sense of what the world thinks outside your own circle. We debuted with the first four episodes of Season 1, so it gave people the chance to get hooked, and they did.  I work hard to bring a lot of humor into the episodes and, in my opinion, the show gets funnier as we go. People do love the humor in it, but it’s been really wonderful to experience how many people reach out to tell us how touched they are and very often that they cried. A lot. It’s been an interesting dynamic as we market the show to new listeners – how much do we promote the idea that you’ll have a really good cry? One of my favorite compliments from a listener is that they laughed so hard they cried and cried so hard they laughed. Apart from the emotional resonance, people are very invested in the cliffhanger that Season 2 will tackle; it’s really cool to feel like the audience is there with us for the journey. As I do this interview with you, in fact, we’re just a couple of days away from taking a critical next step that will shape our second season.

DISCOVER PODS: Describe your recording set up? What equipment are you using?

BUONOCORE: I’m very fortunate this time around to be able to afford to pay for recording sessions and sound engineering from a local studio called North Rim Studios. It was a huge stressor with the first podcast to deal with the technical side with just our little team. I know for many people, the technology these days isn’t that daunting to deal with, but it sure is for me. We’re now able to add in transition music, edit tightly and indulge my perfectionist tendencies much more easily and it makes for a better show.

DISCOVER PODS: What’s the biggest challenge you face as an indie podcaster?

BUONOCORE: As I mentioned, The Moth gave us a huge boost and we actually cracked the itunes top 100 chart in our first week in the “Arts” category. That effect fades, of course, and you have to hustle constantly to break through the noise and find new listeners. Our audience is incredibly willing to help spread the word, but I still struggle at times that it can feel transactional to say to someone who reaches out because they were moved by the show, “Hey, I’m so glad you like it and please don’t feel any pressure, but if you can do this one or three or five things to help us get the word out, it would be amazing.” Again, people are so gracious, but there is a dissonance for me in creating art that I’m passionate about and then needing to ask people to click “follow” or give us a five-star rating to support it. With that said, if you’re reading this, go follow us everywhere you get your podcasts now! Haha.

DISCOVER PODS: Where do you want to take your podcast?

BUONOCORE: In our Season 1 finale, I invited the audience to give us feedback on what they’d like to see. There’s a narrative arc that drives the first two seasons and the possibility exists that the show could evolve in a number of ways. I just want it to always feel like we’re continuing it in service of good storytelling and not just to keep it going as long as we can.

DISCOVER PODS: What other podcasts are you listening to now?

BUONOCORE: It’s so obvious, but I have to throw love to S-Town. As a storyteller, it’s one of the most beautiful examples of the craft and one of the best pods, period. It also inspires me in relationship to the last question about where to take my podcast: if we stop and The First Michael exists as a story people will still love to discover and binge five or ten years from now, I’ll be thrilled. S-Town is the gold standard.  Las Culturistas is a little pop of joy on my weekend runs. Storytime with Mom and Me is a sweet li’l indie pod that had me on as a guest – it’s so important for us to support each other as scrappy shows trying to find our audience. And of course, eternal love to The Moth, which has supported us from the beginning and is currently planning to run a house ad for us this summer. For such a big production, they are so kind and such down-to-earth people and they put out amazing content.

DISCOVER PODS: Anything else you’d like to add?

BUONOCORE: People love to binge Season 1, y’all! Please check us out and let us know what you think!

The post Podcast Spotlight: The First Michael appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

Podcast Spotlight: The Future of Data Centers Thu, 19 Aug 2021 20:25:04 +0000 The Future of Data Centers does exactly what is printed on the tin. Created by Serverfarm (though, ironically for a data center company it’s hosted on Buzzsprout), the show aims to release three episodes a quarter, each triptych based around a given theme or topic relevant to the industry. On paper this is a hyper-niche […]

The post Podcast Spotlight: The Future of Data Centers appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.

The Future of Data Centers does exactly what is printed on the tin. Created by Serverfarm (though, ironically for a data center company it’s hosted on Buzzsprout), the show aims to release three episodes a quarter, each triptych based around a given theme or topic relevant to the industry. On paper this is a hyper-niche podcast without much interest to the rank and file of the podcast-listening public. There’s no NPR-quirky host interrupting to provide breakdowns of jargon or basic industry concepts. No ad breaks. 

As of this writing the sole series is on sustainability. While caked in professionalism and dry discussions of running data centers, there’s a delicious spice hidden in the hosts’ candor. The Future of Data Centers shines if only for the fact its panelists are unequivocally afraid of calling bullshit when they see it. The term “greenwashing” is bandied about nearly enough to form a drinking game. They punch holes in woo-woo corporate smokescreens used to soften the PR of how much carbon data centers (new and old) can offput. It’s no leftist takedown of corporations performatively attempting to fix the problems they caused, but it’s certainly more level-headed than most business-minded podcasts. Transcripts are not provided.

We were fortunate to talk with Arun Shenoy, SVP of Sales and Marketing for Serverfarm, about the podcast, how they differentiate from other podcasts, and their future plans in podcasting. See below for our full Q&A.

Listen: Spotify

DISCOVER PODS: How’d you get into podcasting?

SHENOY: Along with the rest of the team at Serverfarm, we decided to start a podcast to connect with other industry professionals and provide insight into the key topics that the data center industry is facing. With more and more people turning to podcasts as a source of information, we felt this would be a great channel to deliver our message and have conversations with other global leaders.

DISCOVER PODS: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to The Future of Data Centers?

SHENOY: IT leaders worldwide should lend their ears to this podcast to gain insight into the processes and technologies fueling one of the most vital industries of our lifetime. In the first mini-series, we dive into data center sustainability and how the industry must work together to combat climate change. I think it’s important for organizations to know what measures data center operators are taking to tackle this critical, yet controversial topic.Future topics include (DMaaS) Data Center Management as a Service, Edge and Digital Transformation.

DISCOVER PODS: What kind of feedback have you heard from your listeners?

SHENOY: The feedback has been very positive. Listeners are finding the discussions to be very eye-opening and educational. Industry leaders really enjoyed how Joel Makower of Greenbiz guided the conversation while adding his expertise and thoughts to such an important topic. They’ve also commended the podcast’s diverse cast, each bringing different global perspectives to the episodes. We’ve had subscribers from all over the world, and collectively they like the podcast’s unique format and are intrigued by some of the predictions we’ve provided. Also, there’s been great feedback on the formatting, considering that the entire mini-series can be downloaded on-demand or viewed on YouTube for those who prefer to watch. All seem to be looking forward to the upcoming Edge series.

DISCOVER PODS: Describe your recording setup? What equipment are you using?

SHENOY: Due to the fact that we are recording from so many different locations, we are using Zoom to record. We’re using the Samson Technologies Q2U Dynamic Microphone.

DISCOVER PODS: What’s the biggest challenge you face as an indie podcaster?

SHENOY: The biggest challenge is that there are so many new podcasts hitting the airwaves, especially since the start of the pandemic. It’s a competitive landscape, and podcasts are vying for listeners. So, we must keep our episodes filled with conversations that appeal to our target audience.

DISCOVER PODS: Where do you want to take your podcast?

SHENOY: Our goal is to be the go-to pod for the data center industry, where leaders can openly share their insight into where the sector is headed and how we can come together to mitigate climate change and other critical issues. We hope to build a highly engaged audience and start critical conversations – all while having a bit of fun.

DISCOVER PODS: What other podcasts are you listening to now?

SHENOY: JSA’s Data Movers

Data Center Frontier Show

DCD Talks Podcast Series

DISCOVER PODS: Anything else you’d like to add?

SHENOY: For anyone interested in learning more about the heart of the Internet, the Future of Data Centers is not to be missed. We will launch a new mini-series exploring a different topic each quarter, including DMaaS, Edge and Digital Transformation. Each series will be hosted and moderated by a leading industry influencer or journalist.

The post Podcast Spotlight: The Future of Data Centers appeared first on Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods.
